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Showing latest 50 of 223 images tagged with birds:Canada Geese tag.

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TF4750 : Nature's fly-past by Ian Paterson Nature's fly-past by Ian Paterson
geograph for square TF4750
A gaggle (or is it a skein) of geese fly past the observation tower. They came... (more)
SJ8397 : Hungry geese by Ian Paterson Hungry geese by Ian Paterson
geograph for square SJ8397
Several Canada Geese (or is it Gooses) were bold enough to paddle up to the bank... (more)
Tags: birds:Canada Geese   Canada GeeseX   Canada GooseX   bird:Canada GooseX   subject:CanalX   top:CanalsX  
TQ3568 : The lake, South Norwood Country Park, winter evening by Christopher Hilton The lake, South Norwood Country Park, winter evening by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3568
The lights in the distance show the location of Elmers End station. In the... (more)
SD7808 : Canada Geese by David Dixon Canada Geese by David Dixon
for square SD7808
A pair of Canada Geese on the bank of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at... (more)
TV5199 : Two Canada Geese on the inner bank of a meander by Andrew Diack Two Canada Geese on the inner bank of a meander by Andrew Diack
geograph for square TV5199
This photo shows a pair of Canada Geese on the inner bank of a meander at... (more)
SK6380 : Large flock of geese in the Ryton valley by Christine Johnstone Large flock of geese in the Ryton valley by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK6380
Almost all Canada geese.
SJ8244 : Canada Goose family by the top pool at Keele University by Jonathan Hutchins Canada Goose family by the top pool at Keele University by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ8244
SK2452 : Canada geese in a field at Carsington Water by Ian Calderwood Canada geese in a field at Carsington Water by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK2452
NZ5022 : Canada Geese at RSPB Saltholme by Oliver Dixon Canada Geese at RSPB Saltholme by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square NZ5022
In the foreground some of the many Canada Geese which frequent the RSPB... (more)
NZ5022 : Two Canada Geese on West Saltholme Pool by Oliver Dixon Two Canada Geese on West Saltholme Pool by Oliver Dixon
for square NZ5022
On the RSPB Saltholme Bird Reserve.
SD7707 : Angry Birds (4) by David Dixon Angry Birds (4) by David Dixon
for square SD7707
Whilst walking along the canal towpath, we came across these two geese having... (more)
SD7707 : Angry Birds (3) by David Dixon Angry Birds (3) by David Dixon
for square SD7707
Whilst walking along the canal towpath, we came across these two geese having... (more)
SD7707 : Angry Birds (2) by David Dixon Angry Birds (2) by David Dixon
for square SD7707
Whilst walking along the canal towpath, we came across these two geese having... (more)
SD7707 : Angry Birds (1) by David Dixon Angry Birds (1) by David Dixon
for square SD7707
Whilst walking along the canal towpath, we came across these two geese having... (more)
SJ9024 : A Gaggle of Canada Geese on Doxey Marshes by Rod Grealish A Gaggle of Canada Geese on Doxey Marshes by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9024
A gaggle of 21 Canada geese on the River Sow flowing through Doxey Marshes. The... (more)
Tags: subject:BirdX   birds:Canada Geese   location:Doxey MarshesX   type:GeographX   top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX   river:River SowX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   Site of Special Scientific InterestX   SSSIX   postcode district:ST16X   place:StaffordX   county:StaffordshireX   management:Staffordshire Wildlife TrustX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
SO8540 : Canada geese by Philip Halling Canada geese by Philip Halling
for square SO8540
Canada geese on floodwater near Upton-upon-Severn.
Tags: subject:BirdX   birds:Canada Geese   type:Close LookX   FloodX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
SJ9727 : Dozens of geese, east bank of the Trent & Mersey Canal by Christine Johnstone Dozens of geese, east bank of the Trent & Mersey Canal by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SJ9727
There's a greylag at the back somewhere, and a white domesticated escapee... (more)
NS3278 : Canada Geese by Richard Sutcliffe Canada Geese by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS3278
Part of a flock of Canada geese, Branta canadensis, feeding in the fields close... (more)
Tags: subject:BirdX   birds:Canada Geese   top:CoastalX   top:Estuary, MarineX   type:GeographX   top:GrasslandX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
SK5336 : Canada Geese  (Branta canadensis) on Beeston Business Park by David Lally Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) on Beeston Business Park by David Lally
for square SK5336
Nice weather for geese
SE1417 : Geese on the canal, Huddersfield by Malc McDonald Geese on the canal, Huddersfield by Malc McDonald
geograph for square SE1417
A pair of Canada geese with six goslings swimming along the Huddersfield Broad... (more)
ST8083 : Canada Geese, Badminton Lake, Badminton, Gloucestershire 2019 by Ray Bird Canada Geese, Badminton Lake, Badminton, Gloucestershire 2019 by Ray Bird
geograph for square ST8083
SJ8846 : Hanley Park: lake with Canada Geese by Jonathan Hutchins Hanley Park: lake with Canada Geese by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ8846
NY9776 : Geese on Hallington East Reservoir by Oliver Dixon Geese on Hallington East Reservoir by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square NY9776
A mixture of Canada and Greylag Geese. The water level is very low leaving the... (more)
TQ3487 : Geese on the pond, Clapton Common by Malc McDonald Geese on the pond, Clapton Common by Malc McDonald
geograph for square TQ3487
Canada geese on a pond on Clapton Common, in north east London. A... (more)
ST8083 : Canada Geese, Badminton Lake, Badminton, Gloucestershire 2019 by Ray Bird Canada Geese, Badminton Lake, Badminton, Gloucestershire 2019 by Ray Bird
for square ST8083
ST8083 : Canada Geese, Badminton Lake, Badminton, Gloucestershire 2019 by Ray Bird Canada Geese, Badminton Lake, Badminton, Gloucestershire 2019 by Ray Bird
for square ST8083
Wash & Brush-up !!
