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Showing latest 50 of 140 images tagged with Course of Former Railway tag.

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NZ5611 : Course of Old Railway, Dingledow by Mick Garratt Course of Old Railway, Dingledow by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ5611
An embankment betrays the route of an old railway siding to the bottom of the... (more)
TF1023 : Course of old railway by Richard Croft Course of old railway by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF1023
Course of the former GNR / LNER railway on the old Bourne to Sleaford line... (more)
NZ2841 : Old Railway Bridge by Mick Garratt Old Railway Bridge by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ2841
Over Old Durham Beck. Carrying a former mineral line.
NZ2840 : Course of Old Railway by Mick Garratt Course of Old Railway by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ2840
A short lived railway built 1839. In fact Durham's first passenger station... (more)
NZ7816 : Course of Old Railway by Mick Garratt Course of Old Railway by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ7816
The old Whitby, Redcar and Middlesbrough Union Railway. Closed in the 1960s.
SE0391 : Course of Old Railway by Mick Garratt Course of Old Railway by Mick Garratt
geograph for square SE0391
SK9445 : Course of former railway by Richard Croft Course of former railway by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9445
View north from Newark Lane bridge along the course of the former railway
SK9447 : Dismantled Railway north by Richard Croft Dismantled Railway north by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9447
View north along the line of the dismantled railway from the A607 bridge between... (more)
SK9447 : Dismantled Railway south by Richard Croft Dismantled Railway south by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9447
View south along the line of the dismantled railway from the A607 bridge between... (more)
SJ6541 : Course of dismantled railway at Cox Bank, Cheshire by Roger  D Kidd Course of dismantled railway at Cox Bank, Cheshire by Roger D Kidd
geograph for square SJ6541
Straight ahead, beyond the new driveway, is the former course of Nantwich and... (more)
SD7806 : Course of Former Railway between Radcliffe and Outwood by David Dixon Course of Former Railway between Radcliffe and Outwood by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7806
The Outwood Trail is a route for walkers, cyclists and horseriders along a... (more)
NT0144 : Bridge over former railway, south of Newbigging by Alan O'Dowd Bridge over former railway, south of Newbigging by Alan O'Dowd
geograph for square NT0144
On the course of the former Caledonian Railway Dolphinton Branch, which closed... (more)
NZ3854 : National Cycle Network route 1 near Sunderland by Malc McDonald National Cycle Network route 1 near Sunderland by Malc McDonald
geograph for square NZ3854
This path, which is shred by cyclists and pedestrians, forms part of National... (more)
SD7807 : Landscaped Land at Coney Green by David Dixon Landscaped Land at Coney Green by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Looking across the former railway land behind Gorsefield school, towards Coney... (more)
NS8129 : Underneath the old railway footbridge near Windrow Wood by Alan O'Dowd Underneath the old railway footbridge near Windrow Wood by Alan O'Dowd
geograph for square NS8129
A view from the course of the former Muirkirk Branch of the Caledonian Railway... (more)
NS7345 : Old railway cutting near Bridgeholm by Alan O'Dowd Old railway cutting near Bridgeholm by Alan O'Dowd
geograph for square NS7345
Part of the course of the former Caledonian Railway (Mid Lanark, Strathaven and... (more)
SE9954 : Course of the former railway to Driffield by Jonathan Thacker Course of the former railway to Driffield by Jonathan Thacker
geograph for square SE9954
The railway was opened in April 1890 and finally closed in January 1964.
Tags: Course of Former Railway   type:GeographX   top:PathsX   top:RailwaysX  
NY3258 : Course of former canal and railway by Rose and Trev Clough Course of former canal and railway by Rose and Trev Clough
geograph for square NY3258
The Carlisle Canal, opened in 1823, passed through here on its route to Port... (more)
TF0918 : GNR trackbed by Richard Croft GNR trackbed by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF0918
Course of the former Great Northern Railway from Bourne towards Thurlby
SE2826 : Course of former railway east of Dunningley Lane by Stephen Craven Course of former railway east of Dunningley Lane by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2826
Old maps show a four-track line in a shallow cutting here, which was the Great... (more)
SX7979 : Wray Valley Trail by Derek Harper Wray Valley Trail by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7979
Approaching the point where it joins Lower Knowle Road, abandoning the course of... (more)
Tags: Course of Former Railway   CyclewayX   national park:DartmoorX   type:GeographX   top:LowlandsX   top:PathsX   top:RailwaysX   WoodlandX   top:Woodland, ForestX   long distance path:Wray Valley TrailX  
SE2320 : Spen Valley Greenway leaves the railway route by Stephen Craven Spen Valley Greenway leaves the railway route by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2320
The official greenway route ramps down the former railway embankment to the... (more)
SJ6367 : Railway bridge abutment, Grange Lane by Stephen Craven Railway bridge abutment, Grange Lane by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ6367
The abutment looks to have been built wide enough for two tracks but there is no... (more)
W7861 : Course of the former Cork, Blackrock and Passage Railway by the Owenboy by Jonathan Thacker Course of the former Cork, Blackrock and Passage Railway by the Owenboy by Jonathan Thacker
geograph for square W7861
SE5618 : Course of the former Hull and Barnsley Railway main line by Jonathan Thacker Course of the former Hull and Barnsley Railway main line by Jonathan Thacker
geograph for square SE5618
Now a farm track.
