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Showing latest 50 of 104 images tagged with place:Tredegar tag.

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SO1307 : A sad and lonely journey, Cefn Golau, Tredegar by Robin Drayton A sad and lonely journey, Cefn Golau, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
for square SO1307
David and Ann Williams The inscription on this statue reads: "David and... (more)
Tags: Heritage TrailX   Public ArtworkX   place:Tredegar   top:UplandsX  
SO1408 : The Ironmaster, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton The Ironmaster, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
Bedwellty House and heritage trail marker. The inscription on the statue reads:... (more)
SO1409 : The Chief Engineer, Tredegar Iron Company by Robin Drayton The Chief Engineer, Tredegar Iron Company by Robin Drayton
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The inscription on this statue reads: Born in Tredegar, Thomas Ellis worked as... (more)
SO1408 : The secretary of the Tredegar Medical Aid Society by Robin Drayton The secretary of the Tredegar Medical Aid Society by Robin Drayton
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Norah Childs (1924-2011). The inscription on this statue reads: Tredegar... (more)
SO1408 : Two health service pioneers, The Circle, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Two health service pioneers, The Circle, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
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Aneurin 'Nye' Bevan (on the left) The inscription reads: Aneurin... (more)
SO1408 : The ironmaster and daffodils, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton The ironmaster and daffodils, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
A statue on the Homfray Heritage Trail. For another view and details see... (more)
SO1408 : Two young workers in the Tredegar Iron Works by Robin Drayton Two young workers in the Tredegar Iron Works by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
They are Ann Prosser, aged 16 and Mary Jones, aged 15 who provided evidence to a... (more)
SO1408 : Entrance to Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Entrance to Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
Originally the home of the ironmasters of the Tredegar Iron Company. When the... (more)
Tags: place:Bedwellty ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   place:Tredegar  
SO1408 : The inspirer of the Tredegar Town Clock by Robin Drayton The inspirer of the Tredegar Town Clock by Robin Drayton
for square SO1408
The Tredegar Town Clock was erected in what was the Market Square, and is now... (more)
SO1408 : Bedwellty House, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Bedwellty House, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
Bedwellty House and Park were extensively restored in 2009-11. The house is the... (more)
Tags: place:Bedwellty ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   place:Tredegar  
SO1408 : The Independent Minister and Journalist by Robin Drayton The Independent Minister and Journalist by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
Evan Jones, 'Ieuan Gwynedd' (1820-1852). The inscription reads:... (more)
SO1310 : Jack the Fifer at Twyn Star, Dukestown, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Jack the Fifer at Twyn Star, Dukestown, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
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John Rees 'Jack the Fifer' (1815-1893). For more on the life of... (more)
SO1410 : Two workers at the Sirhowy Ironworks by Robin Drayton Two workers at the Sirhowy Ironworks by Robin Drayton
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Blacksmith and poet. The inscription reads: William Williams ('Myfyr... (more)
SO1210 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (4) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (4) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1210
Looking eastward along the A465 Heads of the Valleys Road as it approaches the... (more)
SO1210 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (3) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (3) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1210
Looking eastward along the A465 Heads of the Valleys Road as it approaches the... (more)
SO1409 : The Collier and his Butty, Tredegar by Robin Drayton The Collier and his Butty, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
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A sculpture made from laser-cut stainless steel at the location of a former coal... (more)
SO1408 : Bedwellty House through the trees, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Bedwellty House through the trees, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
Taken through the park railings alongside the Promenade d`Orvault which is on... (more)
Tags: place:Bedwellty ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   place:Tredegar  
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (9) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (9) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
Small temporary roundabout. The original roundabout that was on the A465 has... (more)
SO1310 : Construction of a new road bridge, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Construction of a new road bridge, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
The A465 Heads of the Valleys road crosses the River Sirhowy at Dukestown to the... (more)
SO1310 : A view of the Nine Arches Viaduct by Robin Drayton A view of the Nine Arches Viaduct by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
The viewpoint from which this picture was taken will soon no longer be... (more)
Tags: former:Railway ViaductX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX   place:Tredegar  
SO1409 : Aneurin Bevan Plaque, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Aneurin Bevan Plaque, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
for square SO1409
Aneurin 'Nye' Bevan was born in Tredegar in 1897. This plaque... (more)
Tags: person:Aneurin BevanX   top:City, Town CentreX   PlaqueX   place:Tredegar  
SO1408 : The Long Shelter, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton The Long Shelter, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
See Link for a view four years earlier... (more)
Tags: place:Bedwellty ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   place:Tredegar  
SO1408 : Long Shelter, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Long Shelter, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
See Link for a view before its restoration.
SO1408 : Long Shelter, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Long Shelter, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
See Link for a similar view before its restoration.
