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Showing latest 50 of 133 images tagged with Owl tag.

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SD5705 : Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa) by David Dixon Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa) by David Dixon
for square SD5705
A Great Grey Owl at the Birds of Prey display outside Trencherfield Mill as one... (more)
SJ5031 : Tawny Owl in Hedgerow by David Dixon Tawny Owl in Hedgerow by David Dixon
for square SJ5031
The tawny owl (Strix aluco) is the familiar 'brown owl' of the... (more)
SJ4170 : Great Grey Owl at Chester Zoo by Jeff Buck Great Grey Owl at Chester Zoo by Jeff Buck
for square SJ4170
In some countries the Great Grey is also called Phantom of the north, Cinereous... (more)
ST7465 : An interactive owl by HelenK An interactive owl by HelenK
for square ST7465
One of ‘Minerva’s Owls of Bath’, this bird appeared on the first day of the art... (more)
SP0686 : A Big Hoot, Wise Old Owl by Philip Halling A Big Hoot, Wise Old Owl by Philip Halling
for square SP0686
One of 89 owls on display in Birmingham during the summer of 2015, this one is... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   ArtX   Big HootX   type:Close LookX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   Owl  
SP0686 : A Big Hoot Owl, Jack by Philip Halling A Big Hoot Owl, Jack by Philip Halling
for square SP0686
One of 89 owls on display in Birmingham during the summer of 2015, this one is... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   ArtX   Big HootX   type:Close LookX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   Owl  
SP0686 : A Big Hoot Owl, TropicOwl by Philip Halling A Big Hoot Owl, TropicOwl by Philip Halling
for square SP0686
One of 89 owls on display in Birmingham during the summer of 2015, this one is... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   ArtX   Big HootX   type:Close LookX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   Owl  
SP0686 : A Big Hoot Owl, Owlbert by Philip Halling A Big Hoot Owl, Owlbert by Philip Halling
for square SP0686
One of 89 owls on display in Birmingham during the summer of 2015, this one is... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   ArtX   Big HootX   type:Close LookX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   Owl  
SP0686 : A Big Hoot Owl, Welcome to Birmingham by Philip Halling A Big Hoot Owl, Welcome to Birmingham by Philip Halling
for square SP0686
One of 89 owls on display in Birmingham during the summer of 2015, this one is... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   ArtX   Big HootX   type:Close LookX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   Owl  
SJ5031 : Little Owl by David Dixon Little Owl by David Dixon
for square SJ5031
The Little owl (Athene noctua) is, as its name suggests, a small owl. Little... (more)
SJ5031 : Little Owl in a Tree by David Dixon Little Owl in a Tree by David Dixon
for square SJ5031
The Little owl (Athene noctua) is, as its name suggests, a small owl. Little... (more)
SO8001 : Woodchester Mansion - Owl carving by Rob Farrow Woodchester Mansion - Owl carving by Rob Farrow
for square SO8001
Owls are something of a theme at Woodchester Mansion. There is a finial with a... (more)
SD1096 : Owl, Muncaster Castle Owl Centre, Cumbria by Christine Matthews Owl, Muncaster Castle Owl Centre, Cumbria by Christine Matthews
for square SD1096
Muncaster Castle has a very extensive collection of owls and also does falconry... (more)
SD1096 : Owl, Muncaster Castle Owl Centre, Cumbria by Christine Matthews Owl, Muncaster Castle Owl Centre, Cumbria by Christine Matthews
for square SD1096
Muncaster Castle has a very extensive collection of owls and also does falconry... (more)
SD1096 : Owl, Muncaster Castle Owl Centre, Cumbria by Christine Matthews Owl, Muncaster Castle Owl Centre, Cumbria by Christine Matthews
for square SD1096
Muncaster Castle has a very extensive collection of owls and also does falconry... (more)
SH7877 : Otis, the collared scops owl (Otus bakkamoena) by Richard Hoare Otis, the collared scops owl (Otus bakkamoena) by Richard Hoare
for square SH7877
Diminutive in size this one was hatched in June 1999. It is one of the smallest... (more)
SE6083 : Brown Wood Owl in Duncombe Park by David Dixon Brown Wood Owl in Duncombe Park by David Dixon
for square SE6083
A brown wood owl (Strix leptogrammica) taking part in the flying display at the... (more)
SD9204 : The Owls of Oldham by David Dixon The Owls of Oldham by David Dixon
for square SD9204
Three sculpted owls stand on pedestals, overlooking Parliament Square. These... (more)
Tags: top:City, Town CentreX   type:Close LookX   place:OldhamX   OwlsX   camera:Panasonic DC-G9X   SculptureX  
SE6083 : Barn Owl in Flight, NCBP by David Dixon Barn Owl in Flight, NCBP by David Dixon
for square SE6083
The barn owl (Tyto alba) is the most widely distributed species of owl and one... (more)
SE6083 : Burrowing Owl at NCBP by David Dixon Burrowing Owl at NCBP by David Dixon
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This tiny Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)... (more)
SE6083 : Winter Burrowing Owl by David Dixon Winter Burrowing Owl by David Dixon
for square SE6083
This tiny Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)... (more)
SP0786 : Owl in the Bull Ring by Gordon Griffiths Owl in the Bull Ring by Gordon Griffiths
geograph for square SP0786
The scene in Birmingham Bull Ring.
