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Showing latest 50 of 7,884 images tagged with camera:Panasonic DC-G9 tag.

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TR3339 : Admiralty Pier and Lighthouse, Dover by David Dixon Admiralty Pier and Lighthouse, Dover by David Dixon
for square TR3339
SE1438 : The 'Big Big Camera' at Salts Mill by David Dixon The 'Big Big Camera' at Salts Mill by David Dixon
for square SE1438
Salts Mill now houses a mixture of business, commerce, leisure, shops,... (more)
SJ8796 : Gorton Lane, The Monastery by David Dixon Gorton Lane, The Monastery by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8796
Gorton Monastery is a large red-brick building in the 13th-century Gothic style... (more)
SJ8796 : Gorton Monastery, The Great Nave by David Dixon Gorton Monastery, The Great Nave by David Dixon
for square SJ8796
The Great Nave is the main space at Gorton Monastery. The large, open room... (more)
SJ8796 : The Nave, Gorton Monastery by David Dixon The Nave, Gorton Monastery by David Dixon
for square SJ8796
The Great Nave is the main space at Gorton Monastery. The large, open room... (more)
SJ8796 : Cloister, Gorton Monastery by David Dixon Cloister, Gorton Monastery by David Dixon
for square SJ8796
SJ8796 : The Church and Friary of St Francis - Gorton Monastery by David Dixon The Church and Friary of St Francis - Gorton Monastery by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8796
Gorton Monastery is a large red-brick building in the 13th-century Gothic style... (more)
SJ8796 : Gorton Monastery - the Friars' Garden by David Dixon Gorton Monastery - the Friars' Garden by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8796
NH7989 : Dornoch Cathedral (South Transept Windows) by David Dixon Dornoch Cathedral (South Transept Windows) by David Dixon
for square NH7989
SO7023 : Black Kite on the Falconer's Glove by David Dixon Black Kite on the Falconer's Glove by David Dixon
for square SO7023
The Black Kite (Milvus migrans) is the commonest of all the kites.
SJ6447 : Zenit Camera at Hack Green Nuclear Bunker by David Dixon Zenit Camera at Hack Green Nuclear Bunker by David Dixon
for square SJ6447
1970s Russian-made Zenit camera with a long telephoto lens on display at the... (more)
SD4846 : Speed Camera and Bus Stop on the A6 at Cabus by David Dixon Speed Camera and Bus Stop on the A6 at Cabus by David Dixon
geograph for square SD4846
ST5673 : Clifton Observatory by David Dixon Clifton Observatory by David Dixon
geograph for square ST5673
The building was erected as a windmill for corn in 1766 and later converted to... (more)
TL4545 : Imperial War Museum Duxford, The United States Honor Guard by David Dixon Imperial War Museum Duxford, The United States Honor Guard by David Dixon
geograph for square TL4545
The United States Honor Guard is the official ceremonial unit of the United... (more)
TL4545 : The Honor Guard Statue, IWM Duxford by David Dixon The Honor Guard Statue, IWM Duxford by David Dixon
geograph for square TL4545
This sculpture is a replica of the original Honor Guard statue created by... (more)
TA1974 : A pair of Gannets nesting at Bempton Cliffs by David Dixon A pair of Gannets nesting at Bempton Cliffs by David Dixon
for square TA1974
The Northern Gannet is the UK's largest seabird, with a wingspan of 2... (more)
TA1974 : Gannet carrying nesting material off the cliffs at Bempton by David Dixon Gannet carrying nesting material off the cliffs at Bempton by David Dixon
for square TA1974
The Northern Gannet is the UK’s largest seabird with a wing span of 2 metres.... (more)
TA1974 : Northern Gannet at Bempton by David Dixon Northern Gannet at Bempton by David Dixon
for square TA1974
The Northern Gannet is the UK’s largest seabird with a wing span of 2 metres.... (more)
TQ4799 : London orbital Motorway (M25) by David Dixon London orbital Motorway (M25) by David Dixon
geograph for square TQ4799
TL4500 : London Orbital Motorway (M26) near to Theydon Bois by David Dixon London Orbital Motorway (M26) near to Theydon Bois by David Dixon
geograph for square TL4500
TL4401 : London Orbital Motorway approaching the Bell Common Tunnel by David Dixon London Orbital Motorway approaching the Bell Common Tunnel by David Dixon
geograph for square TL4401
The proposed route of the motorway in this area was forced into a very narrow... (more)
TL4200 : Variable Message Sign on the M25 at Copthall Green by David Dixon Variable Message Sign on the M25 at Copthall Green by David Dixon
geograph for square TL4200
Variable message signs (VMS), also sometimes referred to as matrix signs, are... (more)
TQ3999 : London Orbital Motorway at Waltham Abbey by David Dixon London Orbital Motorway at Waltham Abbey by David Dixon
geograph for square TQ3999
Waltham Abbey Interchange is junction 26 of the M25.
TL3600 : Overhead Sign Gantry on the M25 at Waltham Cross by David Dixon Overhead Sign Gantry on the M25 at Waltham Cross by David Dixon
geograph for square TL3600
TL3500 : Clockwise M25 approaching Holmesdale Tunnel by David Dixon Clockwise M25 approaching Holmesdale Tunnel by David Dixon
geograph for square TL3500
The Holmesdale Tunnel carries the M25 London Orbital Motorway between the... (more)
TL2500 : M25 near to Potters Bar by David Dixon M25 near to Potters Bar by David Dixon
geograph for square TL2500
TL2200 : London Orbital Motorway at Bignell's Corner (South Mimms Interchange) by David Dixon London Orbital Motorway at Bignell's Corner (South Mimms Interchange) by David Dixon
geograph for square TL2200
Bignell's Corner (also known as South Mimms Interchange) is a large... (more)
TL2100 : Clockwise M25 approaching Bignell's Corner (Junction 23) by David Dixon Clockwise M25 approaching Bignell's Corner (Junction 23) by David Dixon
geograph for square TL2100
Bignell's Corner (also known as South Mimms Interchange) is a large... (more)
TL1803 : London Orbital Motorway (M25) at Junction 22 (Bell Roundabout) by David Dixon London Orbital Motorway (M25) at Junction 22 (Bell Roundabout) by David Dixon
geograph for square TL1803
The Bell Roundabout is junction 22 of the M25. It used to be a roundabout on the... (more)
TL1702 : M25 near London Colney by David Dixon M25 near London Colney by David Dixon
geograph for square TL1702
Approaching Junction 22 (the Bell).
