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SO0366 : Nantmel Dingle Crossing, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper Nantmel Dingle Crossing, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
The Nantmel Dingle Crossing on the Elan Valley Aqueduct. The aqueduct was built... (more)
SO0366 : Nantmel Dingle Crossing, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper Nantmel Dingle Crossing, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
The Nantmel Dingle Crossing on the Elan Valley Aqueduct. The aqueduct was built... (more)
SO0366 : Nantmel Dingle Crossing, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper Nantmel Dingle Crossing, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
The Nantmel Dingle Crossing on the Elan Valley Aqueduct. The aqueduct was built... (more)
SO0366 : Nantmel Dingle Crossing, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper Nantmel Dingle Crossing, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
The Nantmel Dingle Crossing on the Elan Valley Aqueduct. The aqueduct was built... (more)
SO0366 : Nantmel Aqueduct, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper Nantmel Aqueduct, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
A short aqueduct below Nantmel church carrying the Elan Valley Aqueduct. The... (more)
SO0366 : Nantmel Aqueduct, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper Nantmel Aqueduct, Elan Valley Aqueduct by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
A short aqueduct below Nantmel church carrying the Elan Valley Aqueduct. The... (more)
SO0366 : Nantmel School by Ian Capper Nantmel School by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
Church in Wales School for 3 to 11 year olds. It appears on the 1888 6 inch... (more)
SO0366 : Nantmel Kiosk Library by Ian Capper Nantmel Kiosk Library by Ian Capper
for square SO0366
Novel use of a former K6 Telephone Kiosk in Nantmel (see SO0366 : Ashbrook for wider view).
SO0266 : Rose Cottage by Ian Capper Rose Cottage by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0266
Cottage at the end of the link between the A44 and the old road through Nantmel.
SO0366 : Nantmel War Memorial by Ian Capper Nantmel War Memorial by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
War memorial commemorating 18 dead from the First World War and 8 dead from the... (more)
SO0366 : Ashbrook by Ian Capper Ashbrook by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
Cottage on the old road through Nantmel. See SO0366 : Nantmel Kiosk Library for close up of the... (more)
SO0366 : Ashbrook by Ian Capper Ashbrook by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
Cottage on the old road through Nantmel. See SO0366 : Nantmel Kiosk Library for close up of the... (more)
SO0366 : Church of St Cynllo, Nantmel by Ian Capper Church of St Cynllo, Nantmel by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
1881 renovation of a 1792 church, itself built on the site of an early celtic... (more)
SO0366 : Church of St Cynllo, Nantmel by Ian Capper Church of St Cynllo, Nantmel by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
1881 renovation of a 1792 church, itself built on the site of an early celtic... (more)
SO0366 : Church of St Cynllo, Nantmel by Ian Capper Church of St Cynllo, Nantmel by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
1881 renovation of a 1792 church, itself built on the site of an early celtic... (more)
SO0366 : Church of St Cynllo and lychgate by Ian Capper Church of St Cynllo and lychgate by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO0366
1881 renovation of a 1792 church, itself built on the site of an early Celtic... (more)
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