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SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal - Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal - Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by David Dixon
for square SD7807
The overgrown canal is an ideal habitat for moorhens, providing still freshwater... (more)
SD7807 : Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) on Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) on Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
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The overgrown canal is an ideal habitat for moorhens, providing still freshwater... (more)
SD7807 : Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by David Dixon Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by David Dixon
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The overgrown canal is an ideal habitat for moorhens, providing still freshwater... (more)
SD7706 : Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by David Dixon Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by David Dixon
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The overgrown canal between Radcliffe and Little Lever is an ideal habitat for... (more)
SD7706 : Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by David Dixon Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by David Dixon
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The overgrown canal between Radcliffe and Little Lever is an ideal habitat for... (more)
SD7809 : Water Birds at Elton Reservoir by David Dixon Water Birds at Elton Reservoir by David Dixon
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The water level in the reservoir is depleted following the long spell of dry... (more)
SD7807 : Juvenile Coots on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon Juvenile Coots on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon
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Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail)... (more)
SD7707 : Coot on Redbank Lodge by David Dixon Coot on Redbank Lodge by David Dixon
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Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail)... (more)
SD7807 : Coot with 2 Chicks on the Nest by David Dixon Coot with 2 Chicks on the Nest by David Dixon
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Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail)... (more)
SD7707 : New Arrival by David Dixon New Arrival by David Dixon
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Adult supervising a newly-hatched coot chick which is less than 1 day old.... (more)
SD7807 : Adult and Juvenile Coots, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Adult and Juvenile Coots, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
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Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail)... (more)
SD7807 : Coots on Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Coots on Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
for square SD7807
Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail)... (more)
SD7807 : Coot Family by David Dixon Coot Family by David Dixon
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An adult coot with two chicks at the winding hole on the Manchester, Bolton and... (more)
SD7807 : Young Coots on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Young Coots on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
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Two coot chicks, approximately 2 weeks old, at the side of the canal near the... (more)
SD7807 : Group of Coots on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Group of Coots on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
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An adult coot with three (approximately 9 days-old) chicks at the winding hole... (more)
SD7807 : Feeding Time by David Dixon Feeding Time by David Dixon
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A coot brings food for one of its recently hatched chicks. Coots are... (more)
SD7807 : Two Coots (Fulica atra) on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Two Coots (Fulica atra) on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
for square SD7807
Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail)... (more)
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Adult and Young Coot (Fulica atra) at Radcliffe by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Adult and Young Coot (Fulica atra) at Radcliffe by David Dixon
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Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail)... (more)
SD7807 : Coots (Fulica atra) on the Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon Coots (Fulica atra) on the Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon
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Coots are medium-sized water birds that are members of the Rallidae (rail)... (more)
SD7808 : Geese at Elton Reservoir by David Dixon Geese at Elton Reservoir by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7808
The water level in the reservoir is depleted following the long spell of dry... (more)
SD7909 : Elton Reservoir by David Dixon Elton Reservoir by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7909
The water level in the reservoir is depleted following the long spell of dry... (more)
SD7807 : Coot Chick on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Coot Chick on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
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Now just over three weeks old, the chick has lost the orange tips to its plumage... (more)
SD7807 : Young Coot at the Side of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Young Coot at the Side of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
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A young coot standing on the north bank of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal... (more)
SD7807 : Immature Coot; Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Immature Coot; Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
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A young coot amongst the reeds on the north bank of the Manchester, Bolton and... (more)
SD7807 : Coot on the Canal by David Dixon Coot on the Canal by David Dixon
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All-black and larger than moorhens, coots have a distinctive white beak and... (more)
SD7807 : Coots by David Dixon Coots by David Dixon
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An adult coot feeding a young chick. Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe.
SD7807 : Coot Chicks by David Dixon Coot Chicks by David Dixon
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Two coot chicks on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe.
SD7807 : Coot with Chicks by David Dixon Coot with Chicks by David Dixon
for square SD7807
An adult coot with three chicks on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe.
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