St Michael, Malton: nave clerestory
by Stephen Craven
for square SE7871
The nave dates from c.1150, according to Historic England, including this ornate... (more)
The Church of St Bartholomew: Roof and Clerestory
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0130
Unusually, when the roof was raised to add a clerestory, it was only glazed on... (more)
Window S.I, St Helen's church, Brant Broughton
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9153
The most eastern south clerestory window.
Window S.II, St Helen's church, Brant Broughton
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9153
Clerestory window depicting Isaiah with Angels.
Window S.III, St Helen's church, Brant Broughton
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9153
St Peter with two Angels in a south clerestory window.
Window S.V, St Helen's church, Brant Broughton
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9153
Clerestory window depicting three Angels.
Window N.V, St Helen's church, Brant Broughton
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9153
North clerestory window furthest west, featuring Angels praising God.
Window N.IV, St Helen's church, Brant Broughton
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9153
Clerestory window featuring Angels praising God.
Window N.III, St Helen's church, Brant Broughton
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9153
Clerestory window featuring St John flanked by Angels.
The Church of St Swithun, East Grinstead
by Russel Wills
for square TQ3937
Unusual features in this church are the Clerestory Windows completed during... (more)
Clerestory windows and vaulting, St Mary Redcliffe church, Bristol
by Julian P Guffogg
for square ST5972
The Church of St Bartholomew: Roof and Clerestory
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0130
Unusually, when the roof was raised to add a clerestory, it was only glazed on... (more)
Clerestory window, St Denys' church, Sleaford
by Julian P Guffogg
for square TF0645
Clerestory glass, St John's church, Penshurst
by Julian P Guffogg
for square TQ5243
Suffer little children and Eunice teaching Timothy to read.
Glass by J. Powell... (more)
Clerestory windows and roof timbers, St George's church
by Julian P Guffogg
for square TR0227
Over the south aisle.
St James' Church: clerestory
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0830
The sumptuous windows and parapets around the upper half of the nave date from... (more)
Window S.IV, St Helen's church, Brant Broughton
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9153
Archangel St Michael with dragon, flanked by Angels.
St Mary, Chipping Norton: clerestory windows
by Stephen Craven
for square SP3127
The most striking feature of this compared with most parish churches is the... (more)
Window NIII, Wells Cathedral
by Julian P Guffogg
for square ST5545
This clerestory window shows St Richard, St Giles and St Gregory. 14th C. Glass.
Clerestory stained glass, St John's church, Penshurst
by Julian P Guffogg
for square TQ5243
Charity and Eli & Samuel, by J.Powell & Sons, designed by Holiday, 1884.... (more)
Church of St Leonard Hythe
by Phil Brandon Hunter
for square TR1634
The 13th century Chancel of the Church of St Leonard in Hythe, Kent.
The four... (more)
And God saw that it was good
by A J Paxton
for square SP1484
For the clerestory windows of St Thomas More Church, Sheldon, the artist John... (more)
The Church of St John the Baptist: Splash of light
by Bob Harvey
for square SK8723
The North and South arcades are contemporary with each other, and have the same... (more)
St Andrew's Church: Clerestory windows
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0516
The Clerestory windows were added in the 15th century, substantially changing... (more)
Interior of the Church of St Denys, Sleaford
by Dave Hitchborne
for square TF0645
This view show the north aisle, which has another north aisle to the left, now... (more)
Stained glass window (S.XII), Canterbury Cathedral
by Julian P Guffogg
for square TR1557
Ancestors of Jesus in a clerestory window (Modern copy).
Church of St Leonard Hythe
by Phil Brandon Hunter
for square TR1634
The Church of St Leonard in Hythe, Kent.
The two bays, four pairs of triforium... (more)
Church of St Leonard Hythe
by Phil Brandon Hunter
for square TR1634
The Church of St Leonard in Hythe, Kent.
The two bays, four pairs of triforium... (more)
St Clement's church: clerestory windows
by Stephen Craven
for square TL4458
These date from the 16th century.
Holy Trinity, Rothwell: nave looking west
by Stephen Craven
for square SE3428
The nave is noted for the individually carved 19th century pew ends. The... (more)
Window NII, Wells Cathedral
by Julian P Guffogg
for square ST5545
14th C. glass depicting St Blaise, St George & St Leo. The tracery shows... (more)
The church of St Peter: North Arcade
by Bob Harvey
for square TL4845
The North Arcade and Clerestory.
St Mary's Church: Nave roof and clerestory
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0122
St Mary's Church, South Aisle
by David Dixon
for square SE2280
The memorial windows to the 1st and 2nd Lords Masham in the south aisle were... (more)
St Mary, Fairford - Stained glass window
by John Salmon
for square SP1501
The Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity, Tattershall
by Dave Hitchborne
geograph for square TF2157
A look at the subject and photographer GRs will not add up. The photograph... (more)
The Church of St John the Baptist: Roof over the Nave
by Bob Harvey
for square SK8723
This is the Western end of the Nave roof. It is a curious thing, but the... (more)
Church of St Andrew, Pickworth: South Arcade
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0433
The row of arches delineating the South Aisle. There are painted scriptures on... (more)
Church of St Andrew, Pickworth: North Arcade
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0433
The 14th century arcade with wall paintings above