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NU1224 : Wind turbine under construction, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Wind turbine under construction, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
for square NU1224
A wind turbine (I think number 6) at Wandylaw Wind Farm is in middle of being... (more)
NU1225 : Turbine 7, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Turbine 7, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1225
Looking across open access land on Wandylaw Moor towards turbine number 7 of the... (more)
NU1324 : Turbine number 3, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Turbine number 3, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1324
Looking across Wandylaw Moor towards turbine number 3 of the Wandlaw Wind Farm... (more)
NU1225 : Looking north west across Wandylaw Moor by Graham Robson Looking north west across Wandylaw Moor by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1225
Looking across north west across Wandylaw Moor. Turbine 7 of the Wandylaw wind... (more)
NU1324 : Turbine 2, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Turbine 2, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1324
Turbine number 2 of the still under construction Wandylaw Wind Farm development.... (more)
NU1424 : Control building for Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Control building for Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1424
The control building for Wandylaw Wind Farm sits adjacent to the sites... (more)
NU1424 : Wandylaw Wind Farm substation by Graham Robson Wandylaw Wind Farm substation by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1424
Any power produced by the Wandylaw Wind Farm is routed through this substation... (more)
NU1324 : Wind farm access track on Wandylaw Bog by Graham Robson Wind farm access track on Wandylaw Bog by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1324
An access track has been built to provide access around the Wandylaw Wind Farm... (more)
NU1325 : Looking south across Wandylaw Moor by Graham Robson Looking south across Wandylaw Moor by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1325
Looking south across the heathery expanse of Wandylaw Moor. Part of the still... (more)
NU1324 : Wandylaw and Middlemoor wind farms by Graham Robson Wandylaw and Middlemoor wind farms by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1324
Looking over the moor at the numerous turbines belonging to the Wandylaw and... (more)
NU1424 : Turbine 1, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Turbine 1, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
for square NU1424
The top section of Turbine Number 1 at Wandylaw Wind Farm. The development... (more)
NU1325 : Wind farm access road, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Wind farm access road, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1325
A section of the road built to allow vehicular access around Wandylaw Wind Farm,... (more)
NU1325 : Base of turbine 5, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Base of turbine 5, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1325
Looking at the base of turbine 5, Wandylaw Wind Farm. The wind farm is being... (more)
NU1325 : Wind farm access road, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Wind farm access road, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1325
A section of recently built road providing access around the site of Wandylaw... (more)
NU1324 : Turbine 2, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Turbine 2, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1324
Looking along an access track towards Turbine 2 of the Wandylaw Wind Farm... (more)
NU1325 : Turbine 4, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Turbine 4, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
for square NU1325
Looking at turbine number 4, one of ten 125 metre tall turbines which will make... (more)
NU1324 : Looking towards a plantation on Wandylaw Moor by Graham Robson Looking towards a plantation on Wandylaw Moor by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1324
Looking uphill towards a plantation on Wandylaw Moor. Four turbines of the... (more)
NU1126 : Looking south from Longstone Hill by Graham Robson Looking south from Longstone Hill by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1126
Looking south from the summit of Longstone Hill towards Rosebrough Moor and the... (more)
NU1325 : Base of turbine 5 and cabin, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson Base of turbine 5 and cabin, Wandylaw Wind Farm by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1325
Looking at the base of turbine 5 and an associated cabin. I presume the cabin... (more)
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