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Showing latest 50 of 233 images tagged with Shop (Vacant) tag.

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J3374 : Vacant shop, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A vacant shop (let), at the corner of Castle Arcade (right) and Castle Lane.... (more)
J3374 : Vacant shop, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A vacant shop (without a “to let” sign), towards the Callender Street end of Castle Lane.
J3374 : Vacant shop, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Vacant shop (formerly a temporary Christmas shop), to let, at the Arthur Street... (more)
J3474 : Vacant shop, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Vacant shop (formerly the HPJ Jewellers), to let, at the lower end of Ann... (more)
J3373 : Vacant shops, Belfast (15) by Albert Bridge Vacant shops, Belfast (15) by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
Two vacant and shuttered shops, in Gt Victoria Street, to the inward (northern)... (more)
J3372 : Vacant shops, Belfast (14) by Albert Bridge Vacant shops, Belfast (14) by Albert Bridge
for square J3372
Former hairdressing salon at 58 Stranmillis Road, now vacant and offered for... (more)
J3374 : Vacant shop, Belfast (13) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (13) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A vacant shop, between North Street and Kent Street, in Royal Avenue.
J3373 : Vacant shop, Belfast (12) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (12) by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
A vacant electrical goods shop at the corner of Upper Queen Street (foreground)... (more)
J3372 : Vacant shops, Belfast (10) by Albert Bridge Vacant shops, Belfast (10) by Albert Bridge
for square J3372
Two vacant shops on the Stranmillis Road, at the corner of St Ives Gardens (right).
J3374 : Vacant shop, Belfast (8) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (8) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Vacant and shuttered shop in College Street. Completely forgotten what it was before.
J3374 : "To let" shop, Belfast (25) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (25) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A former branch of the “O’Brien’s” sandwich-shop franchise, on the ground floor... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shop, Belfast (19) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (19) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A vacant, former clothing, shop to let at 60-62 Ann Street (corner of Church... (more)
J3374 : "To let" shop, Belfast (18) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (18) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A shop at 7 Lower Garfield Street, part of this building J3374 : Nos 67-101 Royal Avenue, Belfast, currently... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shop, Belfast (17) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (17) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Shop(s) to let on the ground floor of the Custom House Residences J3474 : Dappled apartments, Belfast.... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shop, Belfast (11) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (11) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A vacant shop to let at 52-54 Ann Street - opposite the entrance to Victoria Square.
J3373 : "To let" shop, Belfast (10) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (10) by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
A vacant shop to let at 16 Howard Street. See also J3373 : Former post office, Bedford Street, Belfast (April 2014).
J3374 : "To let" shops, Belfast (9) by Albert Bridge "To let" shops, Belfast (9) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A vacant shop, to let, at 17 Wellington Place. Queen Street is on the left.
J3374 : "To let" shops, Belfast (8) by Albert Bridge "To let" shops, Belfast (8) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Two vacant shops, to let, at 9 & 11 Wellington Place. See also J3374 : No 11 Wellington Place, Belfast (February 2014).
J3374 : "To let" shop, Belfast (7) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (7) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A vacant shop, to let, at 47 Royal Avenue.
J3374 : "To let" shop, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A vacant shop, with two “to let” signs, in Castle Street on the outward side of... (more)
J3474 : Vacant shop, Belfast (11) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (11) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Former sportswear shop in Ann Street, beside the remains of Telfair Street J3474 : Telfair Street, Belfast.
