Braidburn Valley Park - 2 April 2023
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
One of a series of photos taken each year [since 2010] on or around the 1 April... (more)
Braidburn Valley Park, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Burnside vegetation - the large leaves are of Butterbur and the pale heads of... (more)
Aphids on a thistle stem
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
A colony of black aphids on the stalk of a thistle by the bank of the Braidburn... (more)
Braidburn Valley Park Daffodils
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2470
A view across the valley to houses on Greenbank Crescent.
Entrance to Braidburn Valley Park
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2470
With, from the left, a Queen Elizabeth Field 'Fields in Trust' plaque... (more)
Hornbeams in Braidburn Valley Park
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
The trees are at the back of the open-air theatre stage. Note the various stages... (more)
Climbing frame in Braidburn Valley Park
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
A new facility in the park is proving popular. Looking southeast across the park... (more)
A view from the willow bower
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Climbing frame in Braidburn Valley Park
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
A new facility in the park is proving popular. The trees behind are Hornbeam,... (more)
Climbing frame in Braidburn Valley Park
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
A new facility in the park is proving popular. The trees behind are Hornbeam,... (more)
Two-spot Ladybird, Adalia bipunctata
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
A small ladybird, on a thistle head, in Braidburn Valley Park, Edinburgh.
Climbing frame in Braidburn Valley Park
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT2469
New equipment that is proving popular for younger children. And not so young -... (more)
Young Acer fruits in Braidburn Valley Park
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Twin-winged samaras of a sycamore [species or variety uncertain]. When ripe the... (more)
Hogweed on the banks of the Braid Burn
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
Umbels of Hogweed [Heracleum sphondylium] on the strip of ground between path... (more)
Giant Scabious in Braidburn Valley Park, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Giant Scabious, by the Braidburn, Edinburgh
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Cephalaria gigantea, a striking introduced plant related to the teasels, on the... (more)
Hornbeam fruits in Braid Burn Valley Park
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
Hornbeam [Carpinus betulus] fruits are adapted for wind dispersal, with... (more)