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Showing latest 50 of 80 images tagged with canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal tag.

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SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
The bridge over the Manchester, Bolton & Bury Canal at Water Street with its... (more)
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Water Street by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Water Street by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Water Street canal bridge, over the Manchester, Bolton & Bury canal and its... (more)
SD7908 : Metrolink Tram between Radcliffe and Bury by David Dixon Metrolink Tram between Radcliffe and Bury by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7908
Metrolink Bombardier tram number 3051 passes the Manchester, Bolton and Bury... (more)
SD7706 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bridge#16 by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bridge#16 by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
Bridge number 16 on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal is known as... (more)
Tags: CanalX   Canal BridgeX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   camera:IPhone 7X   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   top:PathsX  
SD7908 : Rothwell's Bridge, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Rothwell's Bridge, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7908
Bridge#19 on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal is a small, brick-built... (more)
SD7908 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Rothwell's Bridge by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Rothwell's Bridge by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7908
Bridge#19 on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal is a small, brick-built... (more)
Tags: BridgeX   CanalX   Canal BridgeX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   MBBCX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   top:PathsX  
SD7707 : Milestone 10, Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Milestone 10, Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7707
Milestone marked "M 10" (presumably for "ten miles to... (more)
Tags: top:CanalsX   bucket:CloseupX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   Marker PostX   MBBCX   MilestoneX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X  
SD7706 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Nickerhole Clough by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Nickerhole Clough by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
A view west, towards Little Lever and Bolton, from Nickerhole Bridge.
Tags: CanalX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   MBBCX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   top:PathsX  
SD7407 : Canal Towpath, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bolton Arm by David Dixon Canal Towpath, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bolton Arm by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7407
Tags: CanalX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   top:PathsX  
SD7605 : Manchester Arm, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Manchester Arm, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7605
This branch of the canal is only in water between here and the locks at Nob End.
SD7605 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal (Manchester Arm) by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal (Manchester Arm) by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7605
Tags: CanalX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   top:PathsX   TreesX  
SD7909 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Warth by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Warth by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7909
Looking north, along the canal towards Bury, from bridge#20 (Benny's Bridge).
Tags: CanalX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   MBBCX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   top:PathsX  
SD7506 : Prestolee by David Dixon Prestolee by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7506
The Bolton arm of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal can be seen on the... (more)
SD7506 : Nob End/Prestolee Locks by David Dixon Nob End/Prestolee Locks by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7506
The remains of the six locks which once raised the canal 64 feet in a distance... (more)
SD7506 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bolton Arm by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bolton Arm by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7506
A view from the bridge at the end of Boscow Road. The water ahead is part of the... (more)
SD7909 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal near Bridge #20 by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal near Bridge #20 by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7909
Excess water from the canal drains into the River Irwell which is below. Bridge... (more)
SD7808 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal between Radcliffe and Bury by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal between Radcliffe and Bury by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7808
SD7807 : Save our Greenbelt by David Dixon Save our Greenbelt by David Dixon
for square SD7807
Large protest notice at the side of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at... (more)
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Water Street Winding Hole by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Water Street Winding Hole by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Bridge #17e "Water Made it Wet" by David Dixon Bridge #17e "Water Made it Wet" by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Lawrence Weiner’s “Water Made it Wet” is one of the more obscure installations... (more)
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Coney Green by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Coney Green by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Section of the canal between Water Street and the Radcliffe Winding Hole.
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Coot Juvenile by David Dixon Coot Juvenile by David Dixon
for square SD7807
A young coot on a nest near the winding hole on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury... (more)
SD7807 : Young Coots on the Nest by David Dixon Young Coots on the Nest by David Dixon
for square SD7807
Two young coots on a nest near the winding hole on the Manchester, Bolton and... (more)
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Radcliffe by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Radcliffe by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7706 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
SD7908 : Bridge Reflections by David Dixon Bridge Reflections by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7908
Bridge number 18 on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal is known as Withins... (more)
SD7707 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal near School Street (Radcliffe) by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal near School Street (Radcliffe) by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7707
SD7808 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal near Withins by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal near Withins by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7808
SD7908 : Rothwell Bridge by David Dixon Rothwell Bridge by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7908
Bridge#19 on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal is a small, brick-built... (more)
SD7707 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bridge #17a at School Street by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bridge #17a at School Street by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7707
SD7706 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Mayfield by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Mayfield by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
SD7706 : Mount Sion Bridge by David Dixon Mount Sion Bridge by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
Bridge number 16 on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal is known as... (more)
SD7706 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal between Little Lever and Radcliffe by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal between Little Lever and Radcliffe by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
Tags: CanalX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   MBBCX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   top:PathsX  
SD7706 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Mount Sion by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Mount Sion by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
Tags: CanalX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   MBBCX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   top:PathsX  
SD7706 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, West of Radcliffe by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, West of Radcliffe by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
Looking eastwards, towards Radcliffe, along the canal, from Nickerhole Bridge.
Tags: CanalX   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:GeographX   canal:Manchester Bolton and Bury Canal   MBBCX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   top:PathsX  
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Approaching the winding hole near Water Street.
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bridge #17e by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bridge #17e by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Distinctive footbridge over the canal at Radcliffe. Often referred to locally as... (more)
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Coney Green by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Coney Green by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7605 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal between Ringley and Prestolee by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal between Ringley and Prestolee by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7605
SD7505 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal Towpath at Prestolee by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal Towpath at Prestolee by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7505
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Radcliffe by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Radcliffe by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Ducks on a frozen section of the canal near Water Street.
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bridge#17e by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal, Bridge#17e by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Sunset on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon Sunset on the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Looking east, from Bridge#17e at Radcliffe.
SD7807 : Goose on Ice by David Dixon Goose on Ice by David Dixon
for square SD7807
A Canada Goose standing on a frozen patch of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury... (more)
SD7807 : Frozen Canal by David Dixon Frozen Canal by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
The Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at the winding hole just to the east of... (more)
SD7909 : Track from Hinds Lane by David Dixon Track from Hinds Lane by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7909
The track leading down to the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal towpath from... (more)
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Coney Green by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Coney Green by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal at Radcliffe by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Looking west from the Victoria Street footbridge.
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