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Showing latest 50 of 1,143 images tagged with Bales tag.

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SK3248 : Wrapped hay bales in a field by Ian Calderwood Wrapped hay bales in a field by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK3248
TF1406 : Bringing in the harvested straw bales, Etton by Paul Bryan Bringing in the harvested straw bales, Etton by Paul Bryan
geograph for square TF1406
These bales of straw were being transported by tractor and trailer along Main... (more)
J5870 : Coronavirus message, Ballyboley by Rossographer Coronavirus message, Ballyboley by Rossographer
geograph for square J5870
Wrapped silage bales, painted and with messages related to the Coronavirus... (more)
SU3096 : Baling straw near Littleworth by Vieve Forward Baling straw near Littleworth by Vieve Forward
geograph for square SU3096
The field has been harvested, and now the vehicle on the right is baling the... (more)
SK8731 : Unauthorised access blocked by bales by Christine Johnstone Unauthorised access blocked by bales by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK8731
Straw bales blocking a gap in the hedge on the west side of the road running... (more)
TA0617 : Bale Stack in Old Quarry by David Wright Bale Stack in Old Quarry by David Wright
geograph for square TA0617
I calculate that this stack contains almost three thousand bales.
TA0823 : Bales by David Wright Bales by David Wright
geograph for square TA0823
Bales awaiting collection.
SK1158 : Wrapped hay bales in a field by Ian Calderwood Wrapped hay bales in a field by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK1158
Awaiting collection and storage.
J4870 : Straw bales near Scrabo by Rossographer Straw bales near Scrabo by Rossographer
geograph for square J4870
Rolled straw bales beneath Scrabo Tower between Comber and Newtownards.
NX9655 : Stack of bales, West Preston by Christine Johnstone Stack of bales, West Preston by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NX9655
On the north side of the road from Loaningfoot.
SK2332 : Hay bale pyramid by Ian Calderwood Hay bale pyramid by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK2332
A small pyramid of wrapped hay bales on a patch of rough ground where... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   type:GeographX   Hay BaleX   Hay BalesX   former:SpinneyX   former:WoodX   Wrapped Hay BalesX  
NY9538 : Many-coloured silage bales by Trevor Littlewood Many-coloured silage bales by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NY9538
The baling of silage was originally in black plastic sheeting. Then came green -... (more)
SE3426 : Wrapped bales near Dungeon Lane Farm by Christine Johnstone Wrapped bales near Dungeon Lane Farm by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3426
East-bound traffic on the M62 is just visible about 600 metres away.
SS0199 : Bales in a field above Lamphey by Philip Halling Bales in a field above Lamphey by Philip Halling
geograph for square SS0199
When I took this picture of bales in a field on a hillside to the south of... (more)
SO8133 : Straw bales and Pendock Church by Philip Halling Straw bales and Pendock Church by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8133
Category: Bales
Round straw bales in a field beside Pendock church.
SK4548 : Stacked bales at Cockerhouse Farm by Ian Calderwood Stacked bales at Cockerhouse Farm by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK4548
SK3351 : Hay bales in a field at Hitchen Holes by Ian Calderwood Hay bales in a field at Hitchen Holes by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK3351
SK2517 : Fresh hay bales by Ian Calderwood Fresh hay bales by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK2517
A collection of this season's hay bales in the corner of a field.
SO7828 : Round straw bales by Philip Halling Round straw bales by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO7828
Round straw bales in a harvested field near Corse House Farm.
SO8542 : Straw bale by Philip Halling Straw bale by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8542
A straw bale decorated as aa Easter chicken. On the skyline is another couple... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   FieldX   type:GeographX   Straw BaleX  
SO6929 : A stack of hay bales by Philip Halling A stack of hay bales by Philip Halling
for square SO6929
A stack of large round hay bales near Timberhill Farm.
Tags: subject:BaleX   Bales   type:Close LookX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   Hay BalesX  
SO8843 : Hay bales and cattle by Philip Halling Hay bales and cattle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8843
Hay bales and cattle in Croome Park south of Croome Court.
SO8843 : Hay bales in Croome Park by Philip Halling Hay bales in Croome Park by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8843
A line of old hay bales in Croome Park to the south of Croome Court.
SO8844 : Hay bales in Croome Park by Philip Halling Hay bales in Croome Park by Philip Halling
for square SO8844
A line of old hay bales in Croome Park to the south of Croome Court.
SO8844 : Hay bales in Croome Park by Philip Halling Hay bales in Croome Park by Philip Halling
for square SO8844
A line of old hay bales in Croome Park to the south of Croome Court.
SO7444 : Hay bales in a field by Philip Halling Hay bales in a field by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO7444
Hay bales in a field at Ham Green.
