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Showing latest 50 of 504 images tagged with Miniature Railway tag.

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SE5951 : Miniature railway at the National Railway Museum, York by Malc McDonald Miniature railway at the National Railway Museum, York by Malc McDonald
geograph for square SE5951
The miniature railway in the grounds of the National Railway Museum gives rides... (more)
TQ1666 : The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon
for square TQ1666
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of... (more)
SH9980 : 44, Joan and a saloon railcar by Richard Hoare 44, Joan and a saloon railcar by Richard Hoare
geograph for square SH9980
44 - This little steam locomotive has been based at Rhyl Miniature Railway since... (more)
NZ3767 : Miniature railway, South Marine Park, South Shields by Malc McDonald Miniature railway, South Marine Park, South Shields by Malc McDonald
geograph for square NZ3767
This miniature railway runs in a circle around South Marine Park.
J5476 : Santa arriving at Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer Santa arriving at Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer
for square J5476
One of the highlights at Drumawhey Junction each December is the arrival of Santa Claus.
J5476 : Tracks and a train, Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer Tracks and a train, Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer
geograph for square J5476
Some of the extensive network of tracks close to the station and one of the... (more)
J5476 : Signal Cabin, Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer Signal Cabin, Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer
for square J5476
The Signal Cabin at Drumawhey Junction.
J5476 : Tunnel, Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer Tunnel, Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer
for square J5476
Onboard a train and heading towards a tunnel at Drumawhey Junction - great fun!
J5476 : Platform, Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer Platform, Drumawhey Junction by Rossographer
for square J5476
The station platform at Drumawhey Junction.
TQ1666 : The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon
geograph for square TQ1666
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of... (more)
Tags: Miniature Railway   top:RailwaysX  
TQ1666 : The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon
geograph for square TQ1666
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of... (more)
Tags: Miniature Railway   top:RailwaysX  
TQ1666 : The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon
geograph for square TQ1666
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of... (more)
Tags: Miniature Railway   top:RailwaysX  
TQ1666 : The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon
geograph for square TQ1666
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of... (more)
Tags: Miniature Railway   top:RailwaysX  
TQ1666 : The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon
geograph for square TQ1666
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of... (more)
Tags: Miniature Railway   top:RailwaysX  
TQ1666 : The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon
geograph for square TQ1666
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of... (more)
Tags: Miniature Railway   top:RailwaysX  
TQ1666 : The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway by Marathon
geograph for square TQ1666
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of... (more)
Tags: Miniature Railway   top:RailwaysX  
ST6642 : Miniature railway shed, Cranmore Station by Christine Johnstone Miniature railway shed, Cranmore Station by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square ST6642
The miniature railway is run by members of the East Somerset Railway.
J5082 : Miniature railway, Bangor by Rossographer Miniature railway, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
The 'Pickie Puffer' hauling carriages and passengers at the miniature... (more)
SH9980 : Michael, a miniature railway locomotive departs Central Station by Richard Hoare Michael, a miniature railway locomotive departs Central Station by Richard Hoare
geograph for square SH9980
Michael, number 105 a 4-4-2 locomotive built by Albert Barnes & Co, entered... (more)
SH9980 : Joan, a miniature railway locomotive by Richard Hoare Joan, a miniature railway locomotive by Richard Hoare
for square SH9980
Joan, number 101 a 4-4-2 locomotive built by Albert Barnes & Co, entered... (more)
SH9980 : Trackside view of Rhyl's miniature railway by Richard Hoare Trackside view of Rhyl's miniature railway by Richard Hoare
geograph for square SH9980
Britain's oldest miniature railway dating from 1911. For a complete history... (more)
SD3228 : Pleasure Island Miniature Railway by Gerald England Pleasure Island Miniature Railway by Gerald England
geograph for square SD3228
The miniature railway at Pleasure Island encircles the miniature golf course.
SH7781 : West Shore Miniature Railway, Llandudno by Stephen McKay West Shore Miniature Railway, Llandudno by Stephen McKay
geograph for square SH7781
It is always interesting to note the use of British Transport Commission style... (more)
Tags: type:GeographX   Miniature Railway   subject:RailwayX   top:RailwaysX  
ST8043 : Miniature diesel on the turntable at Longleat by Jonathan Hutchins Miniature diesel on the turntable at Longleat by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square ST8043
No.7 'Flynn', built in 2007.
