Edge of Cleared Plantation
by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NY9483
Near Lunga Crag.
Cleared woodland
by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square NY8475
In what was once named as "Ward Lane Strips".
Cleared woodland
by Alex McGregor
geograph for square NH4998
Clear-fell on Legerwood Hill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT5841
A pert of the extensive woodland removal on the road between Birkenside and Morriston.
Molesden Cottage
by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square NZ1384
The wood shown on the map has been cleared and replanted.
Timber stacks and tree clearance in Sutton's Wood
by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK0444
Some of Sutton's Wood has been thinned but some of the woodland overlooking... (more)
Clearing, Stover Country Park
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8474
Public footpath, Bennison Banks
by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NZ6720
The footpath is used, but is overgrown. The dead bracken shows the way. Other... (more)
Cleared and replanted woodland near Butterdon
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7587
Cleared and replanted woodland near Butterdon
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7587
Cleared woodland near Puckland
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SS2907
Heather in cleared area, Kerroodhoo Plantation
by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SC2276
This is mapped as a 'path within plantation - courtesy of the... (more)
Fenced and cleared area, Hetchell Wood
by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3742
Hetchell Wood is managed by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. It supports a range of... (more)
St Michael's Chapel scaffolded
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9065
Woodland has been cleared below this rock face, revealing a view of the... (more)
Horsell Common
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0160
A recently cleared area near the A320, Chertsey Road with the Bleak House... (more)
Cleared Woodland Valley Side
by Tony Atkin
geograph for square SS4617
The tarmac track in the valley bottom is the Tarka Trail cycleway deep in the... (more)
Woodland cleared under power lines
by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3423
In the north-east corner of Normanton golf course. Seen from a permissive path.
Upper Honeypig Plantation
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT9163
Clearfell near Alemill Bridge.
Greenmoor Plantation
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT9161
Clear felled, but with new trees planted at the lower end, where the A1 runs alongside.
Furzebrake Plantation
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8966
This northern area of the wood has been cleared in recent years.
Curious cattle on side of Cwm Gwyddon
by M J Roscoe
geograph for square ST2395
The field with the cattle by a beech tree is next to a track on the edge of... (more)
Cleared land east of Pont y Llwyn
by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO0516
Seen from the Brecon Mountain Railway.
Forested area in Yearnor Wood
by Bill Boaden
geograph for square SS8548
Some of the trees have been chopped giving a view of the sea, which itself is... (more)
Office of National Statistics, Newport
by M J Roscoe
geograph for square ST2885
Rear of the ONS, viewed from near the edge of the lake across recently cleared... (more)
Log piles below the chapel
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9065
Looking down from beside St Michael's Chapel as it undergoes restoration,... (more)
River Dart above Sharpham
by Derek Harper
for square SX8258
Birch wood on the west side of Legerwood Hill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT5841
A survivor of the extensive woodland clearance in the area.
Evidence of woodland management
by Bill Boaden
geograph for square NZ0160
The woodland has been cut back to ensure that it does not encroach onto the... (more)
Forestry at Fingland, in Tweeddale
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT0519
On the slope of Neth Hill. The area in the foreground has been cleared and replanted.
A clearance
by Neil Owen
for square ST6564
Some light forestry work here.
Track to Birkenside
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT5841
With trackside Beeches and remains of forestry and a surviving Birch wood.
Ventiford Brook
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX8374
Trees have been felled along its north bank.
Footpath toward A614 at Bracey Bridge
by Martin Dawes
geograph for square TA0762
I gained height by standing on the stump of one of the harvested trees in the... (more)
Footpath to Kilham. Harvested wood to the right
by Martin Dawes
geograph for square TA0762
Stumps of the felled trees can be seen along with the plastic sleeves protecting... (more)
Mossy wall, Bagtor Woods
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7674
This wall, heavily reinforced by a stout barbed wire fence by which the picture... (more)
Boardwalk at Danes Moss
by Dave Dunford
geograph for square SJ9070
Much woodland clearance appears to have gone on in this area of this Cheshire... (more)
Peatmoor Copse in Winter
by Des Blenkinsopp
geograph for square SU6273
Looking rather drab here in Winter colours after a lot of the trees have been... (more)
Clearfell in Tweeddale
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT0518
I recall this area being planted about 50 years ago.
Looking towards Glen Lochy
by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NN1927
Ben Lui has a light covering of snow on the top.
View East from Hurthill Copse
by Des Blenkinsopp
geograph for square SU9035
Recent clearance has opened up this view eastwards. At around 230 maod it's... (more)
Tweeddale at Badlieu
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT0518
Grassy hills in Tweeddale, looking across Tweeddale near Badlieu. The conifers... (more)
Car park for Danskine Loch
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT5667
Where there is a carp fishery and walk round.
St Michael's Chapel undergoing restoration
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9065
The small area of hilltop beside the chapel, and from which the images at... (more)
Lane to Butterdon
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7487