Tags: subject:BaleX   Bales   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   FieldX   type:GeographX   Hay BalesX  
SE6426 : Straw bales at Camblesforth by Trevor Littlewood Straw bales at Camblesforth by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square SE6426
The bales are at a farm north of Camblesforth. Silage is usually wrapped in... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   type:GeographX   top:LowlandsX   Straw BalesX  
SO8739 : Round bales near Naunton by Philip Halling Round bales near Naunton by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8739
A field of round straw bales near the village of Naunton.
SO8938 : Straw bale in a wheat field by Philip Halling Straw bale in a wheat field by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8938
A large square straw bale in a large arable field which is currently being... (more)
NT8958 : Barn and bales, Blackburn Farm by Oliver Dixon Barn and bales, Blackburn Farm by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square NT8958
Tall piles of square bales which at this farm appear to be preferred to the... (more)
TA0518 : Loading Bales by David Wright Loading Bales by David Wright
geograph for square TA0518
JCB loading bales near Barrow Wold Farm.
NZ0258 : Bales, pink and black by Trevor Littlewood Bales, pink and black by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ0258
Bales of silage are to be seen all over the British countryside. Generally the... (more)
TF0823 : Straw bales at Hanthorpe, near Bourne, Lincolnshire by Rex Needle Straw bales at Hanthorpe, near Bourne, Lincolnshire by Rex Needle
geograph for square TF0823
When the combines have left the job of baling and collecting of the straw for... (more)
SU4202 : King's Copse Inclosure, bales by Mike Faherty King's Copse Inclosure, bales by Mike Faherty
geograph for square SU4202
Heather bales cut in a mowing programme, presumably awaiting re-use to... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   Bales   Heather BalesX   top:LowlandsX   top:Woodland, ForestX  
J3267 : Bales near the Giant's Ring, Belfast - August 2014(4) by Albert Bridge Bales near the Giant's Ring, Belfast - August 2014(4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3267
Baled straw, in a field, on the northern side of the Giant’s Ring path
J3267 : Bales near the Giant's Ring, Belfast - August 2014(3) by Albert Bridge Bales near the Giant's Ring, Belfast - August 2014(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3267
Baled straw, in a field, on the northern side of the Giant’s Ring path
J3267 : Bales near the Giant's Ring, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Bales near the Giant's Ring, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3267
Baled straw, in a field, on the northern side of the Giant’s Ring path
J3267 : Bales near the Giant's Ring, Belfast - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Bales near the Giant's Ring, Belfast - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3267
Baled straw, in a field, on the northern side of the Giant’s Ring path
SU1914 : Pitts Wood, heather bales by Mike Faherty Pitts Wood, heather bales by Mike Faherty
geograph for square SU1914
Areas of heather are cut every few years to encourage new growth; cut heather is... (more)
NT6521 : Bale wrapping in progress (3) by Oliver Dixon Bale wrapping in progress (3) by Oliver Dixon
for square NT6521
A brilliant example of farm mechanization. The bale wrapper is unmanned, and... (more)
NT6521 : Bale wrapping in progress (2) by Oliver Dixon Bale wrapping in progress (2) by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square NT6521
A brilliant example of farm mechanization. The bale wrapper gets on with its... (more)
NT6521 : Bale wrapping in progress (1) by Oliver Dixon Bale wrapping in progress (1) by Oliver Dixon
for square NT6521
A brilliant example of farm mechanisation. The tractor is delivering a bale to... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   BalerX   Bales   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   TractorX  
SK3355 : Gathering the harvest by Graham Horn Gathering the harvest by Graham Horn
geograph for square SK3355
The field has been cut, and the tractor driver has collected the cut grass for... (more)
SK3355 : Gathering the harvest by Graham Horn Gathering the harvest by Graham Horn
geograph for square SK3355
The field has been cut, and the tractor driver has collected the cut grass for... (more)
SE4544 : Straw bales at Adaman Graves by Christine Johnstone Straw bales at Adaman Graves by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE4544
I cannot find out what this strange place name means. It is just east of the... (more)
SO1950 : Bales of bracken by Philip Halling Bales of bracken by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO1950
Old bales of bracken on Newchurch Hill. Farmers bale up some old bracken and... (more)
NY8346 : Bales - wrapped and unwrapped by Trevor Littlewood Bales - wrapped and unwrapped by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NY8346
The bales are either of straw or grass - surely in this upland area most likely... (more)
J5278 : Bales near Bangor by Rossographer Bales near Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5278
Rolled bales awaiting collection in a field south of Bangor.
SU3096 : Baling straw near Littleworth by Vieve Forward Baling straw near Littleworth by Vieve Forward
geograph for square SU3096
TM3952 : Wheat field south of Tunstall Forest by Christopher Hilton Wheat field south of Tunstall Forest by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TM3952
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