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NZ2617 : Holly House Farm beyond field by Trevor Littlewood Holly House Farm beyond field by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ2617
Buildings at Holly House Farm can just be seen to the left of trees beyond the field.
SX7666 : Countryside around Lower Combe by Derek Harper Countryside around Lower Combe by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7666
A view from Staverton bridleway 17 as it drops to a gate in a fence below Higher... (more)
NZ2454 : Crop spraying near Urpeth by Trevor Littlewood Crop spraying near Urpeth by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ2454
Urpeth is part of, or at least adjacent to the village of Ouston.
SE3869 : Across field towards A1(M) by Trevor Littlewood Across field towards A1(M) by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square SE3869
The name Kirby Hill Moor appears on OS maps over the ground of this field; that... (more)
SJ7420 : Path between wall and field by Trevor Littlewood Path between wall and field by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square SJ7420
The wall bounds the southern side of the Chetwynd Park Deer Park. The path... (more)
SX7666 : View near Higher Penn by Derek Harper View near Higher Penn by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7666
The view seen in SX7666 : View near Higher Penn nearly two years earlier. Staverton bridleway 17... (more)
SX7666 : Pasture near Penn Rocca by Derek Harper Pasture near Penn Rocca by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX7666
From Staverton bridleway 17 with the wood surrounding Penn Recca slate mine on the left.
NJ7118 : Looking over the gate... by Bill Harrison Looking over the gate... by Bill Harrison
geograph for square NJ7118
...towards Bennachie.
NZ1820 : Corrugated metal barn east of Ingleton by Trevor Littlewood Corrugated metal barn east of Ingleton by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square NZ1820
The barn is on the north side of the B6279 just outside the village at Ingleton.
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