SV8914 : Sciurus vulgaris. Tresco Abbey Garden by David Dixon Sciurus vulgaris. Tresco Abbey Garden by David Dixon
for square SV8914
A squirrel pauses whilst scampering up a tree, looking like he has been startled... (more)
SJ9398 : Ashton Canal, Narrowboats Moored at Dukinfield Junction by David Dixon Ashton Canal, Narrowboats Moored at Dukinfield Junction by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9398
The area of canal where the Ashton, Peak Forest and Huddersfield Narrow Canals... (more)
SJ9398 : Nineteenth Century Footbridge over the Dukinfield Aqueduct by David Dixon Nineteenth Century Footbridge over the Dukinfield Aqueduct by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9398
The nineteenth-century cobbled bridge at Portland Basin. The bridge carries the... (more)
SJ9398 : Footbridge over the Dukinfield Aqueduct at Portland Basin by David Dixon Footbridge over the Dukinfield Aqueduct at Portland Basin by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9398
The nineteenth-century cobbled bridge at Portland Basin viewed from the wharf... (more)
NH5228 : Visitors' Car Park, Urquhart Castle by David Dixon Visitors' Car Park, Urquhart Castle by David Dixon
geograph for square NH5228
SJ8397 : Viaducts at Castlefield by David Dixon Viaducts at Castlefield by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8397
Two of the four (former) railway viaducts crossing the canal at Giant’s Basin,... (more)
SH5836 : Nelson's Statue and the Observatory Tower at Portmeirion by David Dixon Nelson's Statue and the Observatory Tower at Portmeirion by David Dixon
geograph for square SH5836
The painted, life-sized statue of Nelson in Coade stone is located immediately... (more)
SH5836 : The Observatory Tower (Y Tŵr Gwylio), Portmeirion by David Dixon The Observatory Tower (Y Tŵr Gwylio), Portmeirion by David Dixon
geograph for square SH5836
The Observatory Tower was built 1936-7; it is a rectangular tower of whitewashed... (more)
SD8304 : Driverless Pod at Heaton Park by David Dixon Driverless Pod at Heaton Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8304
Two futuristic-looking self-driving pods were in Heaton Park from the 6th -10th... (more)
SD8304 : Self-driving Vehicle at Heaton Park by David Dixon Self-driving Vehicle at Heaton Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8304
Two futuristic-looking self-driving pods were in Heaton Park from the 6th -10th... (more)
SD8919 : North Chapel at Whitworth Cemetery by David Dixon North Chapel at Whitworth Cemetery by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8919
Whitworth Cemetery was opened for burials in 1879. The set of three matching... (more)
SD8205 : Traffic Flow Monitor over the M60 at Simister by David Dixon Traffic Flow Monitor over the M60 at Simister by David Dixon
for square SD8205
Simister Island is a very busy motorway junction. It is junction 18 of the M60... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   bucket:CloseupX   motorway:M60X   MotorwayX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9   top:Roads, Road TransportX   Traffic Flow MonitorX  
SD7909 : Tram Crossing the Irwell by David Dixon Tram Crossing the Irwell by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7909
Metrolink Bombardier tram number 3024 crossing the River Irwell via the... (more)
Tags: 3024X   BombardierX   BridgeX   type:GeographX   M5000X   MetrolinkX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9   top:RailwaysX   RiverX   river:River IrwellX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX   TramX   TramwayX  
SD7809 : Bridge over Stream near Elton Reservoir by David Dixon Bridge over Stream near Elton Reservoir by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7809
The bridge carries a path which runs from Buckingham Road to Mile Lane via Lower... (more)
Tags: BridgeX   type:GeographX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9   top:PathsX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   StreamX  
SJ8397 : Rochdale Canal, Remains of Sawmill at Castlefield by David Dixon Rochdale Canal, Remains of Sawmill at Castlefield by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8397
The large (tower-like) brick building sandwiched between the canal and the... (more)
SO8554 : Decorative Ceiling at Worcester Cathedral - without the aid of mirrors by David Dixon Decorative Ceiling at Worcester Cathedral - without the aid of mirrors by David Dixon
for square SO8554
Pointing the camera upwards provides a view of the magnificent, highly... (more)
SO8820 : A40 near to Gloucestershire Airport by David Dixon A40 near to Gloucestershire Airport by David Dixon
geograph for square SO8820
SD5900 : Bolton Road, Stubshaw Cross by David Dixon Bolton Road, Stubshaw Cross by David Dixon
geograph for square SD5900
A tiny hamlet in the late nineteenth century, Stubshaw Cross is now an area on... (more)
SD8019 : Plunge Lodge by David Dixon Plunge Lodge by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8019
Plunge Lodge stands above the remains of Plunge Mill; it was built to supply... (more)
SD7909 : The End of the Canal by David Dixon The End of the Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7909
This is the northern end of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal. Although the... (more)
Tags: CanalX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and BuryX   MBBCX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9   top:PathsX  
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