Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Punting on the Cam, from the Silver Street bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Here Queens' College straddles the river, its two parts united by the... (more)
Bridge over the River Cam, north of Audley End
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL5238
The track here skirts the northern wall of Audley End's home park; the... (more)
January punting, Cambridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Even a few days after New Year, one or two tourists are available to be punted... (more)
Cambridge: River Cam, looking upstream from King's College
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Cambridge: River Cam, looking downstream from Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Cambridge: River Cam, looking downstream from King's College
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Cambridge: looking upstream at Garret Hostel Bridge
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Trinity Punts are based at this bridge, and the river is a chaotic mass of... (more)
Cambridge: King's College and the Backs
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Cambridge: River Cam, looking upstream from King's College
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TL4458
Buildings by the River Cam
by Steven Haslington
geograph for square TL4459
Buildings fronting the banks of the River Cam in central Cambridge, England.
Clare Bridge, Clare College
by Lauren
geograph for square TL4458
Punting on The River Cam near Clare Bridge
by Sandra Humphrey
geograph for square TL4458
Boxing Day on the Cam
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4458
Clare Bridge was built in 1640, making it the oldest surviving bridge in... (more)
Narrowboats on the River Cam
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4659
Moored alongside Stourbridge Common.
A study in angles 4
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4659
Equiano Bridge across the River Cam at Chesterton.
A study in angles 3
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TL4659
Equiano Bridge across the River Cam at Chesterton.
A study in angles 2
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4659
Equiano Bridge across the River Cam at Chesterton.
A study in angles 1
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TL4659
Equiano Bridge across the River Cam at Chesterton.
Pembroke College Boathouse
by Hugh Venables
geograph for square TL4559
Punting on the Cam
by Jim Barton
geograph for square TL4458
Summer and although the undergraduates are away, there are many more tourists to... (more)
Jesus Lock and weir
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TL4459
The Lock, sluice gates, weir and footbridge date from 1832, engineer William... (more)
The river Cam, looking north-east from Magdalene Bridge
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TL4458
No-one was hiring punts on a wet Sunday morning.
The river Cam, looking north from Silver Street
by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TL4458
A classic view including the 'mathematical' bridge, an early 20th... (more)
Jesus Lock, Cambridge
by Stephen Craven
for square TL4559
The lock bypasses a weir. Along with the footbridge that crosses them, they are... (more)
River Cam
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4760
Recreating this 'First' for the square Link
River Cam at Jesus Green
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TL4559
Looking downstream from the footbridge at Jesus Lock. The lock is Listed Grade... (more)
Under Victoria Bridge
by Alan Murray-Rust
for square TL4559
Late afternoon sunlight which followed the peak of storm 'Eunice'.... (more)
Alongside Midsummer Common
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4559
Sunlight and scudding clouds just a couple of hours after the worst of storm... (more)
Goldie Boathouse
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4559
'Goldie' is the reserve University boat race crew. The boathouse is... (more)
Slipway at Upware
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL5370
There was a ferry here until around 1960.
The River Cam at Upware
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL5370
Reach Lode branches to the left.
Footpath closure along the Cam
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4760
Part of the ongoing works related to the development of the Chisholm Trail.
Cambridge - Punting on the Cam
by Colin Smith
geograph for square TL4458
Busy scene on the River Cam south of the Silver Street bridge.
Cambridge - Boating Mecca
by Colin Smith
geograph for square TL4457
Punt on the River Cam passing a collection of canoes on the bank.
Cambridge - Transportage Ramp
by Colin Smith
geograph for square TL4457
Boat ramp for small craft to move between reaches of the River Cam south of Silver Street.
Cambridge University - Mathematical Bridge
by Colin Smith
geograph for square TL4458
The Mathematical Bridge spans the River Cam at Queens' College. It was... (more)
Cambridge - Punting on the Cam
by Colin Smith
for square TL4458
A popular activity for tourists in Cambridge.
Cambridge - Punting on the Cam
by Colin Smith
for square TL4458
Tourist trade on the River Cam in central Cambridge.
Cambridge - Punting on the Cam
by Colin Smith
geograph for square TL4459
Punting seems to be a lucrative business in Cambridge, popular with students and... (more)
River Cam from Brasley Bridge
by Hugh Venables
geograph for square TL4354
With the water quite high and quite brown after very heavy rain.
Flooding on Grantchester Meadows
by Hugh Venables
geograph for square TL4355
A very wet day in a very wet summer.
Boats on the Cam
by Hugh Venables
geograph for square TL4659
With high water after heavy rain.
Cycling in the Cam, Cambridge
by Jim Barton
geograph for square TL4458
I seem to remember being told that these two were cycling on a gravel bed in the... (more)
The New Bridge, St John's College, Cambridge, 1961
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4458
Universally known as the 'Bridge of Sighs' after the Venetian bridge... (more)
King's College Chapel, 1961
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4458
A timeless view, taken from a punt.
Cantabrigian Rowing Club, Christmas Day 2019
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4659
Even on Christmas Day, someone was clearly having a work-out.
Swans by the River Cam
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4659
Looking as if they belong to one of the boats.
Two Tees Boatyard, Chesterton
by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TL4659
A working boatyard on the River Cam with a noisy flock of seagulls in the foreground.