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Showing latest 50 of 146 images tagged with River Lock tag.

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TL4559 : Jesus Lock, Cambridge by Stephen Craven Jesus Lock, Cambridge by Stephen Craven
for square TL4559
The lock bypasses a weir. Along with the footbridge that crosses them, they are... (more)
SU9677 : Lock Keepers' Hut, Romney Lock by David Dixon Lock Keepers' Hut, Romney Lock by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9677
Romney Lock is on the Windsor side of the river next to a boatyard and adjoins... (more)
SU9677 : Looking into Romney Lock from the Windsor Side by David Dixon Looking into Romney Lock from the Windsor Side by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9677
Romney Lock is on the Windsor side of the river next to a boatyard and adjoins... (more)
SU9974 : Old Windsor Lock by David Dixon Old Windsor Lock by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9974
The lower gates to Old Windsor Lock on the River Thames. The lock marks the... (more)
SU9974 : Old Windsor Lock, River Thames by David Dixon Old Windsor Lock, River Thames by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9974
The lower gates to Old Windsor Lock on the River Thames. The lock marks the... (more)
SU9974 : River Thames, Old Windsor Lock by David Dixon River Thames, Old Windsor Lock by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9974
The lower gates to Old Windsor Lock on the River Thames. The lock marks the... (more)
SO8269 : In Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd In Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
Looking upstream from Lincomb Lock south-east of Stourport. The lock gates are... (more)
SO8269 : In Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd In Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
Looking upstream from Lincomb Lock south-east of Stourport. The lock gates are... (more)
SU2299 : Boat entering St. John's Lock, Lechlade-on-Thames, Glos by P L Chadwick Boat entering St. John's Lock, Lechlade-on-Thames, Glos by P L Chadwick
geograph for square SU2299
The boat entering the lock is called "Tamesis II". St. John's... (more)
SU9777 : Romney Lock and Waterworks by David Dixon Romney Lock and Waterworks by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9777
Romney Lock is on the Windsor side of the river next to a boatyard and adjoins... (more)
SU9974 : Lock Keeper's Hut, Old Windsor by David Dixon Lock Keeper's Hut, Old Windsor by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9974
The lock at Old Windsor marks the start of the New Cut, built in 1822 by the... (more)
SU9974 : River Thames Below Old Windsor Lock by David Dixon River Thames Below Old Windsor Lock by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9974
Two river cruisers moored at Old Windsor, waiting to pass through Old Windsor... (more)
SO8269 : Lincomb Lock south-east of Stourport, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd Lincomb Lock south-east of Stourport, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
Looking upstream, the lock gates have been opened electrically by the lock... (more)
SK5023 : Zouch cut to Zouch Lock by Richard Croft Zouch cut to Zouch Lock by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK5023
View from the footbridge to Zouch Lock on Zouch Cut on the River Soar
SU9677 : Leaving Romney Lock, Heading for Windsor by David Dixon Leaving Romney Lock, Heading for Windsor by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9677
Romney Lock is on the Windsor side of the river next to a boatyard and adjoins... (more)
SU9974 : Old Windsor Lock by David Dixon Old Windsor Lock by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9974
The lock at Old Windsor marks the start of the New Cut, built in 1822 by the... (more)
SO8269 : In Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd In Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
Top gates. The water level is almost up to that of the river above the lock. See... (more)
SJ5184 : Sankey Canal, Lock at Spike Island by David Dixon Sankey Canal, Lock at Spike Island by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ5184
Widnes Lock at Spike Island is where the Sankey Canal joins the tidal River... (more)
Tags: CanalX   Canal LockX   top:CanalsX   Lock GateX   RiverX   River Lock   river:River MerseyX   canal:Sankey CanalX   canal:St Helens CanalX  
SK7953 : Newark Town Lock by Alan Murray-Rust Newark Town Lock by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7953
A narrowboat enters to top of the lock. The lock can be operated by boaters with... (more)
SJ6275 : Approaching Saltersford Locks – 1980 by Alan Murray-Rust Approaching Saltersford Locks – 1980 by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SJ6275
The Weaver Navigation was one of the larger-size waterways, enabling coasting... (more)
SE5944 : Naburn Lock, River Ouse by Christine Johnstone Naburn Lock, River Ouse by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5944
The shorter parallel lock is no longer used.
Tags: top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   subject:LockX   place:NaburnX   Naburn LocksX   Navigable RiverX   Normal Tidal Limit (NTL)X   river:OuseX   river:Ouse (Yorkshire)X   River Lock   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   Wide LockX   river ouse:YorkshireX  
SO8269 : In Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd In Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
Top gates. Maximum boat size for the locks from Worcester to Stourport is 90... (more)
SO8269 : Entering Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd Entering Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
The locks are operated electrically by a lock keeper who monitors and records... (more)
SO8269 : Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
Looking upstream. The gates are open and the green light is showing. The locks... (more)
SO8269 : Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
Looking upstream. The gates are open and the green light is showing. The locks... (more)
SO8269 : Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger  D Kidd Lincomb Lock, Worcestershire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SO8269
Looking upstream. The gates are open and the green light is showing. The locks... (more)
SJ5876 : Dutton Locks, River Weaver, from the south-west by Christine Johnstone Dutton Locks, River Weaver, from the south-west by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5876
Two parallel locks of different sizes. The bigger one [south side] is generally... (more)
SJ5876 : River Weaver, below Dutton Locks by Christine Johnstone River Weaver, below Dutton Locks by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5876
Seen from a boat about to leave the wider lock
SK8061 : Cromwell Lock by Richard Croft Cromwell Lock by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK8061
Lock control tower beside Cromwell Lock
SU9974 : River Cruiser Entering Windsor Old Lock by David Dixon River Cruiser Entering Windsor Old Lock by David Dixon
geograph for square SU9974
Thames river cruiser "The Lady Margaret Anne" enters the lock at Old Windsor.
