Lambeth Palace and the deconsecrated parish church of St Mary-at-Lambeth
geograph for square TQ3079
St Mary-at-Lambeth is now The Museum of Garden History
Lower Marsh
by Paul Gillett
geograph for square TQ3179
Street near Waterloo Station, formerly the location for the UK's largest... (more)
Lambeth Garden Museum
by Paul Gillett
geograph for square TQ3078
The Garden Museum in the 14th-century church of St Mary-at-Lambeth next to... (more)
Leigham Court Road
by Lauren
geograph for square TQ3072
Lambeth Bridge
by Paul Gillett
geograph for square TQ3078
Viewed from the South
Lambeth Bridge
by Paul Gillett
geograph for square TQ3078
Viewed from the Albert Embankment
Pillar at eastern end of Lambeth Bridge
by Paul Gillett
geograph for square TQ3078
On the Albert Embankment
Lambeth Palace
by Paul Gillett
geograph for square TQ3079
Viewed from the Lambeth Palace Road
Lambeth Palace is the official London... (more)
Lambeth Palace
by Paul Gillett
geograph for square TQ3079
Viewed from the Lambeth Palace Road
Lambeth Palace is the official London... (more)
The Corner Cafe, Lambeth Road, Lambeth
geograph for square TQ3079
Formerly The Grub Shop.
Lambeth Bridge and Westminster Tower
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3078
Looking across the Thames from Millbank to Lambeth Bridge and Westminster Tower,... (more)
River Thames from Vauxhall Bridge
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3078
Looking down the River Thames from Vauxhall Bridge. On the left is the Millbank... (more)
River Thames from Vauxhall Bridge
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3078
Looking down the River Thames from Vauxhall Bridge. On the left is the Millbank... (more)
Wandsworth Road
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3077
Looking along Wandsworth Road. In the background is Sky Gardens, completed in 2017.
Across Wandsworth Road
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3077
The South Western main line crossing Wandsworth Road. In the left background is... (more)
Wandsworth Road
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3077
Looking along Wandsworth Road. On the left is Nine Elms Underground station,... (more)
Nine Elms Station
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3077
Underground station on Wandsworth Road, one of two stations on the Northern Line... (more)
Lambeth River Pier
by Paul Gillett
geograph for square TQ3078
on the river Thames near Lambeth Bridge
White Hart Dock, Lambeth, London
geograph for square TQ3078
White Hart Dock is located between Lambeth and Vauxhall bridges at the junction... (more)
Wandsworth Road
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2976
Looking along Wandsworth Road with the towers in Vauxhall in the background.
Imperial War Museum
by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ3179
The now iconic 15 inch guns from HMS Ramillies and HMS Resolution, outside IWM’s... (more)
Imperial War Museum
by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ3179
The now iconic 15 inch guns from HMS Ramillies and HMS Resolution, outside IWM’s... (more)
Westminster Bridge Road
by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ3179
Seen from outside Lambeth North underground station.
Lambeth North Station
by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ3179
Seen from Westminster Bridge Road.
Lambeth North Underground Station
geograph for square TQ3179
Make Space Studios Newnham Terrace, Lambeth
for square TQ3179
Make Space Studios is a community of established as well as up and coming... (more)
The Pineapple Public House, Hercules Road, Lambeth
geograph for square TQ3179
Walnut Tree Walk, Lambeth
geograph for square TQ3178
The London Eye Hostel, Lambeth Walk
geograph for square TQ3078
Daffodils in the Garden Museum
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TQ3078
They may be amongst the commonest of spring flowers, but daffodils have a place... (more)
Worgan Street, Lambeth
geograph for square TQ3078
County Hall: Island Block from Westminster Bridge, 1989
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3079
After the abolition of the Greater London Council in 1986 work began on... (more)
The Canton Arms, South Lambeth Road
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TQ3077
Category: Public house
The pub is on the corner of Aldebert Terrace.
London - Lambeth
by Colin Smith
geograph for square TQ3179
Kennington Police Station flanked by religious and secular towers.
Sundial at the Garden Museum
by Stephen Craven
for square TQ3079
A sundial on a south-facing wall of the Garden Museum at Lambeth. It was... (more)
Knot Garden at the Garden Museum
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TQ3079
A knot garden with topiary at the former St Mary's Church, Lambeth - now... (more)
Outside the Garden Museum
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TQ3078
A path alongside the former St Mary's Church, Lambeth - now the Garden... (more)
Georgian terraces on Harleyford Road
by John Sutton
geograph for square TQ3077
Clun Terrace, the nearer row, is dated 1826. The Parade, further along, has an... (more)
Across The Oval
by John Sutton
geograph for square TQ3177
Looking towards the Vauxhall End from the Members' Pavilion on the second... (more)
The Oval: gasholder and new flats
by John Sutton
geograph for square TQ3177
A view from the members' pavilion at The Oval, showing new and not... (more)
A view from The Oval Pavilion
by John Sutton
geograph for square TQ3177
The floodlights were coming on towards the end of the first day of Surrey's... (more)
Vauxhall Bridge
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3078
Vauxhall Bridge over the River Thames, seen from Millbank. In the background is... (more)
High rise Vauxhall
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3077
High rise buildings in the Vauxhall/Nine Elms area. From left to right, with... (more)
High rise Vauxhall
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3077
High rise buildings in the Vauxhall/Nine Elms area. From left to right, with... (more)
101 - 105 and 107 Wandsworth Road
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3077
A remnant of old buildings among the modern redevelopment of the Vauxhall/Nine... (more)
The London Eye and County Hall
by Mick Lobb
geograph for square TQ3079
Brunswick House
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ3077
A remnant of old buildings among the modern redevelopment of the Vauxhall/Nine... (more)
England play India at the Oval
by HelenK
geograph for square TQ3077
On this sunny September afternoon England had just begun a futile chase in their... (more)
Imperial War Museum
by Peter Trimming
for square TQ3179
T-34/85. Successful Russian design from WW2, although this particular tank was... (more)
Imperial War Museum
by Peter Trimming
for square TQ3179
Spitfire F Mk.Ia R6915. This aircraft flew during the Battle of Britain with 609 Squadron.