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SJ9598 : Ashton's Old Market Cross, Stamford Park by David Dixon Ashton's Old Market Cross, Stamford Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9598
Ashton’s Market Cross used to stand in Ashton's original Market Place, at... (more)
SJ9598 : Stamford Park, The Old Market Cross by David Dixon Stamford Park, The Old Market Cross by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9598
Ashton’s Market Cross used to stand in Ashton's original Market Place, at... (more)
SJ9599 : Stamford Park Upper Lake by David Dixon Stamford Park Upper Lake by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The former mill reservoir known as Chadwick Dams was incorporated into Stamford... (more)
SJ9599 : Stamford Park, Path to Mellor Road by David Dixon Stamford Park, Path to Mellor Road by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
This is the path from SJ9599 : Stamford Park Upper Lake, towards Mellor Road.
SJ9599 : Stamford Park Upper Lake by David Dixon Stamford Park Upper Lake by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The former mill reservoir known as Chadwick Dams was incorporated into Stamford... (more)
SJ9599 : The Island, Stamford Park Upper Lake by David Dixon The Island, Stamford Park Upper Lake by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The former mill reservoir known as Chadwick Dams was incorporated into Stamford... (more)
SJ9599 : The Upper Lake, Stamford Park by David Dixon The Upper Lake, Stamford Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The former mill reservoir known as Chadwick Dams was incorporated into Stamford... (more)
SJ9599 : Ridge Hill by David Dixon Ridge Hill by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
SJ9599 : Stamford Park Upper Lake by David Dixon Stamford Park Upper Lake by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The former mill reservoir known as Chadwick Dams was incorporated into Stamford... (more)
SJ9399 : Ashton-under-Lyne: Metrolink and Ikea by Steven Haslington Ashton-under-Lyne: Metrolink and Ikea by Steven Haslington
geograph for square SJ9399
An Eccles-bound tram passes the Ikea store in Ashton-under-Lyne, in Greater... (more)
SD9400 : 166 - 172 Queens Road, Ashton-under-Lyne by Steven Haslington 166 - 172 Queens Road, Ashton-under-Lyne by Steven Haslington
geograph for square SD9400
From right to left are 166 to 172 Queens Road, which are semi-detached... (more)
SJ9598 : Stamford Park, Joseph Raynor Stephens Memorial by David Dixon Stamford Park, Joseph Raynor Stephens Memorial by David Dixon
for square SJ9598
Since it opened in 1873, monuments and memorials have been added to the park to... (more)
SJ9598 : Joseph Raynor Stephens Memorial Obelisk, Stamford Park by David Dixon Joseph Raynor Stephens Memorial Obelisk, Stamford Park by David Dixon
for square SJ9598
Since it opened in 1873, monuments and memorials have been added to the park to... (more)
SJ9598 : Joseph Raynor Stephens Memorial Obelisk, Stamford Park by David Dixon Joseph Raynor Stephens Memorial Obelisk, Stamford Park by David Dixon
for square SJ9598
Since it opened in 1873, monuments and memorials have been added to the park to... (more)
SJ9598 : Stamford Park by David Dixon Stamford Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9598
SJ9598 : Market Cross (inscription) by David Dixon Market Cross (inscription) by David Dixon
for square SJ9598
The pillar of SJ9598 : Ashton's Old Market Cross, Stamford Park carries the inscription "Erected by Thomas... (more)
SJ9599 : Inquisitive Goose, Stamford Park by David Dixon Inquisitive Goose, Stamford Park by David Dixon
for square SJ9599
Once SJ9599 : Hissing Goose, Stamford Park had determined that we weren't a threat, it became calm... (more)
SJ9599 : Hissing Goose, Stamford Park by David Dixon Hissing Goose, Stamford Park by David Dixon
for square SJ9599
There were several geese and goslings at the northern end of SJ9599 : Stamford Park Upper Lake. This... (more)
SJ9398 : Boulton's Bowlder by Gerald England Boulton's Bowlder by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9398
Memorial in St Peter's churchyard. The inscription reads: "This... (more)
SJ9598 : Stamford park by David Dixon Stamford park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9598
SJ9598 : John Nield Conservatory, Stamford Park by David Dixon John Nield Conservatory, Stamford Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9598
The conservatory was first opened in 1907.