TF5801 : Salters Lode Lock (2006) by Rose and Trev Clough Salters Lode Lock (2006) by Rose and Trev Clough
geograph for square TF5801
The lock provides a connection between the River Great Ouse (tidal at this... (more)
SJ5876 : Entering Dutton Lock by Chris Allen Entering Dutton Lock by Chris Allen
geograph for square SJ5876
On the navigable River Weaver. Note the disused railway type signals on the... (more)
Tags: county:CheshireX   place:Dutton LocksX   type:GeographX   River Lock   river:River WeaverX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX  
TA0749 : Hempholme  Lock  and  River  Hull by Martin Dawes Hempholme Lock and River Hull by Martin Dawes
geograph for square TA0749
The River Hull is tidal from this lock down to the River Humber, to the left of... (more)
TQ1568 : Molesey Lock on the River Thames, East Molesey by Jaggery Molesey Lock on the River Thames, East Molesey by Jaggery
geograph for square TQ1568
Located 200 metres upstream from Hampton Court Bridge, the lock was built for... (more)
SE3032 : Lock entrance, Aire and Calder Navigation  by Stephen Craven Lock entrance, Aire and Calder Navigation by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE3032
A single lock gate gives entrance to a basin, beyond which it seems there were... (more)
SJ5876 : The wider Dutton Lock, River Weaver by Christine Johnstone The wider Dutton Lock, River Weaver by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ5876
Seen from a boat descending. There are two parallel locks, one wider than the other.
Tags: top:CanalsX   place:Dutton LocksX   type:GeographX   subject:LockX   Navigable RiverX   River Lock   river:WeaverX   Weaver NavigationX   Wide LockX  
SJ6275 : Saltersford Locks No 3, River Weaver, from the east by Christine Johnstone Saltersford Locks No 3, River Weaver, from the east by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6275
Two parallel locks, one wider, one narrower. One of the top gates on the wider... (more)
SE5944 : CRT workboat in Naburn Lock, River Ouse by Christine Johnstone CRT workboat in Naburn Lock, River Ouse by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5944
The shorter of the two parallel locks is no longer used.
SE5944 : Workboat entering Naburn Lock on the River Ouse by Christine Johnstone Workboat entering Naburn Lock on the River Ouse by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE5944
The lock and weir form the normal tidal limit on the river.
SK7953 : Town Lock by Richard Croft Town Lock by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK7953
On the right are the two older and now obsolete locks of 1772 and 1808, both... (more)
TQ0469 : Penton Hook lock by Alan Hunt Penton Hook lock by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0469
The upper gates of this lock designed to allow sizeable vessels to progress... (more)
SE6828 : River lock at Barmby Tidal Barrage by Graham Hogg River lock at Barmby Tidal Barrage by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SE6828
Barmby Barrage stops the saline water of the Ouse from contaminating the fresh... (more)
TF0294 : Harlam Hill Lock by Richard Croft Harlam Hill Lock by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF0294
Disused lock on the River Ancholme by Sir John Rennie in 1827, restored in 2004,... (more)
TF0294 : Harlam Hill Lock by Richard Croft Harlam Hill Lock by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF0294
Disused lock on the River Ancholme by Sir John Rennie in 1827, restored in 2004,... (more)
TF0294 : Harlam Hill Lock by Richard Croft Harlam Hill Lock by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF0294
Disused lock on the River Ancholme by Sir John Rennie in 1827, restored in 2004,... (more)
TF1070 : Bardney Lock by Richard Croft Bardney Lock by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF1070
A boat passes through Bardney Lock on the River Witham Note the swingbridge... (more)
SJ5876 : Lock keeper, Dutton Locks, Weaver Navigation by Chris Allen Lock keeper, Dutton Locks, Weaver Navigation by Chris Allen
geograph for square SJ5876
Seen from the ST Daniel Adamson.
SO9946 : Fladbury Lock by Chris Allen Fladbury Lock by Chris Allen
geograph for square SO9946
On the navigable River Avon in Worcestershire. The river was in flood and the... (more)
SK8061 : Cromwell Lock by Richard Croft Cromwell Lock by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK8061
Cromwell Lock and weir on the River Trent, seen from the Langford side of the river
SJ6275 : The wider Saltersford Lock, River Weaver by Christine Johnstone The wider Saltersford Lock, River Weaver by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ6275
There are two parallel locks, one wider, one narrower.
Tags: top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   subject:LockX   River Lock   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   river:WeaverX   Weaver NavigationX   Wide LockX  
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