Footpath to Ashby, from Blackfordby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3317
This footpath begins on the corner of Ashby Lane, in Blackfordby, and eventually... (more)
Ashby Baptist Church, Brook Street
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
One of many churches in Ashby, the others being St Helen's, Holy Trinity,... (more)
Diamond Jubilee festival, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
The large festival that took place in Market Street, Ashby de la Zouch, to... (more)
Cricket in the Bath Grounds, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Cricket matches are regularly held at the Bath Grounds, by the Ashby Hastings... (more)
Ashby Castle Lawn tennis club
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3616
The tennis courts, west of Ashby Castle. In the distance (centre) is the... (more)
Lower Church Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
for square SK3516
Looking towards the junction with Market Street. The two-storey house on the... (more)
Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Taken on a relatively quiet night (except for several noisy cars of the... (more)
A511 Ashby Bypass
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3618
The public footpath and cycleway is a surprisingly scenic route, and relatively... (more)
Ashby Castle Lawn Tennis Club
by Oliver Mills
for square SK3516
Viewed from the access road to Ashby Castle.
Footpath crossing a housing construction site, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3417
This footpath leads from Ashby-de-la-Zouch to Blackfordby, via Prestop Park.... (more)
A steam engine at Ashby Steam 2018
by Oliver Mills
for square SK3318
A steam engine fair, located at Scamhazel Farm, near Boundary and West of... (more)
Ashby water tower at night
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
After around one year of renovation work, the house conversion has finished, and... (more)
View from Ashby Castle
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3616
An Easterly view from the tower at the castle, towards Ashby school (B-block).
St Michael's Cottage, Upper Packington Road, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3616
Despite initial impressions, this seems to be one of the oldest properties in... (more)
Hastings House, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Formerly the Holy Trinity Church Vicarage of 1860, situated on Bath Street. It... (more)
Bath Street and a diversion, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Showing a road diversion during the Christmas food festival. This diversion... (more)
Bridleway near Packington
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3514
Connecting Packington with Ashby-de-la-Zouch, with Ashby approached in this... (more)
Holywell Mill ON FIRE, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
One of Ashby's most well-known (yet neglected) landmarks, being destroyed... (more)
Holywell Mill ON FIRE, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
One of Ashby's most well-known (yet neglected) landmarks, being destroyed... (more)
Mosaic in the Bath Grounds, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
for square SK3516
One of two mosaics in the park. This one is located at the east entrance. Ashby... (more)
Ashby Station
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
A front view of the railway station in Ashby-de-la Zouch. It closed in 1964, but... (more)
'Petesparty' at the Shoulder of Mutton, Ashby
by Stephen Mills
geograph for square SK3516
A small charity festival in Ashby de-la Zouch, which raised awareness of... (more)
Ashby Castle
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3616
The postcard view of the tower at Ashby Castle, viewed from Mount Walk.
Ashby Castle from the tower
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3616
A view towards the castle buildings, and towards central Ashby (background).
W. Taylor Butchers, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
for square SK3516
The local butchers shop on Market Street. Naturally business has been very... (more)
Esso Fuel Station, Station Road, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
The fuel station is partially screened during the day by a very attractive... (more)
Western Park Playground, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3515
The playground, sports changing rooms and playing field constituting Western... (more)
A town house on Wilfred Place, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Supposedly the start of a residential crescent which did not extend beyond this... (more)
The thinnest house in Ashby (probably)
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
A recent extension on an already slim terrace of houses, eventually meeting the... (more)
Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Taken from the Eastmost pedestrian crossing.
W. Taylor Butchers, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
for square SK3516
Traditionally known as Coxons. This butchers has been especially popular during... (more)
Christmas Tree, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
The town Christmas tree is slightly smaller than last year, but with... (more)
Public Conveniences, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Public toilets located on the junction between Derby Road and the Market Street.... (more)
53 Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II.
"Early C19. Stuccoed facade with band, moulded eaves cornice and... (more)
51 Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II.
"C16 and later timber framed building with added, mainly early... (more)
55-57 Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II.
"Early C19. Red brick with stucco quoins and eaves cornice.... (more)
63 Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II.
"Mid/late C19 facade to possibly C18 building. Red brick with... (more)
The Queen's Head Inn, 79 Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II.
"Late C18/early C19 facade. Mock timber framing, moulded wood... (more)
81, Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II
"GV II Early C19. Rendered facade with band at second floor sill... (more)
Mantingolm House, 87 Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II
"Mid C18. Red brick with bands at 1st and 2nd floors. Stuccoed... (more)
Entrance to an abandoned layby, Measham Road, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3414
The entrance to a secluded loop-shaped layby, located just North of the A42... (more)
Avenue of lime trees, Measham Road, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3515
A historic avenue of trees, starting at Willesley Park and terminating at... (more)
Jet Garage, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Located on Station Road; the road to the right is Wilfred Place and the building... (more)
Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Following Coronavirus-related amendments. The majority of parking spaces have... (more)
Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Looking Westwards down the hill.
Western Park, Ashby-de-la-Zouch
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3515
A very attractive frontage of horse chestnut trees line the entrance to Western... (more)
A field near Prestop Park
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3417
A lush field, on the outskirts of Ashby. Just to the right of the picture is
a... (more)
Christmas lights switch-on night, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Looking down Market Street from the east end, immediately after the Christmas... (more)
Ashby Christmas tree, 2017
by Oliver Mills
for square SK3516
This year's Christmas tree is an artificial plastic cone. News of this... (more)
Christmas lights switch-on night, Ashby
by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Looking down Market Street from the east end, minutes before the Christmas... (more)