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SE5023 : Allied glass works, Knottingley by Chris Allen Allied glass works, Knottingley by Chris Allen
geograph for square SE5023
Seen across the Knottingley & Goole Canal.
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SE5023 : Harkers Wharf, Knottingley by Chris Allen Harkers Wharf, Knottingley by Chris Allen
geograph for square SE5023
Beyond is the Allied glass factory that makes bottles/glass containers. It was a... (more)
SE6318 : Knottingley and Goole Canal near Pollington by Graham Hogg Knottingley and Goole Canal near Pollington by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6318
The canal is part of the Aire & Calder Navigation. Here it is also rather... (more)
SE6119 : Pollington swing bridge on the Knottingley & Goole Canal by Graham Hogg Pollington swing bridge on the Knottingley & Goole Canal by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6119
The bridge appears to be disused now, with the footpath it carried diverted to... (more)
SE6218 : The Knottingley & Goole Canal at Crowcroft Bridge - looking east by Graham Hogg The Knottingley & Goole Canal at Crowcroft Bridge - looking east by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6218
The canal is part of the Aire & Calder Navigation. Here it is also rather... (more)
SE6218 : The Knottingley & Goole Canal at Crowcroft Bridge - looking west by Graham Hogg The Knottingley & Goole Canal at Crowcroft Bridge - looking west by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6218
The canal is part of the Aire & Calder Navigation. Here it is also rather... (more)
SE6318 : Site of Balne Croft Lane swingbridge by Graham Hogg Site of Balne Croft Lane swingbridge by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6318
On the Knottingley & Goole Canal
SE6418 : Knottingley and Goole Canal near West Cowick by Graham Hogg Knottingley and Goole Canal near West Cowick by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6418
Part of the Aire & Calder Navigation
SE6620 : Bridge over the Knottingley & Goole Canal by Graham Hogg Bridge over the Knottingley & Goole Canal by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6620
Carrying the A614. The cooling towers of Drax power station can be seen in the distance.
SE6119 : Pollington lock on the Knottingley & Aire Canal by Graham Hogg Pollington lock on the Knottingley & Aire Canal by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6119
This is one of the largest locks on UK waterways. The lock has four sets of... (more)
SE6218 : Greylag goose on the canal by Graham Hogg Greylag goose on the canal by Graham Hogg
for square SE6218
The Knottingley & Aire canal at Pollington
SE6119 : Pollington Lock by Ian S Pollington Lock by Ian S
geograph for square SE6119
Taken from Pollington Swing Bridge.
SE6218 : Crowcroft Bridge by Graham Hogg Crowcroft Bridge by Graham Hogg
for square SE6218
Being used as a diving platform on this very hot afternoon
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