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TL4458 : Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge by Christopher Hilton Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
TL4458 : Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge by Christopher Hilton Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
TL4458 : Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge by Christopher Hilton Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
TL4458 : Mathematical Bridge by Lauren Mathematical Bridge by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
TL4458 : Postbox at the entrance to Queens' College by Christopher Hilton Postbox at the entrance to Queens' College by Christopher Hilton
for square TL4458
SP5106 : North range of Queen's College by Philip Halling North range of Queen's College by Philip Halling
for square SP5106
North range and cupola of Queen's College viewed through the entrance to... (more)
SP5106 : Queen's College by Philip Halling Queen's College by Philip Halling
for square SP5106
Queen's College, east range viewed from the entrance in the south range.
SP5106 : North range of Queen's College by Philip Halling North range of Queen's College by Philip Halling
geograph for square SP5106
North range of Queen's College viewed from the entrance in the south range.
SP5106 : Cupola above entrance to Queen's College by Philip Halling Cupola above entrance to Queen's College by Philip Halling
for square SP5106
The cupola above the entrance to Queen's College on the south range dates... (more)
SP5106 : Cupola above entrance to Queen's College by Philip Halling Cupola above entrance to Queen's College by Philip Halling
for square SP5106
The cupola above the entrance to Queen's College on the south range dates... (more)
SP5106 : High Street, Oxford by David Hallam-Jones High Street, Oxford by David Hallam-Jones
geograph for square SP5106
"And there's a street in the place - the main street - that... (more)
TL4458 : Mathematical Bridge, Queens' College by Ian Capper Mathematical Bridge, Queens' College by Ian Capper
geograph for square TL4458
Category: Bridge
A winter view of the bridge (see TL4458 : Mathematical Bridge, Queens' College. for full description)
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