Brown Bear near Dunbar - detail
by M J Richardson
for square NT6877
A 5m steel sculpture of a bear in tribute to conservationist John Muir, who was... (more)
A tribute to John Muir at Dunbar
by M J Richardson
for square NT6877
A 5m steel sculpture of a bear in tribute to conservationist John Muir, who was... (more)
Dunbar limestone quarry
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7177
One end of the spoil conveyor, and its associated spoil heap.
Lochend from Easter Broomhouse
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6777
Looking across winter wheat to the southern extension of Dunbar.
Lafarge Cement - Dunbar Quarry
by M J Richardson
for square NT7076
Looking across the site from the north.
Lafarge Cement Quarry
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7177
One end of a spoil conveyor and, in the next square, the main works.
Quarry spoil conveyor
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7177
One end of the conveyor for moving spoil at the Lafarge Dunbar cement quarry.
Lafarge Cement - Dunbar Quarry
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7077
The northern end of the works, with the waste conveyor in the distance.
Sedimentation ponds
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7077
I assume that is what they are, and something to do with the Dunbar Quarry and... (more)
Dunbar Golf Club
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7077
Lafarge Cement - Dunbar Quarry
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7077
Mobile waste conveyor belt, with caterpillar tracks at each end.
Are we nearly there yet?
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6477
Road sign on the A1, at the bridge over the Biel Water near Beltonford. Not far... (more)
Foreshore near Barns Ness
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7177
With Bass Rock in the distance.
Sedimentation pond outlets
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7077
At the northern end of the Lafarge cement quarry area near Mid Links at Broxmouth.
The way out from North Belton
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6477
The road from North Belton farm passes under the A1.
Bridge over the Biel Water
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6477
The A1 crosses the road to North Belton Farm [L] and the Biel Water [R].
Brussels sprouts at North Belton
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6477
Looking southeast across the valley of the Biel Water.
Brussels Sprouts at North Belton
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6477
Looking southeast to trees in the valley of the Biel Water.
Old bus at Foxlake
by M J Richardson
for square NT6377
Part of the Foxfall ropes course facility at the watersports centre.
Foxfall at Foxlake
by M J Richardson
for square NT6377
Rope obstacle course over water - prepare to get wet.
Cake and Wake at Foxlake
by M J Richardson
for square NT6377
Café at the wakeboarding centre.
Fox Lake Waterboarding Centre
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6377
The Foxfall rope obstacle course.
Potatoes at Easter Broomhouse
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6777
Torness Power Station
by M J Richardson
for square NT7475
A view of the EDF nuclear power station from Barns Ness.
Barns Ness lighthouse and keepers houses
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7277
Barns Ness Lighthouse
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7277
Viewed from the southeast.
Rough grassland at Barns Ness
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7277
Looking across to Torness Power Station.
Barns Ness Lighthouse
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7277
A view from the west.
Foxrail at Foxlake
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6377
Alternative use for an old rail carriage at the watersports activity centre.
Foxlake Wakeboarding centre
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6377
Café, wakeboarding, zip lines and walks. With reedmace or bulrushes at the edge... (more)
Reedmace at Foxlake
by M J Richardson
for square NT6377
Typha sp. growing at the edge of the lake. The gap in the fence leads to the... (more)
Wakeboarding at Foxlake
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT6377
Wakeboarders are towed along the lake by overhead cables.
Reedmace or Bulrush [Typha latifolia]
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT7077
Growing at the drier end of a sedimentation pond, part of Lafarge's cement... (more)