SU9677 : River Thames at Windsor by Malc McDonald River Thames at Windsor by Malc McDonald
geograph for square SU9677
Geese and swans on the River Thames at Windsor.
Tags: county:BerkshireX   birds:Canada Geese   Canada GeeseX   GeeseX   subject:RiverX   place:River ThamesX   River ThamesX   river:River ThamesX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   bird:SwanX   SwansX   place:WindsorX  
SK0307 : Southern shore of Chasewater by Jonathan Hutchins Southern shore of Chasewater by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SK0307
NZ3353 : Water birds at Herrington Country Park by Robert Graham Water birds at Herrington Country Park by Robert Graham
for square NZ3353
There area large number of birds around the lakes and ponds in the country park.... (more)
SO8540 : Canada geese by Philip Halling Canada geese by Philip Halling
for square SO8540
A pair of Canada geese on the River Severn.
SW9873 : Canada geese over the Camel by Derek Harper Canada geese over the Camel by Derek Harper
for square SW9873
A skein of Canada geese flying up the Camel estuary, seen from the Camel Trail... (more)
SJ7744 : Geese by Madeley Pool by Jonathan Hutchins Geese by Madeley Pool by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ7744
Mostly Canada Geese but with an admixture of Snow Goose derivatives!
SJ9398 : Geese along the Ashton Canal by Gerald England Geese along the Ashton Canal by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9398
A local population of Canada Geese line up on the towpath of the Ashton Canal... (more)
SD7908 : Canada Geese, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Canada Geese, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
for square SD7908
Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) are big waterbirds with a long neck, large... (more)
NZ1962 : Canada Geese at Shibdon by Robert Graham Canada Geese at Shibdon by Robert Graham
for square NZ1962
There are a large flock of these feral geese at Shibdon Pond Nature Reserve.... (more)
SE1323 : Canada geese enjoying a ride on the river, Brighouse by Humphrey Bolton Canada geese enjoying a ride on the river, Brighouse by Humphrey Bolton
geograph for square SE1323
The river is flowing quickly after tw0 days of persistent rain. The geese are... (more)
NS3278 : A flock of geese by Richard Sutcliffe A flock of geese by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS3278
A flock of about 25 Canada geese feeding in the fields at Ardmore.
ST8083 : Canada Geese, Badminton Lake, Badminton, Gloucestershire 2019 by Ray Bird Canada Geese, Badminton Lake, Badminton, Gloucestershire 2019 by Ray Bird
for square ST8083
Showing off in front of the ladies !!
SU6277 : Geese on the River Thames by Peter Trimming Geese on the River Thames by Peter Trimming
geograph for square SU6277
Upstream from Pangbourne. I counted 120+ Canada Geese and 2 Greylag.
Tags: birds:Canada Geese   type:GeographX   bird:Greylag GooseX   county:OxfordshireX   river:River ThamesX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX  
NS4388 : Watching the geese, RSPB Loch Lomond by Richard Sutcliffe Watching the geese, RSPB Loch Lomond by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS4388
A pair of Canada Geese and sixteen goslings emerging from the water were the... (more)
SE8382 : Running on Water, Thornton-le-Dale, Yorkshire by Christine Matthews Running on Water, Thornton-le-Dale, Yorkshire by Christine Matthews
geograph for square SE8382
Geese running across the surface of the pond.
SU2865 : Canada geese alongside the Kennet & Avon canal by Christine Johnstone Canada geese alongside the Kennet & Avon canal by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SU2865
On a narrow strip of land bordered by the canal and the River Dun.
SK9206 : Flock of Canada geese at Rutland Water by Christine Johnstone Flock of Canada geese at Rutland Water by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK9206
Off the tip of the Hambleton peninsula. Seen from the Rutland Belle trip boat SK9206 : The Rutland Belle passes by.
TQ3180 : On the Beach (2) by Peter Trimming On the Beach (2) by Peter Trimming
for square TQ3180
Having moved the pigeons, the twenty-six swans were free to enjoy the beach if... (more)
Tags: birds:Canada Geese   type:Close LookX   bird:PigeonX   river:River ThamesX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   beach:SandX   bird:SwanX  
ST5758 : Spillway, Chew Valley Lake by Philip Halling Spillway, Chew Valley Lake by Philip Halling
geograph for square ST5758
The spillway beside the A368 on the Chew Valley Lake. There is much wildfowl to... (more)
Tags: BirdsX   birds:Canada Geese   type:GeographX   subject:LakeX   LakeX   top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX   bird:Mute SwanX   SpillwayX  
SO1210 : Mallards and canada geese, Bryn Bach Park by Robin Drayton Mallards and canada geese, Bryn Bach Park by Robin Drayton
for square SO1210
The feeding of these birds is now discouraged Link .
NZ3069 : Waterfowl on Dukes Pond, Rising Sun Country Park by Oliver Dixon Waterfowl on Dukes Pond, Rising Sun Country Park by Oliver Dixon
for square NZ3069
Rising Sun Country Park is a 160 hectare green oasis within North Tyneside.... (more)
TQ3398 : Birds at Forty Hall, Enfield by Christine Matthews Birds at Forty Hall, Enfield by Christine Matthews
geograph for square TQ3398
There were many birds by the lake today, including Canada Geese, Pigeons and Crows.
SO8844 : Canada geese by Philip Halling Canada geese by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8844
Canada geese on Croome River, the Temple Greenhouse SO8844 : Temple Greenhouse or Orangery, Croome Park can be seen in... (more)
SO8446 : Canada geese by Philip Halling Canada geese by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8446
Canada geese on reclaimed land which has been used for gravel extraction. Here... (more)
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