The 'Mellifont' at Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
Irish trawler 'Mellifont' DA.1... (more)
Dockside crane, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
Belfast Harbour's 'Crane 94' at Stormont Wharf, Belfast,... (more)
The 'ES Integrity' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
180m (34,512 DWT) Panamanian flagged bulk carrier 'ES Integrity'... (more)
Harbour Pilot, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
The starboard bridge wing... (more)
Ships, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
A view along the Victoria Channel in Belfast with three ships berthed at... (more)
City Quays, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3474
The City Quays development at Belfast Harbour as viewed from across the Abercorn... (more)
Titanic Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
Titanic Belfast as seen from across Belfast Harbour Marina.
Belfast Harbour
by Rossographer
for square J3475
An elevated view over part of the Belfast Harbour estate. The area at York Dock... (more)
Cyclists, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3575
Two cyclists (on Belfast hire bikes) at the Titanic Slipways in Belfast. The... (more)
'Svanen' at Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3575
The heavy lifting crane barge 'Svanen'... (more)
The 'Captain Michael Evans' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3474
Pilot boat 'Captain Michael Evans'... (more)
The 'Victoria' at Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3575
Belfast Harbour Commissioners’ workboat 'Victoria'... (more)
The 'Arklow Castle' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
87m (5,094 DWT) Irish flagged cargo vessel 'Arklow Castle'... (more)
The 'Stena Hibernia' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3575
The ferry 'Stena Hibernia'... (more)
The 'Star Nina' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
229m (82,224 DWT) Marshall Islands flagged bulk carrier 'Star Nina'... (more)
Belfast Harbour
by Rossographer
for square J3576
A variety of ships and boats along the Victoria Channel at Belfast Harbour.... (more)
Mobile Police Unit, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
Belfast Harbour Police... (more)
The 'Kai Oldendorff' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
224m (81,243 DWT) Liberian flagged bulker 'Kai Oldendorff'... (more)
The 'Bowstead' at Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
Belfast Harbour Police boat 'Bowstead'... (more)
Mooring bollards, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3575
The 'Stena Europe' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3676
The Stena Line ferry 'Stena Europe'... (more)
Belfast Harbour
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3576
A dank December day at Belfast docks, but mild, still and very quiet. The ship... (more)
The 'Asturcon' at Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3576
180m (36,071 DWT) Mashall Islands flagged bulk carrier 'Asturcon'... (more)
The 'Asturcon' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
180m (36,071 DWT) Mashall Islands flagged bulk carrier 'Asturcon'... (more)
The 'Oslo Trader' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
179m (33,209 DWT) Liberian flagged bulk carrier 'Oslo Trader'... (more)
The 'Oslo Trader' at Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3576
179m (33,209 DWT) Liberian flagged bulk carrier 'Oslo Trader'... (more)
Belfast Harbour
by Rossographer
for square J3576
A dank December day at Belfast docks, but mild, still and very quiet. The ships... (more)
Belfast Harbour
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3576
A woman stands by a quayside in Belfast Harbour; container termainals and cranes... (more)
Pilot Boat 'PB4' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3676
The boat 'PB4'... (more)
The 'Praslin' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
186m (36,782 DWT) Marshall Islands flagged bulk carrier 'Praslin'... (more)
The 'Peney' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
229m (81,886 DWT) Panamanian flagged bulk carrier 'Peney'... (more)
Tug 'Goliath' and barge, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3575
No Waiting sign, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3575
A 'No Waiting At Any Time' sign on the Queen's Road in Belfast.... (more)
Gantry crane 'Samson', Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3575
Gantry crane 'Samson' with a selection of assembled wind turbine... (more)
Glider bus, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3575
Belfast Glider bus 3216 (HGZ 8216) at the Catalyst halt on Queen’s Road. Gantry... (more)
The 'Santa Regina' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
229m (82,063 DWT) Panamanian flagged bulk carrier 'Santa Regina'... (more)
Passageway, HMS 'Caroline', Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
Interior view on HMS 'Caroline' in Belfast. The riveting on the... (more)
Cabin, HMS 'Caroline', Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3575
Cabin on HMS 'Caroline' in Belfast. This would have belonged to a... (more)
Titanic Belfast and 'Kaskelot'
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3474
Titanic Belfast and the stern of the tall ship 'Kaskelot'... (more)
The Abercorn Basin, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
The Abercorn Basin and Belfast Marina during the Tall Ships festival.
The 'Captain Michael Evans' at Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
Pilot boat 'Captain Michael Evans'... (more)
RIB and rigs, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3575
A RIB heading along the Victoria Channel in Belfast during the Tall ships... (more)
The 'Ocean Crest' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3475
The current 'Bangor Boat' Link the 'Ocean... ( more)
Buses, Tall Ships Festival, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
The scene at Dufferin Road (as seen from a ferris wheel) during the festival.... (more)
The Abercorn Basin, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3475
The Abercorn Basin and Belfast Marina during the Tall Ships festival.
Pilot boat 'Hibernia' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
Belfast Harbour's latest pilot boat 'Hibernia'... (more)
Crane grab, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
Crane grab at Belfast harbour with McArt's Fort beyond.
Harbour crane, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
A harbour crane at Belfast unloading what looked liked grain from the ship... (more)
The 'Aasli' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3676
The 'Aasli'... (more)
The 'Victoria' at Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3575
Belfast Harbour Commissioners’ workboat 'Victoria'... (more)