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NZ3156 : The Jacobean Garden, Washington Old Hall by David Dixon The Jacobean Garden, Washington Old Hall by David Dixon
geograph for square NZ3156
Washington Old Hall is a manor house which lies in the centre of Washington... (more)
NZ3156 : Washington Old Hall, Dining Room by David Dixon Washington Old Hall, Dining Room by David Dixon
for square NZ3156
Washington Old Hall is a manor house which lies in the centre of Washington... (more)
NZ3156 : Washington Old Hall by David Dixon Washington Old Hall by David Dixon
for square NZ3156
Washington Old Hall is a manor house which lies in the centre of Washington... (more)
NZ3156 : Washington Old Hall by David Dixon Washington Old Hall by David Dixon
for square NZ3156
Washington Old Hall is a manor house which lies in the centre of Washington... (more)
NZ3156 : Washington Old Hall by David Dixon Washington Old Hall by David Dixon
geograph for square NZ3156
Washington Old Hall is a manor house which lies in the centre of Washington... (more)
NZ3156 : Washington Old Hall by David Dixon Washington Old Hall by David Dixon
geograph for square NZ3156
Washington Old Hall is a manor house which lies in the centre of Washington... (more)
SD4972 : Independence Day at the George Washington, Warton by Karl and Ali Independence Day at the George Washington, Warton by Karl and Ali
for square SD4972
It's July the 4th and the flags are out. George Washington's ancestors... (more)
SD4972 : July the 4th - the Stars and Stripes flying over Warton by Karl and Ali July the 4th - the Stars and Stripes flying over Warton by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD4972
Every July 4th the American flag is flown from St Oswald's Church to... (more)
SD4972 : July the 4th - the Stars and Stripes flying over Warton by Karl and Ali July the 4th - the Stars and Stripes flying over Warton by Karl and Ali
for square SD4972
Every July 4th the American flag is flown from St Oswald's Church to... (more)
NZ3156 : Washington Old Hall by David Dixon Washington Old Hall by David Dixon
for square NZ3156
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