Path to the Basingstoke Canal
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9858
The path from the Lockfield Road footbridge to the Basingstoke Canal in... (more)
Horsell Common sandpit
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0160
Walkers in the sandpit on Horsell Common, an area of lowland heath near Woking.... (more)
Grange Road junction
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0060
The junction of Grange Road with Shore's Road near Woking. Horsell Common... (more)
Mclaren Park near Woking
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0161
The main path across the park bathed in the late afternoon sun. Horsell Common... (more)
Bourne Meadows, Horsell Common
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9960
A muddy path across the Bourne Meadows near Horsell Common. These meadows have... (more)
McLaren Technology Centre
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0161
The main headquarters building of the McLaren group on the former Mizens Farm... (more)
The pond, Hook Heath Golf Course
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9857
The pond in the northeast corner of Hook Heath Golf Course to the west of Woking.
Hook Heath Golf Course
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9857
The pond in the northeast corner of the Hook Heath Golf Course to the west of Woking.
Bampton Road, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9858
Bampton road approaching the Sythwood junction in the Goldsworth Park estate to... (more)
Winnington Way, St John's
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9858
A residential roads off St John's Road in the suburban sprawl to the west of Woking.
Kirkland Avenue, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9759
Kirkland Avenue from the junction with Wishbone Way in this large 1970s housing... (more)
Tregarth Place, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9758
A cul de sac off Kirkland Avenue in this large 1970s housing estate to the west of Woking.
Hawkeswell Close, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9758
The junction of Hawkeswell Close with Kirkland Avenue in this large 1970s... (more)
Hawkswell Walk, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9759
One of the many walkways running through this large 1970s housing estate to the... (more)
Watermead, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9759
The junction of Watermead with Kirkland Avenue in this large late 1970s housing... (more)
Bourne Meadows, Horsell Common
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9960
A large pool of ice covered waterin the Bourne Meadows near Mimbridge with the... (more)
Bourne Meadows, Horsell
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9960
The Bourne Meadows near Mimbridge with one of the houses on Philpott Lane in the... (more)
The A320, Guildford Road
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0162
Looking south from near the Wey Farm entrance towards Dunford Bridge.
Semi-permanent pond, Mclaren Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0161
Water collecting in a dip, plentiful in winter but nearly dries up in summer.
Footpath, Mclaren Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0161
The main public right of way through the Mclaren Park, a large area of public... (more)
View across the Bourne near Mimbridge
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9960
The river runs just beyond the oak tree. The flooded watermeadows are part of... (more)
The Bourne near Mimbridge
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9961
A recently excavated dog ramp in the Bourne to allow dogs to jump in and splash... (more)
Grass cutter, Bourne Meadows
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9960
A grass cutter by the River Bourne near Mimbridge.
Kirkland Avenue, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9758
Kirkland Avenue near the junction with Cliton Way.
Bourne Meadows, Mimbridge
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9960
Looking across the Bourne Meadows towards the houses off Philpot Lane.
Horsell Common
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0060
Woods on the edge of Horsell Common along Shore's Road with one of the... (more)
Footpath, McLaren Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0161
The footpath from the Chertsey Road through the McLaren Park to Horsell Common.... (more)
Path to Woodham Hall Estate
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0160
The footpath from Woodham Common past an electricity substation towards Woodham... (more)
Walkway along the A320
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0162
Looking north along the walkway beside the A320 with the access to one of the... (more)
The former Mizens Farm entrance
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0161
This road served as the main entrance to Mizens Farm before Mclaren took over... (more)
New Lane
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0055
Looking north along New Lane the road that runs from Westfield to Sutton Green.... (more)
Robin Hood Lane
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0055
The junction of Robin Hood Lane with New Lane, the road that runs from Westfield... (more)
Lower Westfield Farm
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0055
Looking across the fields of Lower Westfield Farm with Moor Cottage in the background.
Moor Lane, Westfield
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0056
The narrow lane that runs from New Lane to Little Moorlane Farm.
Basingstoke Canal
by Peter Trimming
geograph for square SU9958
Bridge at the end of Bridge Barn Lane.
Basingstoke Canal
by Peter Trimming
geograph for square SU9958
Narrow boat moored beside the Beefeater.
Basingstoke Canal
by Peter Trimming
geograph for square SU9958
Narrow boats moored beside the Beefeater establishment.
The Writing on the Wall
by Peter Trimming
for square SU9958
Parley Drive bridge, seen across the Basingstoke Canal.
Basingstoke Canal
by Peter Trimming
geograph for square SU9958
Parley Drive bridge.
Sunset, Mclaren Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0061
The sun setting behind a stand of saplings in the park.
Heather Farm Wetland Centre
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9960
One of the excavated lakes in the Wetland Centre fringed with hand planted reedbeds.
Beaufort School, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9759
The drop off road outside the Beaufort Primary School on Kirkland Avenue.
Robinia, Goldsworth Park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9758
A Robinia by the junction of Tregarth Place with Kirkland Avenue.
Monument Way car park
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0160
The Woodham Common car park entrance off Monument Way.
Nursery entrance, Saunders Lane
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square SU9856
The entrance to the former Saunders Lane Nursery which closed a few years ago.... (more)
Drain by the A320
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0161
A drainage channel on the green alongside the A320. This area is part of the... (more)
A320, Guildford Road
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0161
The A320 looking towards the old Mizens Farm entrance. This part of the road... (more)
New Lane
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0055
Looking north along New Lane with one of the cottages on Rose Bank in view.
River Wey flood plain
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0055
Looking northeast across the fields of Lower Westfield Farm on the flood plain... (more)
Stile, Lower Westfield Farm
by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0055
A stile on the footpath across the fields of Lower Westfield Farm.