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SK9135 : Qúeen Street 1 - Grantham, Lincolnshire by Martin Richard Phelan Qúeen Street 1 - Grantham, Lincolnshire by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SK9135
This view was taken on the route from Grantham Railway Station to the town... (more)
SK9135 : Queen Street 2 - Grantham, Lincolnshire by Martin Richard Phelan Queen Street 2 - Grantham, Lincolnshire by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SK9135
A view looking south-east along Queen Street, Grantham. At the time these houses... (more)
SD7332 : Queen Street, Great Harwood by Steven Haslington Queen Street, Great Harwood by Steven Haslington
geograph for square SD7332
A view eastwards along Queen Street in Great Harwood, Lancashire, England.
NS5965 : As part of the refurbishment of Glasgow Queen Street railway station the low level entrance corridor is shut by Garry Cornes As part of the refurbishment of Glasgow Queen Street railway station the low level entrance corridor is shut by Garry Cornes
for square NS5965
Glasgow Queen Street railway station is undergoing a massive refurbishment. The... (more)
SD8634 : Queen Street Mill, Harrison Street by Chris Allen Queen Street Mill, Harrison Street by Chris Allen
geograph for square SD8634
A typical side view of a cotton weaving shed. The wall hides a north-light... (more)
NS5965 : Queen Street by Thomas Nugent Queen Street by Thomas Nugent
geograph for square NS5965
Looking from Ingram Street towards Argyle Street. Traffic has stopped whilst the... (more)
SD8634 : Mills, Harle Syke by Chris Allen Mills, Harle Syke by Chris Allen
geograph for square SD8634
Queen Street Mill on the left is a working textile museum with a horizontal... (more)
SD8634 : Queen Street Mill - steam engine by Chris Allen Queen Street Mill - steam engine by Chris Allen
for square SD8634
Horizontal tandem compound steam engine. The low pressure cylinder and motion... (more)
SD8634 : Queen Street Mill by Chris Allen Queen Street Mill by Chris Allen
geograph for square SD8634
This was the last steam powered cotton weaving shed and closed in 1982. It is... (more)
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