NZ8808 : Ruswarp Miniature Railway by Stephen McKay Ruswarp Miniature Railway by Stephen McKay
geograph for square NZ8808
First opened in 1990 and operated by Chainbridge Riverside Retreats, the Ruswarp... (more)
SP7418 : Miniature Railway by Buckinghamshire Railway Centre by Chris Allen Miniature Railway by Buckinghamshire Railway Centre by Chris Allen
geograph for square SP7418
This miniature railway adjoins the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre but there is a... (more)
Tags: type:GeographX   Miniature Railway   Miniature TrainX   place:QuaintonX   subject:RailwayX   top:RailwaysX  
NZ6621 : Saltburn miniature railway by Malc McDonald Saltburn miniature railway by Malc McDonald
geograph for square NZ6621
The Cat Nab terminus station of Saltburn miniature railway. The railway has a... (more)
SK0573 : Miniature railway - Buxton Pavilion Gardens by Stephen McKay Miniature railway - Buxton Pavilion Gardens by Stephen McKay
geograph for square SK0573
Miniature railway locomotive 'Edward Milner' waits to depart on the... (more)
SK0573 : Miniature railway - Buxton Pavilion Gardens by Stephen McKay Miniature railway - Buxton Pavilion Gardens by Stephen McKay
geograph for square SK0573
This 12¼ inch gauge miniature railway runs on a 320 yard circular track through... (more)
SH9980 : Michael being prepared for the off by Richard Hoare Michael being prepared for the off by Richard Hoare
for square SH9980
Michael, number 105 a 4-4-2 locomotive built by Albert Barnes & Co, entered... (more)
SJ9285 : Miniature Railway station  by Trevor Harris Miniature Railway station by Trevor Harris
geograph for square SJ9285
The station on the miniature railway at Norbury garden centre. There is an... (more)
J5082 : Railway crossing sign, Pickie, Bangor by Rossographer Railway crossing sign, Pickie, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
There is a pedestrian crossing over the miniature railway at Pickie Fun Park.... (more)
J5081 : Miniature railway, Bangor (5) by Albert Bridge Miniature railway, Bangor (5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5081
The turntable at the southern end of the line. It is turned manually.
SH7956 : Miniature Railway, Betws-y-coed by David Dixon Miniature Railway, Betws-y-coed by David Dixon
geograph for square SH7956
Category: Railway (miniature)
The Betws-y-Coed miniature railway is run by the Conwy Valley Railway Museum,... (more)
TL3701 : Miniature railway station at The Royal Gunpowder Mills by Marathon Miniature railway station at The Royal Gunpowder Mills by Marathon
geograph for square TL3701
The Royal Gunpowder Mills consists of 170 acres and contains 19 listed... (more)
SJ4166 : Miniature Railway in Grosvenor Park ,Chester by David Hillas Miniature Railway in Grosvenor Park ,Chester by David Hillas
geograph for square SJ4166
This photo shows the diesel engine 2000 (Mighty Max) in Grosvenor Park Station... (more)
NZ1014 : Miniature Railway at Whorlton Lido (1971) by Stanley Howe Miniature Railway at Whorlton Lido (1971) by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NZ1014
On flood plain of River Tees.
Tags: postcode area:DL12X   type:GeographX   LidoX   Miniature Railway   Miniature Railway TrackX   Miniature Railway TrainX   subject:RailwayX   top:RailwaysX   top:Sport, LeisureX   place:WhorltonX  
SE5951 : National Railway Museum - miniature Deltic by Chris Allen National Railway Museum - miniature Deltic by Chris Allen
for square SE5951
For a fee one can ride on the miniature railway. On this occasion the motive... (more)
SD3228 : Harry's Dream by Stephen Armstrong Harry's Dream by Stephen Armstrong
geograph for square SD3228
One of two engines operated on the St Annes Miniature Railway. This one is named... (more)
SD3228 : St Annes Miniature Railway Tunnel/Shed by Stephen Armstrong St Annes Miniature Railway Tunnel/Shed by Stephen Armstrong
geograph for square SD3228
The railway runs around the miniature golf course on the south promenade.
SH9980 : Gorsaf  Ganolog (Central Station) Rhyl by Richard Hoare Gorsaf Ganolog (Central Station) Rhyl by Richard Hoare
geograph for square SH9980
Britain's oldest miniature railway dating from 1911. For a complete history... (more)
SD3317 : Lakeside Miniature Railway, Southport by Jeff Buck Lakeside Miniature Railway, Southport by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SD3317
The Lakeside Miniature Railway as seen from the pier. Wikipedia... (more)
J5081 : Miniature railway, Bangor (6) by Albert Bridge Miniature railway, Bangor (6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5081
The view from the terminus at the southern end, along the run around loop, in... (more)
J5081 : Miniature railway, Bangor (4) by Albert Bridge Miniature railway, Bangor (4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5081
The line, looking towards the turntable and terminus.
J5081 : Miniature railway, Bangor (3) by Albert Bridge Miniature railway, Bangor (3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5081
The line, looking towards Pickie station and the swan pedalos... (more)
J5082 : Miniature railway, Bangor (2) by Albert Bridge Miniature railway, Bangor (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J5082
The loop looking towards Pickie station.
J5082 : Miniature railway, Bangor (1) by Albert Bridge Miniature railway, Bangor (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5082
The view, northwards, towards the loop.
TQ4484 : Miniature Railway Engine Shed, Barking Park by Geographer Miniature Railway Engine Shed, Barking Park by Geographer
geograph for square TQ4484
Category: Railway engine shed (miniature)
Off the A124 Longbridge Road LinkExternal link
SE1026 : Shibden Park Miniature Railway crossing Red Beck by David Dixon Shibden Park Miniature Railway crossing Red Beck by David Dixon
geograph for square SE1026
The miniature railway runs on a circular line along the park's valley. It... (more)
SD5320 : Worden Park Miniature Railway by David Dixon Worden Park Miniature Railway by David Dixon
geograph for square SD5320
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