Clare Bridge, Clare College
by Lauren
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The Backs, Cambridge: entrance to Clare College
by Christopher Hilton
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Clare College from Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
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The Backs, Cambridge: King's College and its Chapel
by Christopher Hilton
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On the left, Clare College edges into the picture.
Faintly visible in front of... (more)
The Backs, Cambridge: King's College and its Chapel
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
On the left, Clare College edges into the picture.
Faintly visible in front of... (more)
The picture everyone takes
by John Sutton
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"That's the picture everyone takes," I told two friendly tourists... (more)
Mowed wildflower meadow at King's College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
This is probably the most obvious and most-photographed of all Cambridge views,... (more)
Clare College: temporary bridge
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A major restoration project is under way at Clare College and the contractors... (more)
Clare Bridge in the snow
by Tiger
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The college bridge, the oldest in Cambridge surviving in its original form, was... (more)
Clare College: temporary access
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A major renovation project is being carried out at Clare College. The... (more)
Clare College: builders' access road
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A major renovation project is being carried out at Clare College. The... (more)
Clare College Gate to The Backs
by John Sutton
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Visitors are usually welcome to walk along The Avenue, over Clare Bridge and... (more)
King's and Clare Colleges, Cambridge
by Jim Barton
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A corner with King's College chapel ahead and a gateway to Clare College to... (more)
Clare College: First Eastern General Hospital memorial
by John Sutton
for square TL4458
During and after The Great War the land occupied by Clare College Memorial Court... (more)
Building work at Clare College
by John Sutton
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The Old Court is being restored and developed ahead of the 700th anniversary of... (more)
A crane over Clare College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A major renovation project is being carried out at Clare, in time for its 700th... (more)
Building work at Clare College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The college was closed to visitors, so this picture was taken through the... (more)
Clare College: a temporary road
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Building and restoration work is going on at the College ahead of its 700th... (more)
Clare College: Thirkill Court
by John Sutton
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The court, named for Sir Henry Thirkill, Master from 1939-57, was built in the... (more)
Clare College from Clare Gardens
by Hugh Chevallier
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The River Cam is invisible, but those two people you can just see are punters on... (more)
Clare Bridge and a punt
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The world probably has enough pictures of Cambridge punts, and of Clare Bridge,... (more)
Clare College daffodils
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A foreshortened view towards the bridge and the rear of the Old Court, taken... (more)
Towards King's Chapel
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
We shouldn't take things for granted just because they are familiar, so... (more)
Clare College from across the Cam
by Martin Tester
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Seen from the College's garden across the Cam.
Boxing Day on the Cam
by Alan Murray-Rust
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Clare Bridge was built in 1640, making it the oldest surviving bridge in... (more)
Clare Bridge with passing punt traffic
by Martin Tester
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River Cam and Clare Bridge
by Jim Barton
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A view from Garrett Hostel Bridge.