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Showing latest 50 of 616 images tagged with railway:Northern Ireland Railways tag.

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J3373 : Train, Botanic Station, Belfast by Rossographer Train, Botanic Station, Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
Northern Ireland Railways C3K set 3019 arriving at Botanic Railway Station on an... (more)
J3474 : The "Broomstick Belle", Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge The "Broomstick Belle", Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Steam locomotive no 85 “Merlin”... (more)
J3474 : Steam train, Dargan Bridge, Belfast (March 2016) by Albert Bridge Steam train, Dargan Bridge, Belfast (March 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Preserved ex-GNR(I) locomotive no 85 “Merlin”... (more)
J3978 : Train, Holywood by Rossographer Train, Holywood by Rossographer
for square J3978
Northern Ireland Railways C4K set 4010 shortly after departing Holywood station... (more)
J3473 : Train, Belfast by Rossographer Train, Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3473
Northern Ireland Railways C4K set 4008 leaving Belfast Lanyon Place for Portadown.
J3473 : Site of Ormeau station, Belfast (May 2018) by Albert Bridge Site of Ormeau station, Belfast (May 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3473
The Belfast Central Railway opened to provide a goods connection from the Great... (more)
J3574 : Train. Titanic Quarter, Belfast (May 2018) by Albert Bridge Train. Titanic Quarter, Belfast (May 2018) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3574
NIR three car C3K set 3001 departing Titanic Quarter station, through lush... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   type:GeographX   railway:Northern Ireland Railways   RailwayX   top:RailwaysX   TrainX   TranslinkX   VegetationX  
J3474 : Railway arch, Bridge End, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge Railway arch, Bridge End, Belfast (October 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
See J3474 : Railway arch, Belfast (July 2007). The fence has been removed allowing access to the... (more)
Tags: ArchX   subject:ArchX   place:BelfastX   top:Construction, DevelopmentX   type:GeographX   railway:Northern Ireland Railways   Railway ArchX   top:RailwaysX   TranslinkX  
J3574 : NIR six-car set, Titanic Quarter station, Belfast - September 2016(1) by Albert Bridge NIR six-car set, Titanic Quarter station, Belfast - September 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3574
The first of the evening peak trains on the Bangor line, the 15.55 ex Gt... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   type:GeographX   railway:Northern Ireland Railways   top:RailwaysX   Titanic QuarterX   TrainX   TranslinkX  
J3373 : The "Portrush Flyer", Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge The "Portrush Flyer", Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3373
The first of this year’s three Railway Preservation Society of Ireland’s Belfast... (more)
J3474 : The "Portrush Flyer", Belfast (August 2017) by Albert Bridge The "Portrush Flyer", Belfast (August 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Steam locomotive no 85, crossing the Laganbank Road, on the approach to Belfast... (more)
J3473 : GM Locomotive, Belfast by Rossographer GM Locomotive, Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3473
Northern Ireland Railways GM locomotive 112 'Northern Counties'... (more)
J3373 : Train, Botanic Station, Belfast by Rossographer Train, Botanic Station, Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
Northern Ireland Railways C3K set 3022 about to depart Botanic with a service to... (more)
J3474 : Steam locomotive no 85, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Steam locomotive no 85, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Preserved locomotive no 85 “Merlin”... (more)
J3474 : Steam locomotive no 85, Belfast - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Steam locomotive no 85, Belfast - August 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Preserved locomotive no 85 “Merlin”... (more)
J3474 : Railway signal, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Railway signal, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A three-aspect colour light signal (CL211), approaching Yorkgate from Central.
J3474 : The Lagan railway bridge, Belfast (May 2014) by Albert Bridge The Lagan railway bridge, Belfast (May 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The 15.15 Belfast (Gt Victoria Street) – Larne Town crossing the River Lagan.
