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J5081 : Ward Park, Bangor by Rossographer Ward Park, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Path through Ward Park in Bangor.
J5081 : Graffiti, Bangor by Rossographer Graffiti, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
"Prisoners to Covid passports" on the wall of an aviary at Ward Park,... (more)
J5081 : Waxwing, Bangor by Rossographer Waxwing, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
Waxwing feeding on berries at Ward Park. An uncommon winter visitor to Bangor,... (more)
J5081 : Waxwing, Bangor by Rossographer Waxwing, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
Waxwing feeding on berries at Ward Park. An uncommon winter visitor to Bangor,... (more)
J5081 : Waxwing, Bangor by Rossographer Waxwing, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
Waxwing feeding on berries at Ward Park. An uncommon winter visitor to Bangor,... (more)
J5081 : Waxwing, Bangor by Rossographer Waxwing, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
Waxwing feeding on berries at Ward Park. An uncommon winter visitor to Bangor,... (more)
J5181 : Bangor, Christmas Day 2013 by Rossographer Bangor, Christmas Day 2013 by Rossographer
geograph for square J5181
Ward Park in Bangor at 12:10pm on Christmas Day 2013. A bright day but cold... (more)
J5081 : Goose, Bangor by Rossographer Goose, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
The head and neck of a curious greylag goose in Ward Park, Bangor.
J5081 : Mistle Thrush, Bangor by Rossographer Mistle Thrush, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
Mistle Thrush LinkExternal link in Ward Park, Bangor.
J5081 : Tractor, Bangor by Rossographer Tractor, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
A small Kubota tractor, in use by council staff in Ward Park, Bangor.
J5081 : WW1 Candlelit Vigil, Bangor by Rossographer WW1 Candlelit Vigil, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
A candlelit vigil in Ward Park, Bangr, to mark the anniversary of the day that... (more)
J5081 : WW1 Candlelit Vigil, Bangor by Rossographer WW1 Candlelit Vigil, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
A candlelit vigil in Ward Park, Bangr, to mark the anniversary of the day that... (more)
J5081 : Bangor War Memorial [detail] by Rossographer Bangor War Memorial [detail] by Rossographer
for square J5081
The Bangor War Memorial in Ward Park (see... (more)
J5081 : Grating, Bangor by Rossographer Grating, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
Grating cover cast by the Portadown Foundry located in Ward Park, Bangor. See... (more)
J5181 : Park path, Bangor by Albert Bridge Park path, Bangor by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5181
A path, from Broadway J5181 : Broadway, Bangor (behind me), running through Ward Park. Moira... (more)
J5081 : Guineafowl, Bangor (2) by Albert Bridge Guineafowl, Bangor (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J5081
Guineafowl Link are one of the... (more)
J5081 : Guineafowl, Bangor (1) by Albert Bridge Guineafowl, Bangor (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J5081
Guineafowl Link are one of the... (more)
J5081 : Feral pigeons, Bangor (2) by Albert Bridge Feral pigeons, Bangor (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J5081
Feral pigeons are common in Ward Park and reasonably tolerant of people though... (more)
J5081 : Feral pigeons, Bangor (1) by Albert Bridge Feral pigeons, Bangor (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J5081
Feral pigeons are common in Ward Park and reasonably tolerant of people.
J5081 : Bowling greens, Bangor (2012) by Albert Bridge Bowling greens, Bangor (2012) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5081
See J5181 : Bowling green, Bangor (2007) (September 2007). The bowling greens in Ward Park – out of... (more)
J5081 : Bird box, Bangor by Albert Bridge Bird box, Bangor by Albert Bridge
for square J5081
See J5081 : Birdhouse, Ward Park. There are several of these bird nesting boxes throughout Ward... (more)
J5081 : Delivery van, Bangor by Rossographer Delivery van, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Delivery van outside Bangor Library in Ward Park J5081 : Bangor Library [19]. The van is calling... (more)
J5181 : Recycling bins, Bangor by Albert Bridge Recycling bins, Bangor by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5181
Recycling bins, at the southern end of the Ward/Arras playing fields, near the... (more)
J5181 : River, Bangor by Albert Bridge River, Bangor by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J5181
The name of the river in Bangor remains a mystery. It’s not named on the... (more)
J5081 : Bangor Library by Rossographer Bangor Library by Rossographer
for square J5081
Part of the western wall of Bangor Library - see a wider angle view at J5081 : Bangor Library [12].
J5081 : Wreaths, Bangor war memorial by Albert Bridge Wreaths, Bangor war memorial by Albert Bridge
for square J5081
Some of the many Remembrance Sunday wreaths laid at Bangor war memorial... (more)
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