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NS5468 : Snow covered platforms at Anniesland railway station by Garry Cornes Snow covered platforms at Anniesland railway station by Garry Cornes
geograph for square NS5468
As a result of a snow front over Central Scotland train services are all... (more)
NH6691 : Snowy Hillside, Creag a' Bhealaich, Sutherland by Andrew Tryon Snowy Hillside, Creag a' Bhealaich, Sutherland by Andrew Tryon
geograph for square NH6691
The eastern slopes of the hill Creag a' Bhealaich, covered in deep snow... (more)
SD6496 : Snow on Castley Knotts and Brown Moor by Karl and Ali Snow on Castley Knotts and Brown Moor by Karl and Ali
for square SD6496
A brief flash of sunlight crosses the snow-covered flanks of the knotts. Soft... (more)
NZ0040 : Snowed slopes beside the Black Burn by Trevor Littlewood Snowed slopes beside the Black Burn by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ0040
Extensive cloud cover leaves the snow slopes looking dull but an opening allows... (more)
NZ0640 : Approaching Backstone Bank Farm by Trevor Littlewood Approaching Backstone Bank Farm by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ0640
Deep snow surrounds the buildings at Backstone Bank but the passage of vehicles... (more)
NZ0739 : Breaking ground in deep snow by Trevor Littlewood Breaking ground in deep snow by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ0739
Arduous going for a hillwalker climbing for the modest moorland summit,... (more)
SD6593 : Snow in Settlebeck Gill by Karl and Ali Snow in Settlebeck Gill by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD6593
The strong winds which have been blasting the fells above have dumped a fair... (more)
SD6594 : Snow on the west ridge, Arant Haw by Karl and Ali Snow on the west ridge, Arant Haw by Karl and Ali
for square SD6594
The strong winds have scoured snow from the windward flank and pushed it onto... (more)
Tags: top:Air, Sky, WeatherX   Deep Snow Cover   FellsX   top:MoorlandX   top:UplandsX  
NY8739 : Elmford Cleugh by Trevor Littlewood Elmford Cleugh by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NY8739
Snow lies deeply in Weardale and over its hills. Elmford Cleugh descends to join... (more)
NY8235 : Hill walker returning from summit of Great Stony Hill by Trevor Littlewood Hill walker returning from summit of Great Stony Hill by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NY8235
The hill's summit is along the fence line where there's a cairn and a... (more)
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