J3374 : Vacant shop, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Two shops (one occupied) with “to let” signs at the City Hall end of Donegall... (more)
J3374 : Closed coffee shop, Belfast by Albert Bridge Closed coffee shop, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A former coffee shop J3374 : Seat, Belfast in the ground floor of what was originally... (more)
J3374 : "To let" shops, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge "To let" shops, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Two vacant and “to let” shops, on the southern side of Wellington Place, near... (more)
J3373 : "To let" shops, Belfast (23) by Albert Bridge "To let" shops, Belfast (23) by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
Two vacant ground-floor premises, to let, on the Gt Victoria Street side of... (more)
J3374 : Former "Marcus Music", Belfast by Albert Bridge Former "Marcus Music", Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Premises at 121 Royal Avenue (corner of William Street – left) now vacant and... (more)
J3373 : Former "Pizza Hut", Belfast by Albert Bridge Former "Pizza Hut", Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
A former “Pizza Hut”, on the Dublin Road, almost opposite Ventry Street. A... (more)
J3373 : Nos 86 & 88 Gt Victoria Street, Belfast by Albert Bridge Nos 86 & 88 Gt Victoria Street, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3373
No 86 (left) was formerly an employment agency. 88, a former clothing shop, is... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shop, Belfast (16) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (16) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
A vacant (due to relocation) former employment agency in Victoria Street. near... (more)
J3374 : Former "Blacks", Belfast by Albert Bridge Former "Blacks", Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
See J3374 : Millets, Belfast. A now-closed branch of “Blacks” outdoor shop at 18-22 Castle... (more)
J3374 : Vacant shop, Belfast (7) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (7) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A former mortgage adviser in Queen Street.
J3374 : Vacant shop, Belfast (6) by Albert Bridge Vacant shop, Belfast (6) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A former dry cleaner in Queen Street.
J3873 : Vacant shops, Knock, Belfast (2013) by Albert Bridge Vacant shops, Knock, Belfast (2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3873
Still standing and vacant.
SJ8989 : Vacant shop to let in Shaw Heath, Stockport by Jaggery Vacant shop to let in Shaw Heath, Stockport by Jaggery
geograph for square SJ8989
The shop, vacant on September 10th 2016, is next door to the Florist pub.... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shop, Belfast (29) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (29) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A shop to let on the ground floor of River House J3474 : River House, Belfast (December 2011), High Street. It’s... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shops, Belfast (28) by Albert Bridge "To let" shops, Belfast (28) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
On the ground floor of this building J3474 : Ann Street/Victoria Street development site, Belfast (22), at the corner of Ann Street... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shops, Belfast (24) by Albert Bridge "To let" shops, Belfast (24) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A former branch of “The Money Shop” at 16 Church Lane.
J3573 : Former barber's shop, Belfast by Albert Bridge Former barber's shop, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3573
Former barber’s shop, on the Beersbridge Road side of John Long’s corner,... (more)
J3374 : "To let" shop, Belfast (21) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (21) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A former second-hand bookshop to let at the Bridge Street end of North Street.... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shop, Belfast (20) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (20) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A former charity shop to let at 35 Church Lane. Cole’s Alley J3474 : Cole's Alley, Belfast is on the right.
J3373 : "To let" shop, Belfast (15) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (15) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3373
Former clothing shop to let in Howard Street (Newry Road) on the Google map.
J3373 : "To let" shop, Belfast (14) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (14) by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
A former jewellery shop to let at 48 Howard Street.
J3374 : "To let" shop, Belfast (13) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (13) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
A shop to let at Upper Queen Street, on the Wellington Street side of this one... (more)
J3374 : Closed shop, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Closed shop, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A closed (due to relocation) shop, towards the Wellington Place end of Upper... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shop, Belfast (6) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
A shop to let in Ann Street. This one J3474 : Vacant shop, Belfast (11) is on the right.
J3374 : "To let" shop, Belfast (5) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (5) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Shop with a “to let” sign at the Castle Lane end of Arthur Street. This sign... (more)
J3474 : "To let" shop, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge "To let" shop, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A shop, in what was the “Littlewoods” building J3474 : Former Littlewoods, Belfast in Ann Street,... (more)
J3474 : Former "bonmarché", Belfast by Albert Bridge Former "bonmarché", Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The bonmarché shop, in Ann Street, closed at the end of January 2012, following... (more)
J3374 : "To let" shops, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge "To let" shops, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
No 17 Arthur Street. This photograph appears as a matter of record only. I... (more)
ST2987 : Vacant shop premises on a Newport corner by Jaggery Vacant shop premises on a Newport corner by Jaggery
geograph for square ST2987
Shuttered former Spar shop Link on the... (more)
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