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Showing latest 50 of 367 images tagged with Fourteenth Century tag.

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SP8850 : The Church of St Peter and St Paul (Olney Church) by David Dixon The Church of St Peter and St Paul (Olney Church) by David Dixon
for square SP8850
The fourteenth century church stands on the bank of the River Great Ouse and its... (more)
SP8950 : Olney Church (St Peter and St Paul) by David Dixon Olney Church (St Peter and St Paul) by David Dixon
geograph for square SP8950
The fourteenth century church of St Peter and St Paul stands on the bank of the... (more)
SP8850 : The Church of St Peter and St Paul, Olney by David Dixon The Church of St Peter and St Paul, Olney by David Dixon
geograph for square SP8850
The fourteenth century church stands on the bank of the River Great Ouse and its... (more)
SK8736 : Barrowby Church by David Dixon Barrowby Church by David Dixon
geograph for square SK8736
The Church of All Saints at Barrowby is a Grade I listed building (English... (more)
SK8736 : All Saints' Church, Barrowby by David Dixon All Saints' Church, Barrowby by David Dixon
geograph for square SK8736
The Church of All Saints at Barrowby is a Grade I listed building (English... (more)
SK8736 : The Church of All Saints, Barrowby by David Dixon The Church of All Saints, Barrowby by David Dixon
geograph for square SK8736
The Church of All Saints at Barrowby is a Grade I listed building (English... (more)
SK8736 : Barrowby, All Saints' Church by David Dixon Barrowby, All Saints' Church by David Dixon
geograph for square SK8736
The Church of All Saints at Barrowby is a Grade I listed building (English... (more)
SM7525 : The Bishop's Palace by David Dixon The Bishop's Palace by David Dixon
geograph for square SM7525
Looking from SM7525 : St David's Cathedral, across the ford in the River Alun, towards The... (more)
SM7525 : The Bishop's Palace by David Dixon The Bishop's Palace by David Dixon
geograph for square SM7525
The imposing ruins of The Bishop's Palace stand next to St David's... (more)
SM7525 : The Bishop's Palace by David Dixon The Bishop's Palace by David Dixon
geograph for square SM7525
The imposing ruins of The Bishop's Palace stand next to St David's... (more)
SM7525 : Bishops Palace Courtyard by David Dixon Bishops Palace Courtyard by David Dixon
geograph for square SM7525
The imposing ruins of The Bishop's Palace stand next to St David's... (more)
SM7525 : Bishop's Palace, St Davids by David Dixon Bishop's Palace, St Davids by David Dixon
geograph for square SM7525
The imposing ruins of The Bishop's Palace stand next to St David's... (more)
SH5078 : Eglwys Llanddyfnan by David Dixon Eglwys Llanddyfnan by David Dixon
geograph for square SH5078
The Church of St Dyfnan is a relatively large medieval rural church built of... (more)
SH5078 : St Dyfnan's Church, Llanddyfnan by David Dixon St Dyfnan's Church, Llanddyfnan by David Dixon
geograph for square SH5078
The Church of St Dyfnan is a relatively large medieval rural church built of... (more)
SH5078 : Llanddyfnan Church by David Dixon Llanddyfnan Church by David Dixon
geograph for square SH5078
The Church of St Dyfnan is a relatively large medieval rural church built of... (more)
SK2168 : Bakewell Bridge by David Dixon Bakewell Bridge by David Dixon
geograph for square SK2168
Bakewell Bridge is a Grade I listed (Historic England List Entry 1148112... (more)
SK2168 : River Wye, Bakewell Bridge by David Dixon River Wye, Bakewell Bridge by David Dixon
for square SK2168
Bakewell Bridge is a Grade I listed (Historic England List Entry 1148112... (more)
NU2406 : Bridge Head Tower, Warkworth Medieval Bridge by David Dixon Bridge Head Tower, Warkworth Medieval Bridge by David Dixon
geograph for square NU2406
Warkworth Bridge Tower is located at the southern end of NU2406 : Warkworth Bridge. It is a... (more)
NU2406 : Warkworth Bridge Gatehouse by David Dixon Warkworth Bridge Gatehouse by David Dixon
geograph for square NU2406
Warkworth Bridge Tower is located at the southern end of NU2406 : Warkworth Bridge. It is a... (more)
SE7525 : The Church of St Mary the Virgin, Hook by David Dixon The Church of St Mary the Virgin, Hook by David Dixon
geograph for square SE7525
St Mary's Church in Hook dates from the fourteenth century; it was... (more)
SY7082 : The Church of St Andrew, Preston by David Dixon The Church of St Andrew, Preston by David Dixon
geograph for square SY7082
A fourteenth century Anglican parish church in Preston, which is a small village... (more)
SY7082 : St Andrew's Church, Preston by David Dixon St Andrew's Church, Preston by David Dixon
geograph for square SY7082
A fourteenth century Anglican parish church in Preston, which is a small village... (more)
ST7598 : St James' Church, Chancel, Altar and East Window by David Dixon St James' Church, Chancel, Altar and East Window by David Dixon
for square ST7598
Inside ST7598 : The Church of St James the Great, Dursley The Church of St James the Great, at Dursley, is a Grade... (more)
NZ1221 : Raby Castle Coats of Arms above the Neville Gateway by David Dixon Raby Castle Coats of Arms above the Neville Gateway by David Dixon
for square NZ1221
The coats of arms carved over the Neville Gateway were created during work to... (more)