D4102 : Train, Larne Harbour Railway Station by Rossographer Train, Larne Harbour Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square D4102
Northern Ireland Railways C4K set 4007 (part of a 6 car multi-unit set, the... (more)
D4102 : Train, Larne Harbour Railway Station by Rossographer Train, Larne Harbour Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square D4102
Northern Ireland Railways C3K set 3010 about to depart with a service from Larne... (more)
C4416 : Waterside Railway Station by Rossographer Waterside Railway Station by Rossographer
for square C4416
Detail of Derry/Londonderry Waterside Railway Station... (more)
C4416 : Waterside Railway Station by Rossographer Waterside Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square C4416
Derry/Londonderry Waterside Railway Station... (more)
J3584 : Steam locomotive no 85, Jordanstown (March 2014) by Albert Bridge Steam locomotive no 85, Jordanstown (March 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3584
Preserved ex-Great Northern steam locomotive no 85... (more)
J4694 : Train, Ballycarry by Rossographer Train, Ballycarry by Rossographer
geograph for square J4694
Northern Ireland Railways C4K set 4004 arriving at Ballycarry on a service from... (more)
J3373 : Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
A last walk through Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station on the day... (more)
J3373 : Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
A last walk through Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station on the day... (more)
J3373 : Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
A last walk through Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station on the day... (more)
J3373 : Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
A last walk through Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station on the day... (more)
J3373 : Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
A last walk through Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station on the day... (more)
J3373 : Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
A last walk through Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station on the day... (more)
J3373 : Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
A last walk through Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station on the day... (more)
J3373 : Trains, Belfast by Rossographer Trains, Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
Trains at Great Victoria Street Railway Station in Belfast. The train on the... (more)
J3473 : Train, Belfast Lanyon Place Station by Rossographer Train, Belfast Lanyon Place Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3473
3 car Northern Ireland Railways C3K set 3001... (more)
J3574 : Translink MPV, Belfast by Rossographer Translink MPV, Belfast by Rossographer
geograph for square J3574
Translink (Northern Ireland Railways) Multi Purpose Vehicle... (more)
J4981 : Graffiti, Bangor by Rossographer Graffiti, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J4981
Graffiti alongside railway tracks between Bangor and Bangor West stations. The... (more)
J4981 : Railway tracks, Bangor by Rossographer Railway tracks, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J4981
Railway tracks between Bangor and Bangor West stations.
J3473 : Train, Belfast Lanyon Place Station by Rossographer Train, Belfast Lanyon Place Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3473
3 car Northern Ireland Railways C3K set 3004... (more)
J3373 : Railway, Botanic/Central, Belfast (May 2018) by Albert Bridge Railway, Botanic/Central, Belfast (May 2018) by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
The railway, from Cameron Street, between Botanic and Central, as a train heads... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   type:Close LookX   railway:Northern Ireland Railways   RailwayX   subject:RailwayX   top:RailwaysX   TranslinkX  
J3474 : GM, Dargan Bridge, Belfast (November 2016) by Albert Bridge GM, Dargan Bridge, Belfast (November 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The setting sun catches NIR “GM” class locomotive 112 as it runs, light engine... (more)
J3373 : Train, Gt Victoria Street, Belfast (March 2016) by Albert Bridge Train, Gt Victoria Street, Belfast (March 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3373
NIR C3K set 3016 departing Gt Victoria Street with the 09.57 Bangor – Portadown.... (more)
J3474 : Weir and cross-harbour bridges, Belfast - August 1994(2) by Albert Bridge Weir and cross-harbour bridges, Belfast - August 1994(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Replacement of the track, on the Lagan Bridge approaching Central station,... (more)
J4582 : Train, Helen's Bay by Rossographer Train, Helen's Bay by Rossographer
for square J4582
Northern Ireland Railways C4K set 4003 working the 1257 Bangor-Portadown service... (more)
J3474 : Railway signal, Belfast (March 2015) by Albert Bridge Railway signal, Belfast (March 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A three-aspect colour light signal, for up trains, on the Lagan bridge... (more)
J3474 : Train, Corporation Street, Belfast (December 2014) by Albert Bridge Train, Corporation Street, Belfast (December 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The 11.10 Belfast Gt Victoria Street – Londonderry (3021), near Corporation... (more)
J3373 : Train, City Hospital station, Belfast - July 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Train, City Hospital station, Belfast - July 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3373
C3K set 3015 approaches the City Hospital station (during a heavy mizzle) with... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   railway:Northern Ireland Railways   subject:RailwayX   Railway StationX   top:RailwaysX   TrainX   TranslinkX  
J3373 : Train, City Hospital station, Belfast - July 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Train, City Hospital station, Belfast - July 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3373
C3K set no 3009 departing with the 09.20 Belfast Gt Victoria Street – Londonderry.
J3273 : City Jct, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge City Jct, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3273
City Jct (no public access) is where the line to Gt Victoria Street diverges... (more)
J3474 : Train crossing the Laganside Walkway, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge Train crossing the Laganside Walkway, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
A very well-loaded 10.15 Portadown – Bangor crossing the River Lagan and the... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   railway:Northern Ireland Railways   PathX   top:PathsX   subject:RailwayX   top:RailwaysX   RiverX   River LaganX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   TrainX   TranslinkX  
J3373 : Train, Gt Victoria Street station, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge Train, Gt Victoria Street station, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3373
The 09.05 from Portrush (3008) on arrival at platform 1, Gt Victoria Street. If... (more)
J3979 : Train, Holywood Railway Station by Rossographer Train, Holywood Railway Station by Rossographer
for square J3979
Northern Ireland Railways 6 car C4K set (4004 & ?) approaching Holywood with... (more)
J3979 : Railway advertisement, Holywood by Albert Bridge Railway advertisement, Holywood by Albert Bridge
for square J3979
An advertisement beside the Bangor-bound lanes of the Holywood bypass. For the... (more)
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