Mathematical Bridge
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Mathematical Bridge
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Postbox at the entrance to Queens' College
by Christopher Hilton
for square TL4458
Silver Street Bridge & Queens' College, Cambridge
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4458
Seen from across the Mill Pit. Behind the bridge is the College's Essex... (more)
Silver Street Bridge & Queens' College, Cambridge
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4458
Seen from across the Mill Pit. Behind the bridge is the College's Essex... (more)
Mathematical Bridge
by Richard Croft
geograph for square TL4458
Mathematical Bridge, Queens' College and the River Cam from Silver Street bridge
A winter morning on Queens' Lane
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
St Catharine's College is on the left and some of the oldest parts of... (more)
The Mathematical Bridge, Queens' College, Cambridge
by Martin Tester
geograph for square TL4458
The Mathematical Bridge connects the older half of the college (on the right... (more)
A clip off the legs at Queens'
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4257
A league match between Camden (Cambridge) and Godolphin in progress on the... (more)
The mathematical bridge, Queens' College, Cambridge, 1961
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4458
The best way to appreciate the bridge is from a punt. Built in 1906 as a copy of... (more)
Punts, willows and colleges
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Looking across the Cam from the bottom of Mill Lane on a blowy March morning.... (more)
Cricket at Queens' College Ground
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4357
Very tall windbreak hedges shield tennis courts on the southern side of this... (more)
At Silver Street corner
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4457
Looking from the corner of Sidgwick Avenue and Newnham Road towards Queens'... (more)
Punting past Darwin
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4457
A winter-morning view from Laundress Green, with Darwin College Study Centre on... (more)
Queens' College: bricklayers under cover
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The riverbank at Queens' College, between Silver Street and The... (more)
New masonry at Queens' College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A view along Queens' Lane on a grey January morning. This is the original... (more)
Queens' College: the restored riverbank
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The riverbank at Queens' College, between Silver Street and The... (more)
Cambridge: the return of punting
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Following the relaxation of some of the coronavirus pandemic restrictions,... (more)
Bank collapse and The Mathematical Bridge
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Geograph has many pictures of Queens' College's famous bridge over the... (more)
Chauffeur punts at Silver Street
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A bright day in November - a good one to be a tourist in Cambridge. Silver... (more)
Queens' College: rainbow-striped Mathematical Bridge
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Blue and indigo have been merged so the seven colours of the rainbow fit the six... (more)
How's that?
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4257
Camden (Cambridge) played Cottenham in a Cambridgeshire Cricket Association... (more)
Silver Street and Queens' College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Deep shadows and brilliant sunlight on a Sunday morning in early November. The... (more)
Silver Street, Queens' College and The Anchor
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Early on a bright Sunday morning at the end of May. Like every other pub in the... (more)
Local cricket at Queens' College Ground
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4257
Camden (Cambridge) batting against Wisbech Town III in a league game. The ball... (more)
Queens' College Sports Pavilion
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4257
Two overs before tea during a local league match between Camden (Cambridge) and... (more)
Queens' College, Silver Street Bridge and The Anchor
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
There were few takers for punt tours on the bright, breezy and rather chilly... (more)
Tourists on Silver Street Bridge
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Queens' College is on the left, The Anchor public house on the right. The... (more)
Cambridge University - Mathematical Bridge
by Colin Smith
geograph for square TL4458
The Mathematical Bridge spans the River Cam at Queens' College. It was... (more)
Pollarded willow and chauffeur punts
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Looking from Laundress Green towards Silver Street and parts of Queens'... (more)
Scaffolding at Queens' College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Bright sunlight and deep shadow in late September. Taxis and parents' cars... (more)
Laundress Lane: bins and bricks
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Late-mediaeval brick on Queens' College Old Court and hard Victorian red... (more)
Chauffeur punts at Silver Street Bridge
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Scaffolding covers the Silver Street front of Queens' College (extreme right).
Queens' College from the left bank
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A view through the railings next to the Porters' Lodge, taken on a bright... (more)
Queens' College Mathematical Bridge
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A view through the railings makes a change from all the pictures taken from... (more)
Landscaping at Queens' College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The bank collapsed in January 2016 and restoration has taken a long time.... (more)
Queens' College: the rebuilt riverbank
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Part of the wall supporting the bank of the Cam collapsed in January 2016 and... (more)
Cripps Court and the restored riverbank
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The riverbank at Queens' College, between Silver Street and The... (more)
A crane at Queens' College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Work continues to repair the bank, which collapsed in January 2016. For an... (more)
Rebuilding the riverbank at Queens' College
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The work continues to restore the bank, which collapsed in January 2016. For an... (more)
Up Laundress Lane
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The rear of The Anchor is on the left, Queens' College straight ahead, on... (more)
Scudamore's Punts at Mill Lane
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The Anchor public house is in the centre of the picture and Queens' College... (more)
Tourists turning
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
A chauffeur punt turning at Mill Pit before returning along The Backs. Parts of... (more)
Queens' College: restoring the river bank
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
The bank collapsed in January 2016 and steel piling separates the restoration... (more)
Queens' College: Cripps Court from Silver Street Bridge
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4458
Queens' & Robinson: ready to start on a gloomy day
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4257
The day before had been the hottest of the year to date, but it was followed by... (more)
A square cut at Queens'
by John Sutton
geograph for square TL4257
Madingley on their way to a 9-wicket win against Camden (Cambridge) in a local... (more)