SJ9598 : Stamford Park Conservatory by David Dixon Stamford Park Conservatory by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9598
SJ9598 : Stamford Park by David Dixon Stamford Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9598
SJ9598 : Stamford Park, Floral Garden by David Dixon Stamford Park, Floral Garden by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9598
SJ9599 : Stamford Park, Darnton Road Entrance by David Dixon Stamford Park, Darnton Road Entrance by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
SJ9599 : The Stamford Belle by David Dixon The Stamford Belle by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
There has been a pleasure steamer on Stamford Park boating lake, taking people... (more)
SJ9599 : Stamford Park Boating Lake, The Stamford Belle by David Dixon Stamford Park Boating Lake, The Stamford Belle by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The "Stamford Belle" steamer moored near the island in Stamford Park... (more)
SJ9599 : Stamford Park Lake and Island by David Dixon Stamford Park Lake and Island by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The boating lake and island, seen from Darnton Road. The lake, formerly the... (more)
SJ9599 : Stamford Park Lake by David Dixon Stamford Park Lake by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The southern (Darnton Road) edge of the lake. The park is currently (2011)... (more)
SJ9599 : Stamford Park Boating Lake by David Dixon Stamford Park Boating Lake by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9599
The boating lake to the north of Darnton Road. The lake, formerly the mill... (more)
SJ9499 : Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial -Dedication by David Dixon Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial -Dedication by David Dixon
for square SJ9499
The bronze dedication plaque on SJ9499 : Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial reads: “Erected in honour of the... (more)
SJ9498 : St Michael's parish Church, Ashton-Under-Lyne by David Dixon St Michael's parish Church, Ashton-Under-Lyne by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9498
Ashton Parish Church, with the Ashton by-pass (Park Parade) in front.
SJ9398 : Portland Basin by Gerald England Portland Basin by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9398
The junction of Ashton and Peak Forest Canal. The former canal warehouse has... (more)
SJ9398 : View from Bridge #28 by Gerald England View from Bridge #28 by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9398
On the left is the Ashton Canal. The canalside apartments on the site of Samuel... (more)
SJ9398 : Bridge #1 by Gerald England Bridge #1 by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9398
The first bridge on the Peak Forest Canal is dated 1835 SJ9398 : Portland Basin and carries... (more)
Tags: date:1835X   canal:Ashton CanalX   place:Ashton Under Lyne   Canal BasinX   Canal BridgeX   top:CanalsX   FootbridgeX   canal:Peak ForestX   SignpostX  
SJ9499 : Memorial Gardens and War Memorial, Ashton-Under-Lyne by David Dixon Memorial Gardens and War Memorial, Ashton-Under-Lyne by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9499
SJ9498 : St Michael's Parish Church, Ashton-Under-Lyne by David Dixon St Michael's Parish Church, Ashton-Under-Lyne by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9498
SJ9499 : Ashton-Under-Lyne Memorial Gardens by David Dixon Ashton-Under-Lyne Memorial Gardens by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9499
The Memorial Garden is between Old Street, Crickets Lane and Mossley Road. At... (more)
SJ9499 : Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial (detail) by David Dixon Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial (detail) by David Dixon
for square SJ9499
On the front of the central column, is this bronze wreath above four panels... (more)
SJ9399 : Ashton-Under-Lyne, Greater Manchester by Steven Haslington Ashton-Under-Lyne, Greater Manchester by Steven Haslington
geograph for square SJ9399
The town centre of Ashton-Under-Lyne, in the Metropolitan Borough of Tameside,... (more)
SJ9198 : Nexus House, Ashton-under-Lyne by Steven Haslington Nexus House, Ashton-under-Lyne by Steven Haslington
geograph for square SJ9198
Nexus House is an office block used by Greater Manchester Police. It is located... (more)
SJ9499 : Ashton-Under Lyne Memorial Garden and Great War Memorial by David Dixon Ashton-Under Lyne Memorial Garden and Great War Memorial by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9499
SJ9499 : Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial Sculpture by David Dixon Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial Sculpture by David Dixon
for square SJ9499
The crowning group at the top of the memorial comprises the winged figure of... (more)
SJ9499 : Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial by David Dixon Ashton-Under-Lyne War Memorial by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9499
SJ9398 : Ashton Canal by Gerald England Ashton Canal by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9398
Looking towards Manchester from under Bridge #28 SJ9398 : Bridge #28 on the Ashton Canal.
Tags: canal:Ashton CanalX   place:Ashton Under Lyne   Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX  
SJ9498 : Ashton Parish Church by David Dixon Ashton Parish Church by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9498
Ashton Parish Church (St Michael's) from Park Parade (the "Ashton... (more)
SJ9498 : Park Parade and St Michael's Parish Church by David Dixon Park Parade and St Michael's Parish Church by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9498
Cars on the busy Park Parade (the A635, "Ashton by-pass") passing... (more)
SJ9499 : Ashton-Under-Lyme Memorial Garden by David Dixon Ashton-Under-Lyme Memorial Garden by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ9499
The Memorial Garden is between Old Street, Crickets Lane and Mossley Road. At... (more)
SJ9399 : Ashton-under-Lyne Town Hall by Steven Haslington Ashton-under-Lyne Town Hall by Steven Haslington
geograph for square SJ9399
Ashton-under-Lyne Town Hall in Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, England.... (more)
SJ9398 : St Peter's Vicarage by Gerald England St Peter's Vicarage by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9398
Originally the vicarage of St Peter's church, the house was boarded up for... (more)
Tags: place:Ashton Under Lyne   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX   former:VicarageX  
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