SO1408 : Bandstand, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Bandstand, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
Built in 1912 Grade II listed.
SO1408 : Autumn in The Grotto, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Autumn in The Grotto, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
A rather shady and damp spot, even on a bright autumn day. Here is a summer... (more)
Tags: place:Bedwellty ParkX   GrottoX   top:Park and Public GardensX   place:Tredegar  
SO1310 : A weir on the River Sirhowy by Robin Drayton A weir on the River Sirhowy by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
This is just before the river passes under a bridge carrying the A465 Heads of... (more)
Tags: top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   river:SirhowyX   place:Tredegar   WeirX  
SO1310 : Sirhowy River and Nine Arches Viaduct, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Sirhowy River and Nine Arches Viaduct, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
SO1310 : Nine Arches Viaduct, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Nine Arches Viaduct, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
Viewed from the south.
SO1210 : National Cycle Route 46, Bryn Bach Park, Tredegar by M J Roscoe National Cycle Route 46, Bryn Bach Park, Tredegar by M J Roscoe
geograph for square SO1210
The joint cycle route and footpath here follows the western edge of the man-made... (more)
SO1210 : Island, Bryn Bach Park, Tredegar by M J Roscoe Island, Bryn Bach Park, Tredegar by M J Roscoe
geograph for square SO1210
The westernmost island in the 36 acre man-made lake in the 340 acres of the... (more)
SO1210 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (12) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (12) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1210
Traffic is now using both slip roads on west side of this junction. See... (more)
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (11) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (11) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
Excavations for the new dual carriageway continue. See... (more)
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (10) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (10) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
Work has now started on the excavations to take the new dual carriageway under... (more)
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (8) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (8) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
The eastern bridge of the new roundabout (on the right).
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (7) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (7) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
This will be the western bridge of the new roundabout over the A465.
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (6) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (6) by Robin Drayton
for square SO1310
Work continues on constructing the new roundabout with both the western and... (more)
SO1310 : On Nine Arches Viaduct, Tredegar by Robin Drayton On Nine Arches Viaduct, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
The viaduct crosses the Sirhowy River which rises a short distance away... (more)
SO1210 : Railway Cottages, Nantybwch by Robin Drayton Railway Cottages, Nantybwch by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1210
Nantybwch station used to be opposite these cottages. This was on the Merthyr,... (more)
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (5) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (5) by Robin Drayton
for square SO1310
Showing the construction of the western bridge at this junction. All existing... (more)
SO1308 : View over Tredegar (2013) by Robin Drayton View over Tredegar (2013) by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1308
Looking down Park Hill near Cefn Golau and over the town of Tredegar. A similar... (more)
Tags: top:Suburb, Urban FringeX   place:Tredegar   View of TownX  
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (2) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (2) by Robin Drayton
for square SO1310
For an earlier picture of this site see Link .
SO1310 : A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (1) by Robin Drayton A465 improvements, Nantybwch roundabout (1) by Robin Drayton
for square SO1310
When this section of the road was completed in 2004 the plan was for a flyover... (more)
SO1310 : A stile about to be removed by Robin Drayton A stile about to be removed by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
The white notice on the stile relates to the impending dualling of the A465. As... (more)
Tags: top:PathsX   StileX   place:Tredegar  
SO1310 : No longer the spot for a swim by Robin Drayton No longer the spot for a swim by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1310
This is the Sirhowy River as it passes under the A465 Heads of the Valleys Road.... (more)
SO1409 : Commercial Street, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Commercial Street, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1409
The gap between a row of shops is a walkway with reminders of Tredegar's history.
Tags: top:City, Town CentreX   Seating AreaX   place:Tredegar  
SO1409 : Gold Post Box, Tredegar by Robin Drayton Gold Post Box, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1409
Situated next to the Post Office in Commercial Street, Tredegar. Commemorating... (more)
SO1510 : Sign post for Sirhowy Valley Walk by Robin Drayton Sign post for Sirhowy Valley Walk by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1510
The northern end of the 26 mile Sirhowy Valley Walk is by the Aneurin Bevan... (more)
Tags: Memorial StonesX   SignpostX   long distance path:Sirhowy Valley WalkX   place:Tredegar   top:UplandsX  
SO1408 : Pedestrian entrance to Georgetown School, Tredegar by M J Roscoe Pedestrian entrance to Georgetown School, Tredegar by M J Roscoe
geograph for square SO1408
Entrance from Poplar Road to rear of Georgetown Primary School, Tredegar. The... (more)
SO1408 : The bandstand in the spring, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton The bandstand in the spring, Bedwellty Park, Tredegar by Robin Drayton
geograph for square SO1408
Built in 1912. Grade II listed. On the right are two statues on the Homfrey... (more)
Tags: BandstandX   place:Bedwellty ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   place:Tredegar  
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