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Showing latest 50 of 63 images tagged with Naval Vessel tag.

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J3575 : HMS "Caroline", Belfast - January 2016(2) by Albert Bridge HMS "Caroline", Belfast - January 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3575
The vessel’s bridge is currently surrounded by scaffolding. This is the port side.
J3575 : HMS "Caroline", Belfast - January 2016(1) by Albert Bridge HMS "Caroline", Belfast - January 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3575
The vessel’s bridge is currently surrounded by scaffolding. This is the starboard side.
J5083 : The 'Maury' off Bangor by Rossographer The 'Maury' off Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5083
The oceanographic survey ship USNS 'Maury'... (more)
SX8752 : Sand Quay, Dartmouth by Stephen Craven Sand Quay, Dartmouth by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SX8752
The naval vessel in the photo is the permanently moored HMS Hindustan SX8752 : Britannia Royal Naval College - HMS Hindustan.
Tags: river:DartX   type:GeographX   Naval Vessel   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX  
SX8752 : Britannia Royal Naval College - HMS Hindustan by Chris Allen Britannia Royal Naval College - HMS Hindustan by Chris Allen
for square SX8752
This is the permanently moored static training vessel at Britannia and was... (more)
O2429 : LE "Aisling" at Dun Laoghaire by Albert Bridge LE "Aisling" at Dun Laoghaire by Albert Bridge
for square O2429
The Naval Service patrol boat LE “Aisling” (pennant number P23) departing Dun... (more)
O2428 : The LE "Deirdre" at Dun Loaghaire by Albert Bridge The LE "Deirdre" at Dun Loaghaire by Albert Bridge
for square O2428
Category: Boat
The first newbuild for the Naval Service, the LE “Deirdre” (P20) was built by... (more)
J5082 : German naval ship off Bangor - October 2014(1) by Albert Bridge German naval ship off Bangor - October 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5082
The effects of the remnants of Hurricane Gonzalo... (more)
J3474 : Royal Navy and Irish Naval Service boats, Belfast (2003) by Albert Bridge Royal Navy and Irish Naval Service boats, Belfast (2003) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
An early-morning shot showing the Royal Navy patrol boat HMS “Tyne” (P281, left)... (more)
J3779 : LÉ "Samuel Beckett”, Belfast Lough (May 2019) by Albert Bridge LÉ "Samuel Beckett”, Belfast Lough (May 2019) by Albert Bridge
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Irish Naval Service patrol boat LÉ "Samuel Beckett” (P61 - 2014/90... (more)
O1734 : Naval boat and gasholder, Dublin by Albert Bridge Naval boat and gasholder, Dublin by Albert Bridge
geograph for square O1734
At the time this was intended to be just a photograph of the Naval Service... (more)
SU6303 : On board SS Stalker, Tipner, Portsmouth by Chris Allen On board SS Stalker, Tipner, Portsmouth by Chris Allen
geograph for square SU6303
Stalker has now been scrapped but was the last of the Landing Ship Tank (LST3)... (more)
NZ3668 : Naval Training vessel going downriver by Robert Graham Naval Training vessel going downriver by Robert Graham
geograph for square NZ3668
This boat is based at HMS Calliope at Gateshead Quayside and used to train The Sea Cadets.
SJ3389 : Promenade along the Mersey, Albert Dock, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton Promenade along the Mersey, Albert Dock, Liverpool by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SJ3389
Visible upriver on the opposite bank, the oil terminal at Rock Ferry and, to the... (more)
NZ5133 : HMS Trincomalee by Stephen McKay HMS Trincomalee by Stephen McKay
for square NZ5133
Showing the stern of the vessel; the windows looked out of the captain's cabin.
Tags: type:Close LookX   top:Defence, MilitaryX   top:Docks, HarboursX   Naval Vessel   Sailing ShipX   subject:ShipX  
J5083 : Frigate off Bangor by Rossographer Frigate off Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5083
Spanish frigate Méndez Núñez F104... (more)
J3474 : Latvian naval jack, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge Latvian naval jack, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The Latvian naval jack LinkExternal link on... (more)
J3474 : The FGS “Sulzbach-Rosenberg” and LVNS “Virsaitis”, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge The FGS “Sulzbach-Rosenberg” and LVNS “Virsaitis”, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The German Navy Frankenthal-class minehunter... (more)
J3474 : The EML “Sakala”, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge The EML “Sakala”, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Estonian Navy minehunter EML “Sakala” (M314) at Queens Quay. One of several... (more)
J3474 : HNoMS “Rauma”, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge HNoMS “Rauma”, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
A stern view of the Norwegian Navy Alta-class catamaran minesweeper... (more)
J3474 : The BNS “Primula” and HNLMS “Makkum”, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge The BNS “Primula” and HNLMS “Makkum”, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The Belgian minesweeper BNS “Primula” (M924)... (more)
J3474 : The BNS "Primula", Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge The BNS "Primula", Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The Belgian minesweeper BNS “Primula” (M924)... (more)
J3474 : HNLMS "Makkum", Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge HNLMS "Makkum", Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The Dutch Tripartite-class minehunter... (more)
J3474 : "Belle Poule" (A650), Belfast (August 2015) by Albert Bridge "Belle Poule" (A650), Belfast (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The French naval training ship Belle Poule (A 650)... (more)
S6012 : The LE "Aisling" at Waterford by Albert Bridge The LE "Aisling" at Waterford by Albert Bridge
geograph for square S6012
The patrol boat LE “Aisling” (P23)... (more)
S7127 : French naval boat, New Ross by Albert Bridge French naval boat, New Ross by Albert Bridge
geograph for square S7127
The French Navy’s “Jaguar” (A750) on a courtesy visit to New Ross during the... (more)
SU6200 : HMS Warrior, Portsmouth Harbour by Peter Trimming HMS Warrior, Portsmouth Harbour by Peter Trimming
geograph for square SU6200
The historical Royal Naval vessel, seen from the Wight Ryder ferry.
