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Showing latest 50 of 53 images tagged with place:Merseyway tag.

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SJ8990 : Mrs Mersey the Happy Shopper by Gerald England Mrs Mersey the Happy Shopper by Gerald England
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One of the frogs on the Stockport Frog Trail "Featuring in many... (more)
SJ8990 : Mrs Mersey the Happy Shopper by Gerald England Mrs Mersey the Happy Shopper by Gerald England
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One of the frogs on the Stockport Frog Trail "Featuring in many... (more)
SJ8990 : Mrs Mersey the Happy Shopper by Gerald England Mrs Mersey the Happy Shopper by Gerald England
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One of the frogs on the Stockport Frog Trail "Featuring in many... (more)
SJ8990 : Sir Sprinkles outside Tessuti by Gerald England Sir Sprinkles outside Tessuti by Gerald England
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"Who doesn’t love an ice cream? Sir Sprinkles is full of colour, always... (more)
SJ8990 : Sir Sprinkles by Gerald England Sir Sprinkles by Gerald England
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"Who doesn’t love an ice cream? Sir Sprinkles is full of colour, always... (more)
SJ8990 : Sir Sprinkles by Gerald England Sir Sprinkles by Gerald England
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"Who doesn’t love an ice cream? Sir Sprinkles is full of colour, always... (more)
SJ8990 : Sir Sprinkles by Gerald England Sir Sprinkles by Gerald England
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"Who doesn’t love an ice cream? Sir Sprinkles is full of colour, always... (more)
SJ8990 : Works in Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England Works in Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England
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On the right is the former bhs building which was partially demolished in 2023... (more)
SJ8990 : Merseyway works by Gerald England Merseyway works by Gerald England
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The centre of Merseyway is undergoing extensive works. Shoppers are being... (more)
SJ8990 : Merseyway works by Gerald England Merseyway works by Gerald England
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The centre of Merseyway is undergoing extensive works. Shoppers are being... (more)
SJ8990 : Merseyway works by Gerald England Merseyway works by Gerald England
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The centre of Merseyway is undergoing extensive works. Shoppers are being forced... (more)
SJ8990 : Street Musicians in Merseyway by Gerald England Street Musicians in Merseyway by Gerald England
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I don't know who these musicians are. Today they were entertaining... (more)
SJ8990 : Hippie Frog opposite Merseyway by Gerald England Hippie Frog opposite Merseyway by Gerald England
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"Back in 1969, the summer of love was a celebration of people coming... (more)
SJ8990 : Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England
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The only shop open in this part of Merseyway Shopping Centre during the... (more)
SJ8990 : Looking down into Merseyway by Gerald England Looking down into Merseyway by Gerald England
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Looking from the car park level down into the Merseyway Shopping Centre. In... (more)
SJ8990 : Christmas tree in Merseyway by Gerald England Christmas tree in Merseyway by Gerald England
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The annual Christmas Tree has returned to Merseyway.
SJ8990 : Merseyway Christmas Tree 2013 by Gerald England Merseyway Christmas Tree 2013 by Gerald England
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The Christmas Tree in Merseyway Shopping Centre. "River Island" on the... (more)
SJ8990 : Primark car park by Gerald England Primark car park by Gerald England
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Car park on top of the Merseyway shopping centre. This section has disabled... (more)
SJ8990 : Merseyway Fashion Parade by Gerald England Merseyway Fashion Parade by Gerald England
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A fashion parade outside Primark in Merseyway.
SJ8990 : View from the end of Merseyway by Gerald England View from the end of Merseyway by Gerald England
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The country is in lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and all the seats... (more)
Tags: date:1890X   date:1986X   date:2015X   BridgeX   top:Business, Retail, ServicesX   top:City, Town CentreX   CoronavirusX   type:GeographX   Laura AshleyX   LockdownX   place:Merseyway   SeatsX   Shoe ShopX  
SJ8990 : Above the River Mersey by Gerald England Above the River Mersey by Gerald England
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Flowing underneath the Merseyway Shopping Centre is the River Mersey. In 2015... (more)
SJ8990 : Works in Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England Works in Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England
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The former British Home Stores seems to be in the process of being demolished.
SJ8990 : Works in Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England Works in Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England
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The works on the left seem to be for general maintenance. On the right the... (more)
SJ8990 : Demolition work in Merseyway by Gerald England Demolition work in Merseyway by Gerald England
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The former BHS store is currently undergoing demolition.
SJ8990 : Merseyway Christmas Tree 2021 by Gerald England Merseyway Christmas Tree 2021 by Gerald England
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In the background is the former M&S store.
SJ8990 : Former M & S Store by Gerald England Former M & S Store by Gerald England
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The former M & S store in Merseyway Shopping Centre is covered in scaffold.
