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TF1604 : Period Daily Chronicle advertising sign at The Ploughman, Werrington by Paul Bryan Period Daily Chronicle advertising sign at The Ploughman, Werrington by Paul Bryan
for square TF1604
This period enamel sign advertising the Daily Chronicle newspaper is on display... (more)
TF1604 : Period Morris Minor advertising sign at The Ploughman, Werrington by Paul Bryan Period Morris Minor advertising sign at The Ploughman, Werrington by Paul Bryan
for square TF1604
This period enamel sign advertising Morris Minor cars is on display at The... (more)
TF1604 : Period BP Motor Spirit advertising sign at The Ploughman, Werrington by Paul Bryan Period BP Motor Spirit advertising sign at The Ploughman, Werrington by Paul Bryan
for square TF1604
This period enamel sign for motor spirit manufactured by British Petroleum is on... (more)
TQ3276 : Don't be vague ask for Haig by PAUL FARMER Don't be vague ask for Haig by PAUL FARMER
for square TQ3276
Category: Advertising sign (disused)
Ghost sign in Milkwell Yard Camberwell
SK5902 : Parkinsons Pills (1848) by Ian Paterson Parkinsons Pills (1848) by Ian Paterson
geograph for square SK5902
Ancient advertisement on side of property at the corner of Lorne Road and Avenue... (more)
TQ3279 : Ghost-sign, Borough High Street by Christopher Hilton Ghost-sign, Borough High Street by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3279
The sign reads: 'The "Monster" Ready Made & Bespoke Clothing... (more)
TQ2873 : Balham: Roberts Ekcovision advertisement, from the station by Christopher Hilton Balham: Roberts Ekcovision advertisement, from the station by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ2873
Taken from a down train on platform 1. The lettering looks at least 40 years... (more)
SK3587 : Ghost-sign, Pinstone Street, Sheffield by Christopher Hilton Ghost-sign, Pinstone Street, Sheffield by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SK3587
SS9974 : Advertising Sign in Arcade - off High Street by Betty Longbottom Advertising Sign in Arcade - off High Street by Betty Longbottom
for square SS9974
SJ5044 : Advertising signs at Hill Top Farm by Ian S Advertising signs at Hill Top Farm by Ian S
geograph for square SJ5044
SE1531 : Old advertisement on Little Horton Lane, Bradford by Ian S Old advertisement on Little Horton Lane, Bradford by Ian S
geograph for square SE1531
ST7565 : Best Sunday Paper by HelenK Best Sunday Paper by HelenK
for square ST7565
This metal advertisement is now (like many old advertisements in Bath) obsolete,... (more)
TQ3383 : Ghost-sign, Bloom's Pianos, Kingsland Road: detail by Christopher Hilton Ghost-sign, Bloom's Pianos, Kingsland Road: detail by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3383
Visible in the bottom right, a credit for the sign-writer: something I've... (more)
SU4829 : Junction of North Walls and Upper Brook Street by Graham Horn Junction of North Walls and Upper Brook Street by Graham Horn
geograph for square SU4829
This building was presumably a former grocer's shop, judging by the Nestles... (more)
TQ3383 : Gable end, Kingsland Road, Shoreditch by Peter Barr Gable end, Kingsland Road, Shoreditch by Peter Barr
for square TQ3383
Advertising the Perfection of Blooms' Pianos.
TL3874 : House in Cook's Drive by Tiger House in Cook's Drive by Tiger
geograph for square TL3874
The gable end displays an old advertising plaque for Woodbine "the great... (more)
TQ3177 : Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3177
TQ3177 : South Island Place, off Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton South Island Place, off Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3177
TQ3177 : South Island Place, off Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton South Island Place, off Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3177
TQ3177 : South Island Place, off Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton South Island Place, off Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3177
TQ3389 : "Hovis" sign, Philip Lane, South Tottenham by Jim Osley "Hovis" sign, Philip Lane, South Tottenham by Jim Osley
for square TQ3389
TQ3383 : Ghost-sign, Bloom's Pianos, Kingsland Road by Christopher Hilton Ghost-sign, Bloom's Pianos, Kingsland Road by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3383
On the end of 134 Kingsland Road, overlooking the garden of the Geffrye Museum.
TQ3482 : Bethnal Green Road, E2: ghost-sign and later addition by Christopher Hilton Bethnal Green Road, E2: ghost-sign and later addition by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3482
ST7813 : Stour Flour by Des Blenkinsopp Stour Flour by Des Blenkinsopp
for square ST7813
This nice old sign is tucked away in one of the attics in the mill.
TQ2881 : Paddington St, W1: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton Paddington St, W1: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ2881
TQ3177 : Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton Brixton Road: ghost-sign by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3177
SO8318 : Ghost-sign, Berkeley Street, Gloucester by Christopher Hilton Ghost-sign, Berkeley Street, Gloucester by Christopher Hilton
for square SO8318
"Letterpress and Copperplate Printer".
SO6204 : Fry's Five Boys by Mary and Angus Hogg Fry's Five Boys by Mary and Angus Hogg
for square SO6204
This advert took me back a long time. I remember it well but couldn't quite... (more)
SO6204 : Fry's Five Girls by Mary and Angus Hogg Fry's Five Girls by Mary and Angus Hogg
for square SO6204
I don't recall this advert from my childhood. It seems to be an early... (more)
TA2927 : Trade  Plate  on  house  wall  East  End by Martin Dawes Trade Plate on house wall East End by Martin Dawes
for square TA2927
This house is called New Forge the next Old Forge.
SO8218 : Gloucester: converted warehouse by the Severn by Christopher Hilton Gloucester: converted warehouse by the Severn by Christopher Hilton
for square SO8218
Formerly, presumably, a commercial or light industrial building linked with the... (more)
SO8218 : Gloucester: converted warehouse by the Severn by Christopher Hilton Gloucester: converted warehouse by the Severn by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SO8218
Formerly, presumably, a commercial or light industrial building linked with the... (more)
SP3378 : Sweet singing in the Ricoh by A J Paxton Sweet singing in the Ricoh by A J Paxton
for square SP3378
The illuminated letters that once spelled RICOH on the Ricoh Arena in Coventry... (more)
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