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NT9649 : Wrapped bales stored in field near Murton by Graham Robson Wrapped bales stored in field near Murton by Graham Robson
geograph for square NT9649
A stack of wrapped bales stored in the corner of a grass field near Murton.
NT9649 : Murton High Crags by Graham Robson Murton High Crags by Graham Robson
geograph for square NT9649
Looking across a stubble field containing a muck midden towards Murton High Crags.
NT9748 : Murton White House, seen across a ploughed field by Graham Robson Murton White House, seen across a ploughed field by Graham Robson
geograph for square NT9748
Looking across a ploughed field towards the buildings at Murton White House farm.
NT9649 : Farm track near Ewe Hill by Graham Robson Farm track near Ewe Hill by Graham Robson
geograph for square NT9649
A farm track running between a ploughed arable field and woodland on Ewe Hill near Murton.
NT9749 : Arable land north of The Kells by Graham Robson Arable land north of The Kells by Graham Robson
geograph for square NT9749
Looking south across an arable field towards The Kells, which is the area of... (more)
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