Tags: top:Business, Retail, ServicesX   top:Derelict, DisusedX   type:GeographX   store:M&SX   place:Merseyway   ScaffoldingX  
SJ8990 : Shops on Merseyway by Gerald England Shops on Merseyway by Gerald England
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Shops have now re-opened following the easing of restrictions during the... (more)
SJ8990 : Shops on Merseyway by Gerald England Shops on Merseyway by Gerald England
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Most shops are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic lockdown. Before... (more)
SJ8990 : Shops on Merseyway by Gerald England Shops on Merseyway by Gerald England
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Bodyshop, Stockport Bullion Co (a pawnbrokers) and Fone Zone are all closed... (more)
SJ8990 : Christmas shopping in Stockport by Gerald England Christmas shopping in Stockport by Gerald England
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In Merseyway Shopping Centre.
SJ8990 : Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England Merseyway Shopping Centre by Gerald England
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Monday is usually a quiet day in Stockport but with lockdown looming on... (more)
SJ8990 : Primark, Stockport by Gerald England Primark, Stockport by Gerald England
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Following the easing of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic Primark... (more)
SJ8990 : The queue for Primark by Gerald England The queue for Primark by Gerald England
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Following the easing of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic Primark in... (more)
SJ8990 : Merseyway Shopping Centre under lockdown by Gerald England Merseyway Shopping Centre under lockdown by Gerald England
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With the vast majority of stores closed due to the coronavirus pandemic and... (more)
SJ8990 : Former M&S by Gerald England Former M&S by Gerald England
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The former Marks and Spencer store in Merseyway Shopping Centre is now looking... (more)
SJ8990 : Mersey Square by Gerald England Mersey Square by Gerald England
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On the left is Debenhams. On the right is the Merseyway Shopping Centre with... (more)
SJ8990 : And the River Runs Through by Gerald England And the River Runs Through by Gerald England
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Behind the taxi rank on Chestergate SJ8990 : Chestergate Taxi Rank is an artwork entitled "And... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   top:City, Town CentreX   place:Merseyway   Public ArtX   Youth Offending ServiceX  
SJ8990 : Stockport Post Office by Gerald England Stockport Post Office by Gerald England
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At the end of Adlington Walk in the Merseyway Shopping Centre.
SJ8990 : Merseyway Children's Roundabout by Gerald England Merseyway Children's Roundabout by Gerald England
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Decorated for Christmas.
SJ8990 : Catwalk outside Primark by Gerald England Catwalk outside Primark by Gerald England
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A fashion parade outside Primark on Merseyway.
SJ8990 : Woolworths divided into three by Gerald England Woolworths divided into three by Gerald England
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The former Woolworths SJ8990 : Woolworths Reflects in Merseyway is now divided between... (more)
SJ8990 : Shops on Mersey Square by Gerald England Shops on Mersey Square by Gerald England
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On the left is the Travelshop operated by TfGM where you can find all the... (more)
SJ8990 : Deckchairs outside Primark by Gerald England Deckchairs outside Primark by Gerald England
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As part of a three day Food and Drinks Festival the chef Simon Rimmer was... (more)
SJ8990 : Shopping at the heart of Stockport by Gerald England Shopping at the heart of Stockport by Gerald England
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So proclaims the signage on Primark.
SJ8990 : Poundland and  Pep&co by Gerald England Poundland and Pep&co by Gerald England
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Poundland took over the former bhs store in 2018 SJ8990 : Former bhs store now Poundland but now they too... (more)
SJ8990 : View from the Plaza Steps by Gerald England View from the Plaza Steps by Gerald England
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The large building in the left foreground with its top on Wellington Road South... (more)
Tags: road:A6X   Bear PitX   top:City, Town CentreX   place:Merseyway   former:NightclubX   former:Public HouseX  
SJ8990 : The Mersey revealed again by Gerald England The Mersey revealed again by Gerald England
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With the repairs to Lancashire Bridge almost completed and a replica of the... (more)
SJ8990 : Halifax bank boarded up by Gerald England Halifax bank boarded up by Gerald England
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The Halifax branch on Merseyway SJ8990 : Halifax, Stockport is still boarded up and closed... (more)
SJ8990 : Jimi Hendrix by Otto Schade by Gerald England Jimi Hendrix by Otto Schade by Gerald England
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A mural of Jimi Hendrix by Otto Schade overlooks Chestergate from the site of... (more)
Tags: date:1967X   top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   person:Jimi HendriksX   place:Merseyway   public artwork:MuralX   MuralX   person:Otto SchadeX  
SJ8990 : Clocktower on Chestergate by Gerald England Clocktower on Chestergate by Gerald England
for square SJ8990
The clocktower is on the roof of the former Co-op emporium that fronted... (more)
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