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Showing latest 50 of 672 images tagged with Listed Garden or Park tag.

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SK8932 : The Manor from the gatehouse by Alan Murray-Rust The Manor from the gatehouse by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
Looking up the drive.
SK8932 : Kitchen garden by Alan Murray-Rust Kitchen garden by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
Now given over to lawns and shrub borders. The structures relating to the garden... (more)
SK8932 : Balustrade and gazebo on the western terrace by Alan Murray-Rust Balustrade and gazebo on the western terrace by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
The terrace and its various features including the balustrade and gazebo are... (more)
SK8932 : The south-west front by Alan Murray-Rust The south-west front by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
Viewed from the top of the steps by the Dutch Canal.
SK8932 : You have to imagine the reflection by Alan Murray-Rust You have to imagine the reflection by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
The Manor's guide leaflet to the gardens highlights the reflection of the... (more)
SK8932 : The Dutch Canal by Alan Murray-Rust The Dutch Canal by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
The only stretch of water created in the gardens. Not very obvious in this view... (more)
SK8932 : Pergola in the Italian Garden by Alan Murray-Rust Pergola in the Italian Garden by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
Listed Grade II in its own right.
SK8932 : View of the house from the terraces to the south west by Alan Murray-Rust View of the house from the terraces to the south west by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
The steps to the right lead up to the Italian Garden. They are Listed Grade II... (more)
SK8932 : Bench at the end of the Yew Walk by Alan Murray-Rust Bench at the end of the Yew Walk by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
The bench has been recently installed here as part of the refurbishment of this... (more)
SK8932 : Cupola through the cedar tree by Alan Murray-Rust Cupola through the cedar tree by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
The cedar tree is one of the survivors of a larger group at the back of the Lion... (more)
SK8932 : View from the upper garden levels by Alan Murray-Rust View from the upper garden levels by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
The location of the house on a steep hillside allows for some spectacular views... (more)
SK8932 : View from the upper garden levels by Alan Murray-Rust View from the upper garden levels by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
Its location on a steep hillside allows for some spectacular views of the house.
SK8932 : View of the garden terraces by Alan Murray-Rust View of the garden terraces by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8932
Looking across the conservatory roof from Mrs Van der Elst's study.
SK7954 : Newark Castle Gardens  by Alan Murray-Rust Newark Castle Gardens by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7954
These were promoted as a memorial for Queen Victoria's forthcoming Golden... (more)
SJ8969 : Gawsworth Hall, garden front by Alan Murray-Rust Gawsworth Hall, garden front by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SJ8969
The wing to the right with the chevron studding is the oldest part of the... (more)
SK5439 : Wollaton Park gate, Middleton Boulevard by Alan Murray-Rust Wollaton Park gate, Middleton Boulevard by Alan Murray-Rust
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Part of the redevelopment of Wollaton Park carried out by Nottingham City... (more)
SK7954 : Gilstrap Library  by Alan Murray-Rust Gilstrap Library by Alan Murray-Rust
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William Gilstrap, a local maltster, funded the building in 1882 of a free... (more)
SK3549 : Belper Cemetery chapels by Alan Murray-Rust Belper Cemetery chapels by Alan Murray-Rust
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SK7954 : Trent Bridge Tollhouse  by Alan Murray-Rust Trent Bridge Tollhouse by Alan Murray-Rust
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Built c.1800, with later extensions to house the person responsible for... (more)
SX8265 : Great Ambrook Italian Garden by Derek Harper Great Ambrook Italian Garden by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8265
A path in the listed garden... (more)
SJ5410 : Walled Garden at Attingham Park by David Dixon Walled Garden at Attingham Park by David Dixon
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SJ5410 : Attingham Park, the Walled Garden by David Dixon Attingham Park, the Walled Garden by David Dixon
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SJ5410 : Kitchen Garden, Attingham Park by David Dixon Kitchen Garden, Attingham Park by David Dixon
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SJ5410 : Greenhouse in the Walled Garden at Attingham Park by David Dixon Greenhouse in the Walled Garden at Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5410
SJ5510 : The Berwick Memorial and Garden, Attingham Park by David Dixon The Berwick Memorial and Garden, Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5510
Small garden and memorial dedicated to Thomas Henry Noel-Hill, 8th (and last)... (more)
