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Prefix: ruin    Tag:  Lime·Kiln  
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Showing latest 50 of 137 images tagged with ruin:Lime Kiln tag.

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NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is a view of the eleventh (see the list below) of twelve visited lime-kiln... (more)
NS4177 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4177
This is the fourth of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
Tags: subject:ArchaeologyX   top:Derelict, DisusedX   type:GeographX   top:IndustryX   ruin:Lime-KilnX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX  
NS4077 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4077
Category: Lime kilns
This is the first of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4278 : Lime-kiln ruin in upper Auchenreoch Glen by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin in upper Auchenreoch Glen by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4278
Category: Lime kilns
The first-edition OS map (surveyed in 1860) records many lime-kiln ruins... (more)
NS4278 : Signs of former industry at the Spouts Burn by Lairich Rig Signs of former industry at the Spouts Burn by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4278
Category: Burn
The signs of ancient industrial activity along this part of the burn are not... (more)
NS4278 : Possible lime-kiln ruin at the Spouts Burn by Lairich Rig Possible lime-kiln ruin at the Spouts Burn by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4278
A large green mound appears at the bottom of the image (it is also shown in the... (more)
NS4380 : Ruined lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Ruined lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4380
Category: Lime kilns
At this point, a rectangular pit is set into the foot of a NNE-facing slope. The... (more)
NS4177 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4177
This is a view of the second of twelve visited lime-kiln ruins in this area (the... (more)
NS4177 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4177
Category: Lime kilns
This is the third of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4278 : Mounds beside the Spouts Burn by Lairich Rig Mounds beside the Spouts Burn by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4278
This image shows a number of green mounds located beside NS4278 : The Spouts Burn. The... (more)
NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is the ninth of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is the eleventh of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4177 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4177
This is a view of the fifth of twelve visited lime-kiln ruins in this area (the... (more)
NS4177 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4177
This is a view of the fifth of twelve visited lime-kiln ruins in this area (the... (more)
NS4077 : Lime-kiln ruin near Murroch Farm by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin near Murroch Farm by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4077
The ruin is not prominent enough to be marked on 1:50000 or 1:25000 mapping, but... (more)
NS3382 : Remains of lime-kiln beside the Red Burn by Lairich Rig Remains of lime-kiln beside the Red Burn by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3382
Category: Lime kilns
For a more distant view, in a wider context, see NS3382 : The glen of the Red Burn. The ruined kiln... (more)
NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is the last of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a short... (more)
NS4380 : Remains of large rectangular lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of large rectangular lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4380
Category: Lime kilns
For the main description of these remains, see NS4380 : Ruined lime-kiln. The present photo... (more)
NS4380 : Ruined lime-kiln: detail by Lairich Rig Ruined lime-kiln: detail by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4380
Category: Lime kilns
This is one of two structures, formed from red sandstone blocks, that are among... (more)
NS4177 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4177
Category: Lime kilns
This is the third of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4278 : Lime-kiln ruin by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin by Lairich Rig
for square NS4278
Category: Lime kilns
See NS4278 : Lime-kiln ruin in upper Auchenreoch Glen for context, and for the main description. In this particular... (more)
NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln (wall detail) by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln (wall detail) by Lairich Rig
for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is the ninth of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is the sixth of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4381 : Remains of lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4381
Category: Lime kilns
This is the "possible lime-kiln" that is mentioned in the Canmore... (more)
NS4077 : Lime-kiln ruin: detail by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin: detail by Lairich Rig
for square NS4077
For context, and for other views, click on the end-note title. The present... (more)
NS4278 : Mound beside the Spouts Burn by Lairich Rig Mound beside the Spouts Burn by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4278
Category: Mound
This is the large mound that is shown, left of centre, in NS4278 : Signs of former industry at the Spouts Burn; see that... (more)
NS4278 : Lime-kiln ruin by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4278
Category: Lime kilns
See NS4278 : Lime-kiln ruin in upper Auchenreoch Glen for context, and for the main description.
NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is the tenth of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is the eighth of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4178 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is the seventh of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
NS4380 : Remains of wall at lime-kiln site by Lairich Rig Remains of wall at lime-kiln site by Lairich Rig
for square NS4380
Category: Lime kilns
This is the same structure as is shown from a different angle in NS4380 : Ruined lime-kiln: detail;... (more)
NS4077 : Lime-kiln ruin: detail by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin: detail by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4077
For other views, click on the end-note title. The present view shows the top... (more)
Tags: top:Derelict, DisusedX   ruin:Lime-KilnX  
NS4178 : Lime-kiln ruin in lower Auchenreoch Glen by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin in lower Auchenreoch Glen by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
The sun was shining when I took this photograph, but it is simply unable to... (more)
Tags: period:18th CenturyX   ArchaeologyX   place:Auchenreoch GlenX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   ruin:Lime-KilnX   season:WinterX  
NS4178 : Lime-kiln ruin in lower Auchenreoch Glen by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin in lower Auchenreoch Glen by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
For the main description of the ruin, see NS4178 : Lime-kiln ruin in lower Auchenreoch Glen. All that is now... (more)
NS4281 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4281
Category: Lime kilns
See NS4281 : Remains of a lime-kiln for the main description. As noted there, the mound is open on... (more)
NS4281 : Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of a lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
for square NS4281
Category: Lime kilns
The kiln is marked on the first-edition map (c.1860); it had, even then, already... (more)
NS3678 : Remains of lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3678
Category: Lime kilns
This pit, built into a north-facing slope, appears to be the remains of a... (more)
Tags: period:18th CenturyX   place:Carman MuirX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   ruin:Lime-KilnX  
NS4381 : Remains of lime-kiln by Lairich Rig Remains of lime-kiln by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4381
Category: Lime kilns
See the main item: NS4381 : Remains of lime-kiln, which shows the pit of the kiln. The downhill... (more)
NS3678 : Pool and ruin of lime-kiln on Carman Muir by Lairich Rig Pool and ruin of lime-kiln on Carman Muir by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3678
Category: Pools
The grey line of a dry-stone wall can be seen behind the pool. The photograph... (more)
Tags: place:Carman MuirX   landmark:KilloeterX   top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX   ruin:Lime-KilnX   PoolX   top:UplandsX  
NS3382 : Remains of lime-kiln beside the Red Burn by Lairich Rig Remains of lime-kiln beside the Red Burn by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3382
This is the same lime-kiln ruin as is shown in NS3382 : Remains of lime-kiln beside the Red Burn; see that item for... (more)
NS4278 : Lime-kiln ruin by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4278
The circular pit in the left foreground is the remains of a lime-kiln in... (more)
NS3382 : Remains of lime-kiln beside the Red Burn by Lairich Rig Remains of lime-kiln beside the Red Burn by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3382
The circular ruin just left of centre in the foreground is the ruin of a... (more)
NS3678 : Remains of lime-kiln (detail) by Lairich Rig Remains of lime-kiln (detail) by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3678
Category: Lime kilns
For the main description, and for a different view, see NS3678 : Remains of lime-kiln. In this... (more)
Tags: period:18th CenturyX   place:Carman MuirX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   ruin:Lime-KilnX  
NY7306 : Disused lime kiln, Smardale Fell by Karl and Ali Disused lime kiln, Smardale Fell by Karl and Ali
geograph for square NY7306
Barely recognisable as a lime kiln. Looking across Smardale to Nettle Hill.
Tags: top:Derelict, DisusedX   type:GeographX   former:Lime Kiln   ruin:Lime-KilnX   top:MoorlandX   top:Quarrying, MiningX   Ruined Lime KilnX   top:UplandsX  
SD7794 : Ruined lime kiln, below Grisedale Brow by Christine Johnstone Ruined lime kiln, below Grisedale Brow by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SD7794
Before I looked at the map I thought it might be an adit. In the 1800s limestone... (more)
NY7603 : Disused lime kiln, Pudding Howe Hill by Christine Johnstone Disused lime kiln, Pudding Howe Hill by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square NY7603
At first I thought it was an adit, but the map says lime kiln.
SD7984 : Ruined lime kiln, Wold Fell by Karl and Ali Ruined lime kiln, Wold Fell by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD7984
The top of Wold Fell is limestone which was quarried just above this small... (more)
NS4278 : Lime-kiln ruin by Lairich Rig Lime-kiln ruin by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4278
The grass-filled circular pit in the foreground is about 3 metres in diameter,... (more)
SM8006 : Dale Lime Kilns by PAUL FARMER Dale Lime Kilns by PAUL FARMER
geograph for square SM8006
Tags: type:GeographX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   subject:KilnX   ruin:Lime Kiln   former:Lime Kiln   ruin:Lime-KilnX   place:PembrokeshireX  
SD4674 : Ruined lime kiln near the Wolfhouse Gallery by Karl and Ali Ruined lime kiln near the Wolfhouse Gallery by Karl and Ali
geograph for square SD4674
Almost completely destroyed and sprouting several trees. Some kilns around the... (more)
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