SP9668 : Higham  Ferrers Market Cross by David Dixon Higham Ferrers Market Cross by David Dixon
geograph for square SP9668
The market cross probably dates from the fourteenth century. It is a Grade I... (more)
SE0391 : West Window, St Oswald's Church by David Dixon West Window, St Oswald's Church by David Dixon
for square SE0391
Inside SE0391 : St Oswald's Church, Castle Bolton. The Church of St Oswald at Castle Bolton is a Grade II*... (more)
SE0391 : St Oswald's Church Nave by David Dixon St Oswald's Church Nave by David Dixon
for square SE0391
Inside SE0391 : St Oswald's Church, Castle Bolton. The Church of St Oswald at Castle Bolton is a Grade II*... (more)
SE0391 : St Oswald's Church, Castle Bolton by David Dixon St Oswald's Church, Castle Bolton by David Dixon
geograph for square SE0391
The Church of St Oswald at Castle Bolton is a Grade II* listed building (List... (more)
SE1287 : Middleham, the Church of St Mary and St Alkelda by David Dixon Middleham, the Church of St Mary and St Alkelda by David Dixon
geograph for square SE1287
Grade I listed church (List Entry Number:1318544... (more)
SE1287 : Church of St Mary and St Alkelda, Middleham by David Dixon Church of St Mary and St Alkelda, Middleham by David Dixon
geograph for square SE1287
Grade I listed church (List Entry Number:1318544... (more)
SP7649 : St Michael's Church, Ashton by David Dixon St Michael's Church, Ashton by David Dixon
geograph for square SP7649
The church of St Michael and All Angels at Ashton dates from the fourteenth... (more)
SP7649 : The Church of St Michael and All Angels, Ashton by David Dixon The Church of St Michael and All Angels, Ashton by David Dixon
geograph for square SP7649
The church of St Michael and All Angels dates from the fourteenth century. The... (more)
SP7649 : St Michael's Church and Lychgate, Ashton by David Dixon St Michael's Church and Lychgate, Ashton by David Dixon
geograph for square SP7649
The church of St Michael and All Angels dates from the fourteenth century. The... (more)
SU4211 : Ruins of Former Holy Rood Church by David Dixon Ruins of Former Holy Rood Church by David Dixon
geograph for square SU4211
Originally built in 1320, the church was rebuilt in 1849-50 retaining parts of... (more)
SU4211 : Former Holy Rood Church, now a Merchant Navy Memorial by David Dixon Former Holy Rood Church, now a Merchant Navy Memorial by David Dixon
geograph for square SU4211
Originally built in 1320, the church was rebuilt in 1849-50 retaining parts of... (more)
TG2408 : Bishop Gate (Bishop Bridge) by David Dixon Bishop Gate (Bishop Bridge) by David Dixon
geograph for square TG2408
The fourteenth century approach to Norwich Cathedral, Bishop Bridge is the only... (more)
TF6916 : All Saints' Church, East Winch by David Dixon All Saints' Church, East Winch by David Dixon
geograph for square TF6916
Fourteenth century parish church. Restored 1878 by Sir Gilbert Scott. It is a... (more)
TR1458 : The Guildhall, Canterbury by David Dixon The Guildhall, Canterbury by David Dixon
geograph for square TR1458
Although there have been several refurbishments in its history, the current... (more)
TG2308 : Norwich - Cathedral - Despenser reredos by Rob Farrow Norwich - Cathedral - Despenser reredos by Rob Farrow
for square TG2308
This rare C14th five-panel painted reredos was commissioned by Bishop Despenser... (more)
TL7714 : Terling Stores by Bikeboy Terling Stores by Bikeboy
geograph for square TL7714
The building dates from C14 and was altered in the C16 and C20. See... (more)
NH8449 : Cawdor Castle Courtyard by David Dixon Cawdor Castle Courtyard by David Dixon
geograph for square NH8449
NH8449 : Cawdor Castle by David Dixon Cawdor Castle by David Dixon
geograph for square NH8449
NH8449 : Cawdor Castle by David Dixon Cawdor Castle by David Dixon
geograph for square NH8449
SE2280 : St Mary's Parish Church (interior) by David Dixon St Mary's Parish Church (interior) by David Dixon
for square SE2280
The painting of "The Angel in Contemplation" hanging above the chancel... (more)
SE2280 : Wyvill Monument, St Mary's Church by David Dixon Wyvill Monument, St Mary's Church by David Dixon
for square SE2280
This monument is at the east end of the north aisle. It commemorates Sir... (more)
SE2280 : St Mary's Church, Abstrupus Danby Monument by David Dixon St Mary's Church, Abstrupus Danby Monument by David Dixon
for square SE2280
The eastern window of the south aisle is completely blocked up by the fine, 18th... (more)
SE2280 : The South Aisle, St Mary's Church by David Dixon The South Aisle, St Mary's Church by David Dixon
for square SE2280
The memorials in the south aisle are to members of the Danby and Cunliffe-Lister... (more)
SE2280 : St Mary's Church, The Nave Viewed from the Chancel by David Dixon St Mary's Church, The Nave Viewed from the Chancel by David Dixon
for square SE2280
The painting of "The Madonna and Child", above the tower arch, was... (more)
SE2280 : St Mary's Church, South Aisle by David Dixon St Mary's Church, South Aisle by David Dixon
for square SE2280
The memorial windows to the 1st and 2nd Lords Masham in the south aisle were... (more)
SE2280 : Nave, St Mary's Church, Masham by David Dixon Nave, St Mary's Church, Masham by David Dixon
for square SE2280
The painting of "The Angel in Contemplation" hanging above the chancel... (more)
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