SJ5510 : Attingham Park, The Berwick Memorial by David Dixon Attingham Park, The Berwick Memorial by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5510
Small garden and memorial dedicated to Thomas Henry Noel-Hill, 8th (and last)... (more)
SJ5509 : Estate Bridge, Attingham Park by David Dixon Estate Bridge, Attingham Park by David Dixon
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This grey sandstone ashlar, single round arch bridge, approximately 120 metres... (more)
SS9615 : Pool Garden, Knightshayes by Derek Harper Pool Garden, Knightshayes by Derek Harper
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The park and garden at Knightshayes Court are grade II* listed... (more)
SJ7387 : Moat and Carriage House at Dunham Massey by David Dixon Moat and Carriage House at Dunham Massey by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ7387
A view of the moat and Dunham Massey Hall, taken from the path leading from the... (more)
SJ7487 : Dunham Massey Deer House by David Dixon Dunham Massey Deer House by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ7487
Dunham has had a herd of deer for hundreds of years. The deer park is the only... (more)
SJ7387 : Dunham Massey, Moat and Carriage House by David Dixon Dunham Massey, Moat and Carriage House by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ7387
According to the list description for the park (list entry 1000853, grade II*... (more)
SD6728 : Victorian Conservatory in Corporation Park by David Dixon Victorian Conservatory in Corporation Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SD6728
Corporation Park is a fine example of a traditional Victorian park close to the... (more)
SJ5410 : The Bothy, Attingham Park by David Dixon The Bothy, Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5410
SJ5410 : Woodland Path at Attingham Park by David Dixon Woodland Path at Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5410
SJ5510 : River Tern Downstream from the Suspension Bridge at Attingham Park by David Dixon River Tern Downstream from the Suspension Bridge at Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5510
SJ5510 : Attingham Park, Suspension Bridge over The River Tern by David Dixon Attingham Park, Suspension Bridge over The River Tern by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5510
The River Tern, which flows through the centre of the estate, joins the larger... (more)
SJ5510 : The Berwick Memorial (detail) by David Dixon The Berwick Memorial (detail) by David Dixon
for square SJ5510
To the memory of THOMAS HENRY EIGHTH LORD BERWICK OF ATTINGHAM 1877 1947... (more)
SJ5510 : Woodland Path at Attingham Park by David Dixon Woodland Path at Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5510
SJ5510 : Pond in Attingham Park by David Dixon Pond in Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5510
SJ5509 : In the Attingham Deer Park by David Dixon In the Attingham Deer Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5509
The Attingham Park estate was landscaped by Humphry Repton and includes... (more)
SJ5509 : Fallow Deer at Attingham Park by David Dixon Fallow Deer at Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5509
The Attingham Park estate was landscaped by Humphry Repton and includes... (more)
SJ5509 : Attingham Park Deer Park by David Dixon Attingham Park Deer Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5509
The Attingham Park estate was landscaped by Humphry Repton and includes... (more)
SJ5509 : The Deer Park by David Dixon The Deer Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5509
The Attingham Park estate was landscaped by Humphry Repton and includes... (more)
SJ5509 : Gate to the Deer Park at Attingham Park by David Dixon Gate to the Deer Park at Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5509
The Attingham Park estate was landscaped by Humphry Repton and includes... (more)
SJ5509 : Attingham Park, River Tern by David Dixon Attingham Park, River Tern by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5509
The River Tern, which flows through the centre of the estate, joins the larger... (more)
SJ5509 : River Tern, Attingham Park by David Dixon River Tern, Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5509
The River Tern, which flows through the centre of the estate, joins the larger... (more)
SJ5409 : Gate to the Driveway at Attingham Park by David Dixon Gate to the Driveway at Attingham Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5409
SE4017 : Bronze statue on the fountain by Alan Murray-Rust Bronze statue on the fountain by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SE4017
In the centre of the formal rose garden at Nostell Priory. Probably late 18th... (more)
SX8265 : Stone seat, Great Ambrook Italian Garden by Derek Harper Stone seat, Great Ambrook Italian Garden by Derek Harper
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At the end of a sunbathing area beside the swimming pool SX8265 : Swimming pool, Great Ambrook Italian Garden. Doubtless... (more)
SX8265 : Plunge pool. Tennis Pavilion, Great Ambrook Italian Garden by Derek Harper Plunge pool. Tennis Pavilion, Great Ambrook Italian Garden by Derek Harper
for square SX8265
From the top of the steps shown in SX8265 : Steps, Tennis Pavilion, Great Ambrook Italian Garden. "At the centre of the... (more)
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