Former St David's Church, Llanychllydog
geograph for square SN0134
Former Church, Nayland
by Geographer
geograph for square TL9734
Off the B1087 Stoke Road
St Mark's Church in Leicester
by Mat Fascione
for square SK5905
This Grade II listed former parish church on Belgrave Gate is now the Empire... (more)
Bicycles and gate, Chandos Road
by Derek Harper
geograph for square ST5874
A very gloomy Christmas Day in Redland. The notice says "PRIVATE GARDENS... (more)
The former Church of St Mark
by Mat Fascione
geograph for square SK5905
Along Belgrave Gate in Leicester. The Grade II Listed church was converted into... (more)
The former St Barnabas Church
by Mat Fascione
geograph for square SK6105
The Grade II Listed St Barnabas Church was opened in 1886 to meet the needs of... (more)
Saint Dunstan in the East
by Peter Trimming
for square TQ3380
The bombed ruins of a medieval church and Wren Tower made into a charming scene... (more)
Saint Dunstan in the East
by Peter Trimming
for square TQ3380
The bombed ruins of a medieval church and Wren Tower made into a charming scene... (more)
by Gerald England
geograph for square SD8011
Back in 2009 this was part of Bury College. It closed in 2014 and the building... (more)
St George's Theatre, Great Yarmouth
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TG5207
Built 1714 as a chapel of ease to St Nicholas by John Price of Wandsworth.... (more)
St George's Theatre, Great Yarmouth
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TG5207
Built 1714 as a chapel of ease to St Nicholas by John Price of Wandsworth.... (more)
Former church, Cullipool
by Craig Wallace
geograph for square NM7413
This was St Peter's Episcopal Church, now converted into a house. It dates... (more)
Friar's Walk in Lewes
by Mat Fascione
geograph for square TQ4109
On the left is the former All Saints Church which closed in 1975. It is now the... (more)
St Mark's Street View
by Gordon Griffiths
geograph for square SO9098
The view in Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton.
Three Wise Monkeys Climbing
by John Myers
geograph for square NN1073
Indoor climbing centre.
Former North Shore Methodist Church, Blackpool
by Gerald England
geograph for square SD3036
The Grade II Listed... (more)
Former Unitarian Church
by Gerald England
geograph for square SD3036
The former Blackpool Unitarian Church on the corner of Dickson Road and Banks... (more)
St Jude's Church
by Eirian Evans
geograph for square ST5973
Built on the site of the Bullring, St Jude’s church was erected in 1844-49 to... (more)
Former St Saviour's church
by Derek Harper
for square ST5874
Also seen at Link and described... ( more)
Madinah Mosque on north side of Spencer Street
by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE0541
Oxford: looking east down the High Street from Carfax
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SP5106
On the left of the street, the eighteenth century spire of the former All Saints... (more)
St Mary in the Castle church
by Steve Daniels
for square TQ8209
St Mary in the Castle is now a live music venue.
Pelham Crescent below Hastings Castle
by Steve Daniels
geograph for square TQ8209
Gravestones at Llanfaglan
by Mat Fascione
geograph for square SH4760
The graveyard of the former St Mary Magdalen's Church.
St Piran's Oratory
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square SW7656
Looking at the remains of St Piran's Oratory on Penhale Sands. This ancient... (more)
St Paul's Church and Centre
by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9297
The side entrance to St Paul's Catholic Church on South Street, Guide... (more)
Former Atherstone-on-Stour church
by Philip Halling
geograph for square SP2050
Former church, Strathconon
by Craig Wallace
geograph for square NH2953
After lying empty for a few years, it seems it has now been converted to a house.
Former church, Strathconon
by Craig Wallace
geograph for square NH2953
After lying empty for a few years, it seems it has now been converted to a house.
Tower of Newton Church poking through the overgrowth
by TCExplorer
geograph for square SN0613
Remains of Newton North Parish Church, a scheduled ancient monument. I... (more)
Entrance of ruined Newton Church
by TCExplorer
geograph for square SN0613
Remains of Newton North Parish Church, a scheduled ancient monument. I... (more)
Increasingly overgrown ruins of Newton Church
by TCExplorer
geograph for square SN0613
Remains of Newton North Parish Church, a scheduled ancient monument. I... (more)
Ardwick Green
by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8597
On display are an abundance of daffodils.
In the background on the right is... (more)
Dhillon's Spire Bar, Dresden Place
geograph for square SP3378
Former church, St Abbs, Berwickshire
by Claire Pegrum
geograph for square NT9167
The church was opened in 1892 and is Category C listed. At the time of... (more)
Doorway at St. Michael's church, Abberley
by Mat Fascione
geograph for square SO7567
St. Michael's church is a Grade II Listed, part ruined Norman church. It is... (more)
Freud's Building
by Philip Halling
geograph for square SP5006
The former St Paul's Church on Walton Street in Jericho. The church was... (more)
Spring is on its way
by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO9445
Early February and a few winter flowers including snowdrops in front of St... (more)
War memorial and Maisemore church
by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8121
Maisemore's war memorial with St Giles' church in the background.... (more)
Junction, Honeybourne
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SP1143
The High Street passes Brick Walk (left) leading to the former church - see... (more)
Poppy display at the former church of St Andrew
by Mat Fascione
for square SO9445
Church Walk in Pershore
by Mat Fascione
geograph for square SO9445
Looking towards the former church of St Andrew, now a community centre. On the... (more)
Plaque on the Old Gaelic Chapel, Cromarty
by Craig Wallace
for square NH7867
From the plaque:
Erected by George Ross Esq
Anno Domini 1783
Old Gaelic Chapel, Cromarty
by Craig Wallace
geograph for square NH7867
Dating from 1783. Now roofless, and getting covered in vegetation.
Old Gaelic Chapel, Cromarty
by Craig Wallace
geograph for square NH7867
Dating from 1783. Now roofless, and getting lost amongst the vegetation in the cemetery.
Lincoln College Library
by Philip Halling
for square SP5106
Lincoln College Library; this is a Grade I listed building, see... (more)
'Aidans', formerly St Aidan's Church
by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY7005
'Aidans' a private residence, previously St Aidan's Church, on NE side Main Street
by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY7005
Entrance drive off Parkhill Road
by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9263
To a house otherwise enclosed behind a square of roads. In the background is The... (more)
Luing - Cullapool - Street which leads to former church
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square NM7313
This street heads southeastwards from the centre of Cullipool and leads (after a... (more)