J3474 : Naval visit, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge Naval visit, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Category: Boat
See J3474 : Naval visit, Belfast (2). The third vessel to arrive was the Latvian minehunter LVS... (more)
SW8133 : Naval ships in Falmouth Harbour by Ian S Naval ships in Falmouth Harbour by Ian S
geograph for square SW8133
O2428 : The LE "Emer" at Dun Laoghaire by Albert Bridge The LE "Emer" at Dun Laoghaire by Albert Bridge
for square O2428
Category: Boat
See O2428 : The LE "Deirdre" at Dun Loaghaire. The LE “Emer” was built by the Verlome Cork Dockyard in 1978... (more)
SY7075 : Portland Breakwater by David Dixon Portland Breakwater by David Dixon
geograph for square SY7075
Naval ship anchored inside Portland Harbour, near the Outer Breakwater; a yacht... (more)
SY7074 : Portland Harbour, TV Sir Tristram (RFA Sir Tristram) by David Dixon Portland Harbour, TV Sir Tristram (RFA Sir Tristram) by David Dixon
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Launched December 1966. RFA Sir Tristram was a Round Table class logistics... (more)
NZ5133 : HMS Trincomalee by Stephen McKay HMS Trincomalee by Stephen McKay
for square NZ5133
Looking up at the masts and shrouds. The modern masts are made of tubular steel... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   top:Defence, MilitaryX   top:Docks, HarboursX   Naval Vessel   Sailing ShipX   subject:ShipX  
NZ5133 : HMS Trincomalee by Stephen McKay HMS Trincomalee by Stephen McKay
for square NZ5133
HMS Trincomalee is seen here afloat in Jackson Dock at the Royal Navy National... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   top:Defence, MilitaryX   top:Docks, HarboursX   Naval Vessel   Sailing ShipX   subject:ShipX  
J3575 : USS "Mason", Belfast (December 2016) by Albert Bridge USS "Mason", Belfast (December 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J3575
The United States Navy destroyer USS “Mason” (DDG-87)... (more)
J5082 : German naval ship off Bangor - October 2014(3) by Albert Bridge German naval ship off Bangor - October 2014(3) by Albert Bridge
for square J5082
See J5082 : German naval ship off Bangor - October 2014(2). About 1¼ hours after high water the FGS “Datteln” (M1068) is... (more)
J5082 : German naval ship off Bangor - October 2014(2) by Albert Bridge German naval ship off Bangor - October 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J5082
See J5082 : German naval ship off Bangor - October 2014(1). A few minutes later the crew of the FGS “Datteln” (M1068)... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
A first visit by the Sandown class minehunter HMS 'Pembroke' M107 to... (more)
TQ3777 : HMS Ocean at Greenwich by Stephen Craven HMS Ocean at Greenwich by Stephen Craven
for square TQ3777
This naval helicopter carrier moored in the Thames was part of the security... (more)
SS4629 : 'Samuel Beckett' at Appledore by Stephen McKay 'Samuel Beckett' at Appledore by Stephen McKay
geograph for square SS4629
The latest product of the Appledore Shipyard - a fisheries protection vessel for... (more)
Tags: top:Defence, MilitaryX   top:IndustryX   Naval Vessel   subject:ShipX   ShipyardX  
J3474 : HMS 'Hurworth' at Belfast by Rossographer HMS 'Hurworth' at Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
Minesweeper HMS 'Hurworth'... (more)
Tags: BelfastX   place:BelfastX   top:City, Town CentreX   top:CoastalX   top:Docks, HarboursX   type:GeographX   Hms HurworthX   Naval Vessel   ShipX   subject:ShipX   Ship/boatX   ShipphotosX   ShippingX  
J3676 : USNS "Bruce C Heezon", Belfast (August 2018) by Albert Bridge USNS "Bruce C Heezon", Belfast (August 2018) by Albert Bridge
for square J3676
United States Navy oceanographic survey ship the USNS “Bruce C Heezen” at the... (more)
SX4650 : Daring class Destroyer near the Breakwater by Martin Bodman Daring class Destroyer near the Breakwater by Martin Bodman
for square SX4650
With a frigate on the horizon, right. Unable to identify which destroyer, as... (more)
Tags: top:Air, Sky, WeatherX   top:CoastalX   top:Estuary, MarineX   Naval Vessel   subject:SeaX  
J5082 : HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Once tied up at the Eisenhower Pier, the Union Jack is raised at the bow of HMS... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5082
Two crewmen onboard HMS 'Pembroke' during berthing at the Eisenhower Pier.
J5082 : HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
HMS 'Pembroke' berthing at the Eisenhower Pier. The large fenders in... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Pembroke' at Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
HMS 'Pembroke' entering Bangor harbour, slowly passing the anglers at... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Pembroke' off Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Pembroke' off Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5082
HMS 'Pembroke' approaching Bangor. The chimney in the background... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Pembroke' off Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Pembroke' off Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5082
HMS 'Pembroke' approaching Bangor. In the background the 'Sea... (more)
J3475 : HMS "Pembroke", Belfast (November 2018) by Albert Bridge HMS "Pembroke", Belfast (November 2018) by Albert Bridge
for square J3475
Royal Navy Sandown-class mine countermeasures boat HMS “Pembroke” (M107)... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   Belfast HarbourX   BoatX   subject:BoatX   type:Cross GridX   top:Defence, MilitaryX   top:Docks, HarboursX   Naval Vessel   Royal NavyX  
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