Gorse fire on the Braid Hills
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
The morning after, the site of the fire above Braid Mount Rise.
Gorse fire on the Braid Hills
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
The morning after, a fire engine attending with hose attached, but it did not... (more)
Gorse fire on the Braid Hills
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Flare-up above Bramdean Grove.
Gorse Fire on the Braid Hills
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
Flames flaring above above Bramdean Grove.
Gorse fire on the Braid Hills
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
A fire engine that was in attendance just moving further down the road.
Braid Road - resurfacing
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
Feeding the resurfacing machine, at the junction of Braid Road and Braid Hills Drive.
The Braid Hills
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2470
At the junction of Braid Hills Road and Braid Farm Road. With Gorse, Birch and... (more)
Path To Braid Hills
by Rude Health
geograph for square NT2470
A path leading uphill from the road into Braid Hills Park. I used this path en... (more)
Paths for everyone
by M J Richardson
for square NT2569
Advice from the City of Edinburgh Council in response to Covid-19. Here at an... (more)
Golf course occupation, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
The 'Wee Braids golf course', unused for a while, appears now to be... (more)
Golf course occupation, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
The 'Wee Braids golf course', unused for a while, appears now to be... (more)
Golf course occupation, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
The 'Wee Braids golf course', unused for a while, appears now to be... (more)
Caravans have arrived!
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
'The Wee Braids is a beautiful 9-hole course located at the Braids' -... (more)
Earth Stars [Geastrum triplex]
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Two of a group found by a path leading into the Braid Hills from Braid Road.
Pollock Halls, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2772
Edinburgh University Halls of Residence, seen from Queen's Drive in... (more)
Mast on Blackford Hill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
Catching the afternoon sun, with darkish cloud beyond giving contrast. Blackford... (more)
Walker on the Braid Hills
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2569
Category: Snowscene
Heading across the golf course. Arthur's Seat in the distance [4.9km away],... (more)
Arthur's Seat from Braid Hills Drive
by M J Richardson
for square NT2772
With some of its Gorse catching the sun.
The Royal Observatory and Arthur's Seat
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
Looking across Hermitage Glen from Braid Hills Road, with Gorse in full flower.
An unusual find on the pavement!
by Barbara Richardson
for square NT2570
My wife came across these entrails on Braid Hills Drive. There was no body with... (more)
Yew fruiting on Braid Hills Drive
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
The Yew [Taxus baccata] is one of three native UK conifers. The fruits consist... (more)
Nature's Symmetry
by M J Richardson
for square NT2569
A lone Sycamore [Acer pseudoplatanus] on the edge of Braid Hills Road and the golf course.
Birch branches catching the sun
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
Brown twigs, white bark and a clear blue sky on Braid Hills Road.
A problem for the tree feller
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
One of several Ash trees on Braid Hills Approach marked for removal, this one... (more)
Ragwort on Braid Hills Approach
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
A clump of Ragwort [Senecio jacobaea] at the base of a lamp post at the edge of... (more)
Nipplewort [Lapsana communis], on Braid Hills Approach
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
A common member of the Asteraceae [the old Compositae] family, growing on... (more)
Orange Hawkweed on Braid Hills Drive
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
A strikingly coloured hawkweed [Pilosella aurantiaca], with a rosette of simple... (more)
Orange Hawkweed on Braid Hills Drive
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
A strikingly coloured hawkweed [Pilosella aurantiaca], with a rosette of simple... (more)
Spear Thistle - Cirsium vulgare
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Spear Thistle - Cirsium vulgare
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Young and older flowering heads by a path in the Braid Hills.
Ox-eye Daisy
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
Leucanthemum vulgare, a widespread plant of roadsides, meadows, waste ground... (more)
Smooth Hawk's-beard
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
A sturdy plant of Crepis capillaris growing by the roadside in the Braid Hills area.
Garlic Mustard on Braid Hills Road - detail
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
A close-up of the flowers. Also known as Jack-by-the-hedge, Alliaria petiolata... (more)
Garlic Mustard on Braid Hills Road
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
Also known as Jack-by-the-hedge, Alliaria petiolata is a common spring flowering... (more)
'Can I be of assistance, Constable?'
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
The SwimEasys Police box, Braid Hills Road
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Information about the SwimEasy family, who live in one of Edinburgh's old... (more)
'SwimEasy' Police Box Museum, Braid Hills Road
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
One of Edinburgh's now-disused police boxes converted into an advertising... (more)
Rainbow on the Braid Hills
by M J Richardson
for square NT2569
The evening sun catches a heavy shower.
Transmitters on the Braid Hills
by Stephen Craven
for square NT2569
Two prominent masts near the summit of the hill.
Arborist at work
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2470
Pruning a large Sycamore tree [Acer pseudoplatanus] in a garden on Braid Road.... (more)
Trig point with benches
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square NT2469
The triangulation pillar on the summit of the Braid Hills, with two benches for... (more)
Golf course occupation, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
The 'Wee Braids golf course', unused for a while, appears now to be... (more)
Golf course occupation, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
The 'Wee Braids golf course', unused for a while, appears now to be... (more)
Golf course occupation, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
The 'Wee Braids golf course', unused for a while, appears now to be... (more)
Golf course occupation, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2570
The 'Wee Braids golf course', unused for a while, appears now to be... (more)
COVID-19 Road Closure
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2470
The City of Edinburgh Council has introduced emergency measures to help... (more)
Arborist at work - detail
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
Male Pine cones
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
These will shortly open to produce pollen. The windborne pollen will fertilise... (more)
Yew fruits - detail
by M J Richardson
for square NT2570
The Yew [Taxus baccata] is one of three native UK conifers. The fruits consist... (more)
White Beam coming into leaf
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
White Beam [Sorbus aria] one of a group of closely related species that... (more)