SE0832 : Start of the Great Northern Trail by Stephen Craven Start of the Great Northern Trail by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE0832
A grand name for the 3km or so of former railway trackbed between Thornton and... (more)
TF2182 : Gap between the trees by Jonathan Thacker Gap between the trees by Jonathan Thacker
geograph for square TF2182
Looking on to the course of the former Louth to Lincoln railway.
NS8028 : Span of old railway bridge above Glespin by Alan O'Dowd Span of old railway bridge above Glespin by Alan O'Dowd
geograph for square NS8028
The bridge crosses the former Muirkirk railway line, but some of the masonry is... (more)
SE2731 : Pullman Crescent by Stephen Craven Pullman Crescent by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2731
The name refers to luxury trains of the 20th century, and was chosen presumably... (more)
SE2320 : Viaduct over the Calder in Ravensthorpe by Stephen Craven Viaduct over the Calder in Ravensthorpe by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2320
Formerly a railway viaduct, now the Spen Valley Greenway.
SE2119 : Calder Valley Greenway east of Church Lane by Stephen Craven Calder Valley Greenway east of Church Lane by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2119
The greenway uses part of the course of a former railway from Mirfield to... (more)
SJ6467 : Whitegate Way at Catsclough Crossing by Stephen Craven Whitegate Way at Catsclough Crossing by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ6467
The road is called School Road. You can still see the rails where it crossed the... (more)
SJ6467 : Whitegate Way looking east at Catsclough by Stephen Craven Whitegate Way looking east at Catsclough by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ6467
Note the telephone pole. Given that virtually all other traces of the railway... (more)
SJ6567 : Whitegate Way looking north by Stephen Craven Whitegate Way looking north by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ6567
At this point the path seems to deviate from the line of the railway route, but... (more)
NZ6101 : Bloworth Crossing by Mick Garratt Bloworth Crossing by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ6101
A landmark spoken of and approached with trepidation on the Lyke Wake Walk... (more)
SX2288 : Field, Splatt by Derek Harper Field, Splatt by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX2288
The trees on the right mark the course of the former North Cornwall Railway,... (more)
TL3924 : Former railway, Braughing by Malc McDonald Former railway, Braughing by Malc McDonald
geograph for square TL3924
The route through the trees used to be a railway line. The line closed in 1964.... (more)
SD7706 : Outwood Cutting by David Dixon Outwood Cutting by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7706
The disused London Midland & Scottish railway line from Radcliffe Bridge to... (more)
SD7807 : Bridge Remains, Coney Green by David Dixon Bridge Remains, Coney Green by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
The remains of the bridge which carried the railway line from Radcliffe North... (more)
SD7807 : Bridge Abutments by David Dixon Bridge Abutments by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
The remains of the bridge which carried the railway line from Radcliffe North... (more)
SE2635 : Route of the former Abbey Light Railway by Stephen Craven Route of the former Abbey Light Railway by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2635
The Abbey Light Railway was a 2-foot gauge privately operated line, only about... (more)
Tags: Course of Former Railway   type:GeographX   top:PathsX  
NS6976 : Shetland pony on a dismantled railway line by Alan O'Dowd Shetland pony on a dismantled railway line by Alan O'Dowd
geograph for square NS6976
This was once part of the course of the Kelvin Valley railway line.
SD5126 : Course of Old Railway by David Dixon Course of Old Railway by David Dixon
geograph for square SD5126
Now a pleasant woodland walk, this used to be the route of the Preston-Southport... (more)
SJ6267 : Start of a long straight by Stephen Craven Start of a long straight by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ6267
From this point the former Whitegate branch line headed almost due East for... (more)
SJ6467 : Dog walkers on the Whitegate Way by Stephen Craven Dog walkers on the Whitegate Way by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ6467
This is just west of Falk's Junction. This section of the route was double... (more)
SJ6567 : Falk's Junction by Stephen Craven Falk's Junction by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SJ6567
This was once a railway junction, complete with signals, sidings and signal box.... (more)
SE5417 : The course of the Hull and Barnsley Railway by Jonathan Thacker The course of the Hull and Barnsley Railway by Jonathan Thacker
geograph for square SE5417
Although the land here is more or less flat the railway crossed on an embankment... (more)
TF2182 : Course of the railway to Donington and Louth by Jonathan Thacker Course of the railway to Donington and Louth by Jonathan Thacker
geograph for square TF2182
Part of the Louth and Lincoln Railway. This section opened to goods traffic in... (more)
TF2182 : Course of the railway to Wragby and Bardney by Jonathan Thacker Course of the railway to Wragby and Bardney by Jonathan Thacker
geograph for square TF2182
Part of the Louth and Lincoln Railway. This section opened to goods traffic in... (more)
TF2282 : Course of the railway to Wragby and Bardney by Jonathan Thacker Course of the railway to Wragby and Bardney by Jonathan Thacker
geograph for square TF2282
Part of the Louth and Lincoln Railway. This section opened to goods traffic in... (more)
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