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TQ2051 : North of Betchworth by Ian Capper North of Betchworth by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
Field north of Betchworth with former quarry workers' cottages near... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
The top of the 1867 Hoffman limekiln at Betchworth Quarry. Grade II listed -... (more)
TQ2051 : Former Betchworth Quarry workshops by Ian Capper Former Betchworth Quarry workshops by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
Former workshops for Betchworth Quarry. See TQ2051 : Former engine shed and workshop, Betchworth Quarry for other side of the... (more)
Tags: near:Betchworth   place:Betchworth QuarryX   top:Quarrying, MiningX   WorkshopX  
TQ2048 : Betchworth Jubilee Beacon by Ian Capper Betchworth Jubilee Beacon by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2048
Beacon above Wellhouse Road. Photographs of the Betchworth Diamond Jubilee... (more)
TQ2048 : Betchworth Jubilee Beacon by Ian Capper Betchworth Jubilee Beacon by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2048
Beacon above Wellhouse Road. Photographs of the Betchworth Diamond Jubilee... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
The 1867 Hoffman limekiln at the former Betchworth Quarry. Grade II listed -... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
The 1867 Hoffman limekiln at the former Betchworth Quarry. Grade II listed -... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
The top of the 1867 Hoffman limekiln at the former Betchworth Quarry, seen... (more)
TQ2050 : Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2050
Looking across a field planted with a grain crop towards the former Betchworth... (more)
TQ2051 : Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper
for square TQ2051
Looking across a field planted with a grain crop towards the former Betchworth... (more)
TQ2051 : Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
Looking across a field planted with a grain crop towards the former Betchworth... (more)
TQ2050 : Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2050
Looking across a field planted with a grain crop towards the former Betchworth... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
The top of the 1867 Hoffman limekiln at Betchworth Quarry. Grade II listed -... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kilns by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kilns by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
The towers of the Dietz limekilns at Betchworth Quarry. Grade II listed - see... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper
for square TQ2051
Close up of the 1867 Hoffman limekiln at Betchworth Quarry. Grade II listed -... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper
for square TQ2051
Part of the 1867 Hoffman limekiln at Betchworth Quarry. Grade II listed - for... (more)
TQ2051 : Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper Betchworth Quarry kiln by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
1867 Hoffman limekiln at Betchworth Quarry. Grade II listed - for listing... (more)
TQ2149 : Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper
for square TQ2149
Looking towards the former Betchworth Quarry from a hillside above Wellhouse... (more)
TQ2049 : Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper Towards Betchworth Quarry by Ian Capper
for square TQ2049
Looking towards the former Betchworth Quarry from a hillside above Wellhouse... (more)
TQ2050 : North Downs Line by Ian Capper North Downs Line by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2050
Looking west along the Redhill - Guildford North Downs Line from the... (more)
Tags: AWSX   AWS ReminderX   near:Betchworth   type:GeographX   railway:North Downs LineX   top:RailwaysX  
TQ2048 : Betchworth Jubilee Beacon by Ian Capper Betchworth Jubilee Beacon by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2048
Beacon above Wellhouse Road. Photographs of the Betchworth Diamond Jubilee... (more)
TQ2051 : Field edge by Ian Capper Field edge by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
Looking across a field planted with a grain crop with former quarry... (more)
TQ2051 : Field edge by Ian Capper Field edge by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2051
Field edge by the Pilgrims Way, south of the former Betchworth Quarry. Some... (more)
TQ2050 : Accommodation bridge by Ian Capper Accommodation bridge by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2050
Looking towards an accommodation bridge (no RSJ 1239) over the North Downs Line... (more)
TQ2050 : Pasture by Ian Capper Pasture by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2050
Sheep grazing in a field north of the A25 past Betchworth. In the far distance... (more)
TQ2050 : Accommodation  bridge by Ian Capper Accommodation bridge by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2050
An accommodation bridge (no RSJ 1239) over the North Downs Line west of... (more)
Tags: Accommodation BridgeX   near:Betchworth   type:GeographX   railway:North Downs LineX   top:PathsX   top:RailwaysX  
TQ2050 : Accommodation  bridge by Ian Capper Accommodation bridge by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2050
An accommodation bridge (no RSJ 1239) over the North Downs Line west of... (more)
Tags: Accommodation BridgeX   near:Betchworth   type:GeographX   railway:North Downs LineX   top:PathsX   top:RailwaysX  
TQ2249 : Pill box by Ian Capper Pill box by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2249
One of a number of pillboxes situated near the River Mole. This one is near... (more)
Tags: near:Betchworth   top:Defence, MilitaryX   Pill BoxX   near:ReigateX  
TQ2050 : Moore's Open Storage by Ian Capper Moore's Open Storage by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2050
Open storage site in a former sand quarry alongside and behind a former Happy... (more)
TQ2152 : The Weald by Ian Capper The Weald by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2152
Telephoto view of The Weald, a house built in around 1939 for Dorothy... (more)
TQ2249 : Route of new Water Main by Ian Capper Route of new Water Main by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2249
During 2013, Sutton and East Surrey Water have been undertaking a major project... (more)
TQ2249 : Route of new Water Main by Ian Capper Route of new Water Main by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2249
During 2013, Sutton and East Surrey Water have been undertaking a major project... (more)
TQ2252 : Towards Mount Hill by Ian Capper Towards Mount Hill by Ian Capper
for square TQ2252
A planted field contrasting with the wooded slopes of the North Downs, with... (more)
TQ2149 : Deer Park by Ian Capper Deer Park by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2149
Fallow deer in the Deer Park attached to Wonham Manor.
TQ2149 : Crest, gates to Wonham Manor by Ian Capper Crest, gates to Wonham Manor by Ian Capper
for square TQ2149
One of a pair of identical crests on the gates to Wonham Manor of Wonham Lane... (more)
TQ2149 : West Lodge by Ian Capper West Lodge by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2149
One of two lodges to Wonham Manor off Wonham Lane.
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