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TQ2081 : Magpie fledgling, fallen from nest, abandoned by David Hawgood Magpie fledgling, fallen from nest, abandoned by David Hawgood
for square TQ2081
This chick on the lawn in the early morning under a cedar tree could not fly,... (more)
TF1963 : Fledgling Jackdaw by Richard Croft Fledgling Jackdaw by Richard Croft
for square TF1963
Fledgling Jackdaw in the churchyard of St.Andrew's church
ST5646 : Stuck on the ground by Neil Owen Stuck on the ground by Neil Owen
for square ST5646
This little bird seemed lost and unsure of what to do. It spent some time... (more)
ST5646 : A lost fledgling by Neil Owen A lost fledgling by Neil Owen
for square ST5646
This poor little feathery fellow was hopping along the muddy footpath for quite... (more)
SD2161 : Adult and Fledgling Swallows by David Dixon Adult and Fledgling Swallows by David Dixon
for square SD2161
Mother feeding juvenile outside the Bay Hide at the South Walney Nature Reserve.
SD2161 : Fledgling Swallow by David Dixon Fledgling Swallow by David Dixon
for square SD2161
On a fence post outside the Sea Hide at South Walney Nature Reserve.
TQ2081 : Fledgling sparrows, North Acton by David Hawgood Fledgling sparrows, North Acton by David Hawgood
for square TQ2081
The adult sparrows are very wary, come briefly to the bird feeder and fly away.... (more)
SX8855 : Fledgling, Combe Lane by Derek Harper Fledgling, Combe Lane by Derek Harper
for square SX8855
One of a young family just managing to flutter about in the green lane. Thanks... (more)
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SD4774 : Robin fledgling, Leighton Moss Reserve by Pauline E Robin fledgling, Leighton Moss Reserve by Pauline E
for square SD4774
Erithacus rubecula - The parent bird was nearby, picking up scraps below the... (more)
SE4736 : Fledgling House Martin on the path near Saxton by Ian S Fledgling House Martin on the path near Saxton by Ian S
for square SE4736
Do not know how I didn't stand on this bird, it was well hidden on the... (more)
NZ3174 : Mr Sparrowhawk by Christine Westerback Mr Sparrowhawk by Christine Westerback
for square NZ3174
A call from my neighbour at 8am to view a male sparrowhawk with a fledgling... (more)
SD5300 : He's the image of his dad by Ian Greig He's the image of his dad by Ian Greig
for square SD5300
SD2161 : Feeding Time by David Dixon Feeding Time by David Dixon
for square SD2161
The SD2161 : Fledgling Swallow opens its beak and waits whilst its mother approaches at high... (more)
SJ8955 : Young Nuthatch by Jonathan Kington Young Nuthatch by Jonathan Kington
for square SJ8955
This little Nuthatch (Sitta europaea) looked as if it had recently fledged, it... (more)
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