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SK1746 : Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK1746
The south transept. Originally Early English c.1240, with windows inserted... (more)
SK1746 : Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK1746
Stained glass in the east window. Late 14th century armorials incorporated into... (more)
SK1746 : Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK1746
14th century stained glass fragments in the north transept. There are... (more)
SK1746 : Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK1746
View from the south west. The west window, of 5 lights in Early English style,... (more)
SK1746 : Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK1746
Tomb of John Cokayne (d.1372) altered in 1412 to include the effigy of his son... (more)
SK1746 : Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK1746
The east window. Inserted c.1390, stained glass by Kempe including original... (more)
SK1746 : Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Oswald, Ashbourne by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK1746
Looking into the nave (mid 13th century with later clerestory) from the south... (more)
SK7728 : Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7728
15th century tomb niche in the chancel with the 14th century effigy of a priest... (more)
SK7728 : Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7728
Fragments of medieval stained glass in the north aisle. The angel in the centre... (more)
SK7728 : Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust
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14th century octagonal font.
SK7728 : Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7728
The nave roof, the ties of which are probably 14th century.
SK7728 : Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7728
View of the nave looking east showing the screen and tympanum separating the... (more)
SK7728 : Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7728
View from the south east. The Early English chancel had new windows inserted in... (more)
SK7728 : Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7728
The nave looking west. The line of the original roof can be seen on the tower wall.
SK7728 : Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Michael, Eastwell by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7728
The chancel looking west, showing the screen and an Early English lancet window... (more)
SK7957 : Church of St Wilfrid, South Muskham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wilfrid, South Muskham by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7957
View from the north east.
SK4341 : Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK4341
The nave, looking east. This view shows the distinct difference in colour in the... (more)
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Lady Chapel, east window. The four windows of the chapel are in the most... (more)
SK8172 : Church of St Gregory, Fledborough by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Gregory, Fledborough by Alan Murray-Rust
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Aumbry and Easter Sepulchre remains in the north wall of the chancel. Note the... (more)
SK8172 : Church of St Gregory, Fledborough by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Gregory, Fledborough by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8172
This is the first view visitors will normally have of the church, from the south west.
SK6943 : Church of  St Peter, East Bridgford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter, East Bridgford by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK6943
General view from the south west. The church has 13th century origins (tower,... (more)
SK8306 : Church of All Saints, Braunston in Rutland by Alan Murray-Rust Church of All Saints, Braunston in Rutland by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK8306
The north arcade, early 14th century, with 15th century clerestory over. The... (more)
SK8306 : Church of All Saints, Braunston in Rutland by Alan Murray-Rust Church of All Saints, Braunston in Rutland by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK8306
The nave looking east. The south arcade is early 13th century, as is the chancel... (more)
SK7957 : Church of St Wilfrid, South Muskham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wilfrid, South Muskham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7957
The north aisle. The door is 13th century or perhaps earlier, moved from the... (more)
SK8043 : St Mary's Church, Staunton in the Vale by Alan Murray-Rust St Mary's Church, Staunton in the Vale by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8043
View from the south (the church is not aligned east-west). This southern side of... (more)
SK3027 : Church of St Wystan, Repton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wystan, Repton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3027
The nave looking west from the chancel. 15th century tower arch, clerestory and... (more)
SK3027 : Church of St Wystan, Repton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wystan, Repton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3027
The nave looking east. The wall between nave and chancel is Saxon work, shown by... (more)
SJ9223 : Church of St Mary the Virgin, Stafford by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Mary the Virgin, Stafford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SJ9223
North transept. 14th century Decorated window, with 19th century glass by Kempe,... (more)
SJ9223 : Collegiate Church of St Mary, Stafford by Alan Murray-Rust Collegiate Church of St Mary, Stafford by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SJ9223
North Transept doorway, 14th century Decorated with ballflower and rose decoration.
SK6117 : Church of All Saints, Seagrave by Alan Murray-Rust Church of All Saints, Seagrave by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK6117
The south doorway, probably 14th century, and without capitals. The jambs are... (more)
SK6117 : Church of All Saints, Seagrave by Alan Murray-Rust Church of All Saints, Seagrave by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK6117
Piscina in the south aisle, 14th century with ogee opening. The slot for a shelf... (more)
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SK6117 : Church of All Saints, Seagrave by Alan Murray-Rust Church of All Saints, Seagrave by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK6117
The nave looking into the south aisle. 14th century arcade with octagonal piers.
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Lady Chapel, third side window. The four windows of the chapel are in the most... (more)
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Lady Chapel, second side window. The four windows of the chapel are in the most... (more)
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Lady Chapel, first side window. The four windows of the chapel are in the most... (more)
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
South porch window. Although the porch dates from the mid 14th century, this... (more)
SK8306 : Church of All Saints, Braunston in Rutland by Alan Murray-Rust Church of All Saints, Braunston in Rutland by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK8306
The north side. The aisle dates from the early 14th century, the clerestory from... (more)
SK8816 : Church of St Peter and St Paul, Market Overton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Peter and St Paul, Market Overton by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK8816
View from the south. Lower tower and porch are 13th century, the transept,... (more)
SK6929 : Church of St Luke, Hickling by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Luke, Hickling by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK6929
The south door. The ironwork on the door is thought to date back to the 13th... (more)
SK7368 : Church of Our Lady of Egmanton, Egmanton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of Our Lady of Egmanton, Egmanton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7368
14th century tomb recess in the south transept. The effigy is modern.
SK7368 : Church of Our Lady of Egmanton, Egmanton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of Our Lady of Egmanton, Egmanton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7368
14th century piscina in the south transept.
SK7368 : Church of Our Lady of Egmanton, Egmanton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of Our Lady of Egmanton, Egmanton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7368
14th century priest's doorway in the south wall of the chancel.
SK7761 : Church of St Laurence, Norwell by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Laurence, Norwell by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7761
View from the south east. The circular patch of grass on the left is a grass labyrinth.
SK3027 : Church of St Wystan, Repton by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wystan, Repton by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3027
Graffiti on the knight's effigy Link .... (more)
SK4341 : Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK4341
The south door. The doorway is 14th century, and the studded door is also... (more)
SK4341 : Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK4341
View from the south west. The tower is 15th century, Perpendicular, as is the... (more)
SK4341 : Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK4341
View from the north west. The tower is 15th century, Perpendicular.
SK4341 : Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wilfrid, West Hallam by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK4341
South aisle arcade. 14th century, Decorated style. Note the clear division in... (more)
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Top of the spire looking up from the churchyard near the south porch.
SK9136 : Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Church of St Wulfram, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
South aisle, second window from west. Intersecting tracery embellished with... (more)
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