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TF4926 : Contractors' site compound north of the east bank lighthouse, Sutton Bridge by Richard Humphrey Contractors' site compound north of the east bank lighthouse, Sutton Bridge by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TF4926
Finally the cables are underground, Nessies... (more)
SX9575 : Site road and compound for Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper Site road and compound for Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9575
From the coast path heading up to meet the A379; the houses are on the other of... (more)
NZ2671 : Site Compound, White House Drive, Killingworth by Graham Robson Site Compound, White House Drive, Killingworth by Graham Robson
geograph for square NZ2671
The main site compound on Bellway's large Moorfields development of new... (more)
NU0800 : Site compound at Cragend by Graham Robson Site compound at Cragend by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU0800
Looking across the River Coquet valley towards the site compound which was the... (more)
SX9575 : Site road, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper Site road, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9575
The combe that drops from the A379 to the sea close to Parsons Tunnel on the... (more)
NZ2464 : Construction compound, Newcastle Helix by Graham Robson Construction compound, Newcastle Helix by Graham Robson
geograph for square NZ2464
A compound used by the developers working on the Newcastle Helix site. Behind is... (more)
NT2574 : Site compound, Picardy Place, Edinburgh by Graham Robson Site compound, Picardy Place, Edinburgh by Graham Robson
geograph for square NT2574
The hoardings surround the site compound and cabins used by contractors working... (more)
NZ0999 : Site compound at Pauperhaugh Bridge by Graham Robson Site compound at Pauperhaugh Bridge by Graham Robson
geograph for square NZ0999
The site compound for the repair works to Pauperhaugh Bridge is located in a... (more)
NZ2187 : Site Compound for the New Morpeth Northern Bypass construction works by Graham Robson Site Compound for the New Morpeth Northern Bypass construction works by Graham Robson
geograph for square NZ2187
The eastern most of the 2 site compounds which hold plant and offices. Work on... (more)
NZ1887 : Entrance to Morpeth Northern Bypass site compound by Graham Robson Entrance to Morpeth Northern Bypass site compound by Graham Robson
geograph for square NZ1887
The entrance to the main site compound supporting the construction of the new... (more)
SX9575 : Site road to compound, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper Site road to compound, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9575
Another view of the entrance to the first compound for the project SX9575 : Site road and compound for Parsons Tunnel north portal project.
SX9575 : Site road to compound, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper Site road to compound, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9575
The fork in the roads can be seen in SX9675 : Ladders, Parsons Tunnel north portal project. Beyond, not far from the... (more)
SP0483 : Compound near the Queen Elizabeth Roundabout, Selly Oak New Road scheme by Phil Champion Compound near the Queen Elizabeth Roundabout, Selly Oak New Road scheme by Phil Champion
geograph for square SP0483
Phase 2 of the new relief road scheme had opened that morning. This compound... (more)
SX9575 : Site compound, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper Site compound, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper
for square SX9575
Another compound - there seem to be at least six in total - for the cliff work... (more)
SX9575 : Infrastructure for Parsons Tunnel work by Derek Harper Infrastructure for Parsons Tunnel work by Derek Harper
for square SX9575
Work on a rockfall shelter to protect the coastal railway line requires access... (more)
SK9951 : Entrance to work compound, north side of Long Lane by Christine Johnstone Entrance to work compound, north side of Long Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK9951
With the location given as both a postcode and a what3words reference. One of... (more)
SK9951 : Entrance to work compound, south side of Long Lane by Christine Johnstone Entrance to work compound, south side of Long Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK9951
One of several secure bases created for Anglian Water's construction of a... (more)
SJ9422 : Basin site compound, Baswich by Robin Stott Basin site compound, Baswich by Robin Stott
geograph for square SJ9422
The Stafford Riverway Link Project aims to recreate a navigable link (upstream)... (more)
Tags: area:BaswichX   top:CanalsX   top:Construction, DevelopmentX   type:GeographX   top:LowlandsX   near:River SowX   Site Compound   postcode district:ST16X   place:StaffordX   near:Staffordshire and Worcestershire CanalX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
NO3700 : Water tanker by Bill Kasman Water tanker by Bill Kasman
geograph for square NO3700
This water tanker was sitting just outside the site compound for the... (more)
SE2336 : Site compound for the fish pass by Stephen Craven Site compound for the fish pass by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2336
This is the parcel of land on which the previous houses were demolished not long... (more)
SE2634 : Site compound for cable laying by Stephen Craven Site compound for cable laying by Stephen Craven
geograph for square SE2634
The piles of sand and gravel, and bundles of cable ducts, were for an ongoing... (more)
NY9364 : Contractor's site compound off Alemouth Road, Hexham by Stephen Craven Contractor's site compound off Alemouth Road, Hexham by Stephen Craven
geograph for square NY9364
The large manhole rings suggest there is a sewerage project going on somewhere nearby.
SK6839 : Works compound by Alan Murray-Rust Works compound by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK6839
Alongside the new Saxondale Roundabout, part of the A46 reconstruction.
SX9575 : Machinery and skip for Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper Machinery and skip for Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper
geograph for square SX9575
SX9575 : Clifftop compound, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper Clifftop compound, Parsons Tunnel north portal project by Derek Harper
for square SX9575
Taken from a gate beside the coast path, which obviously doesn't go this way!
SK9951 : Pipeline infrastructure, south of Long Lane by Christine Johnstone Pipeline infrastructure, south of Long Lane by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK9951
One of several secure bases created for Anglian Water's construction of a... (more)
NX1530 : Mull of Galloway lighthouse by Stanley Howe Mull of Galloway lighthouse by Stanley Howe
for square NX1530
Seen through an aperture in the NE wall of the lighthouse compound.
TF4926 : Nessie's nest is being removed by Richard Humphrey Nessie's nest is being removed by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TF4926
Contractors clearing a compound just inside the sea bank of The Wash near the... (more)
SU4492 : Water tank at the Steventon Storage Facility by Roger Templeman Water tank at the Steventon Storage Facility by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SU4492
I assume this was the storage tank for the Green Goddess fire engines which were... (more)
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