SD1096 : Ferruginous Pygmy Owl by Peter Trimming Ferruginous Pygmy Owl by Peter Trimming
for square SD1096
A tiny owl, as the name implies; part of the World Owl Trust collection at... (more)
SD5705 : Barn Owl by David Dixon Barn Owl by David Dixon
for square SD5705
The Barn Owl is the most widely distributed species of owl, and one of the most... (more)
SD5705 : Southern White-Faced Owl (Ptilopsis granti) by David Dixon Southern White-Faced Owl (Ptilopsis granti) by David Dixon
for square SD5705
A Southern White-Faced (Scops) Owl at the Birds of Prey display outside... (more)
SD5705 : Southern White-Faced Scops Owl by David Dixon Southern White-Faced Scops Owl by David Dixon
for square SD5705
The Southern White-faced Owl (Ptilopsis granti) is a fairly small owl only about... (more)
SD4615 : Saracen the Eagle Owl by David Dixon Saracen the Eagle Owl by David Dixon
for square SD4615
Saracen, a 12 month old Eagle Owl, is part of the static falconry display in the... (more)
SD4615 : Bengal Eagle Owl by David Dixon Bengal Eagle Owl by David Dixon
for square SD4615
Saracen, a 12 month old Eagle Owl,is part of the static falconry display in the... (more)
TQ3643 : Izzy and 'Hedwig' by Peter Trimming Izzy and 'Hedwig' by Peter Trimming
for square TQ3643
Seen at the British Wildlife Centre, Newchapel, Surrey. Senior Keeper Izzy, with... (more)
TM1459 : Suffolk Owl Sanctuary by Oliver Dixon Suffolk Owl Sanctuary by Oliver Dixon
for square TM1459
A Barn Owl enjoys a snack during a flying display.
Tags: Barn OwlX   type:Close LookX   top:Educational SitesX   Owl   top:Sport, LeisureX   ZooX  
SJ9593 : Bo at Gee Cross Fete 2003 by Gerald England Bo at Gee Cross Fete 2003 by Gerald England
for square SJ9593
An Indian Eagle Owl domestically bred in 1988.
Tags: date:1988X   date:2003X   Eagle OwlX   Indian Eagle OwlX   Owl   top:People, EventsX   Village FeteX  
SH8081 : Striped Owl (Asio clamator) by Gerald England Striped Owl (Asio clamator) by Gerald England
for square SH8081
A medium sized owl with distinctive ear tufts. This one at Bodafon Farm Park... (more)
ST7734 : Stourhead: the owl in the tree trunk by Chris Downer Stourhead: the owl in the tree trunk by Chris Downer
for square ST7734
A close-up of Paul Boswell's painting of an owl on a tree trunk - see... (more)
ST7734 : Stourhead: the tree with the owl by Chris Downer Stourhead: the tree with the owl by Chris Downer
geograph for square ST7734
This dead tree has become a canvas for artist Paul Boswell, who created an image... (more)
SO2954 : Snowy Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Snowy Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : White-faced Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews White-faced Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Going Courting - Eagle Owls Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Going Courting - Eagle Owls Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Going Courting - Eagle Owls Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Going Courting - Eagle Owls Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Eagle Owls Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Eagle Owls Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Eagle Owl Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Eagle Owl Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Eagle Owl Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Eagle Owl Feeding on Chick at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Tawny Owls at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Tawny Owls at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Great Grey Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Great Grey Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Little Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Little Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Black Banded Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Black Banded Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Owls at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Owls at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Northern Hawk Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Northern Hawk Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SO2954 : Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews Owl at Small Breeds Farm and Owl Centre, Kington, Herefordshire by Christine Matthews
for square SO2954
As well as many breeds of owl, there are sheep, alpacas, geese etc. at the farm... (more)
SE6083 : Flying Display at NCBP - Barn Owl by David Dixon Flying Display at NCBP - Barn Owl by David Dixon
for square SE6083
A barn owl returning to its handler's glove in front of a crowd of spectators.
SE2336 : Little Owl Hiding Amongst the Trees at Rodley Nature Reserve by David Goodall Little Owl Hiding Amongst the Trees at Rodley Nature Reserve by David Goodall
for square SE2336
A Little Owl observed hiding amongst the trees near the Manager's Hide at... (more)
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