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TL5873 : Concrete stinkpipe in Angle Common by Tiger Concrete stinkpipe in Angle Common by Tiger
geograph for square TL5873
This concrete-shrouded stenchpipe (probably concealing a metal interior) stands... (more)
TL4558 : Stinkpipe 33 "Emmanuel" in Emmanuel Street by Tiger Stinkpipe 33 "Emmanuel" in Emmanuel Street by Tiger
geograph for square TL4558
Repainted in black but missing its corona finial, this stench pole is at the... (more)
TL4558 : Stinkpipe 25 in Drummer Street by Tiger Stinkpipe 25 in Drummer Street by Tiger
geograph for square TL4558
This stench pole stands at the entrance to the bus station and near the western... (more)
TL6165 : Stench column, North End by Keith Edkins Stench column, North End by Keith Edkins
geograph for square TL6165
At least I assume that is its function. They are quite numerous in Newmarket and... (more)
Tags: type:GeographX   Stenchpipe   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
TL4454 : Remains of Stinkpipe 68a in Shelford Road (close-up) by Tiger Remains of Stinkpipe 68a in Shelford Road (close-up) by Tiger
for square TL4454
The base of a redundant stench pole, infilled with concrete. For location see... (more)
TL4454 : Remains of Stinkpipe 68a by Tiger Remains of Stinkpipe 68a by Tiger
geograph for square TL4454
This sad remnant, painted light green, is the base of a redundant stench pole... (more)
TL4454 : Stinkpipe 68 in Shelford Road by Tiger Stinkpipe 68 in Shelford Road by Tiger
geograph for square TL4454
These stench poles or pipes are a feature of the street furniture on residential... (more)
TL4459 : Base of Stinkpipe 32 by Tiger Base of Stinkpipe 32 by Tiger
for square TL4459
Now difficult to read because a telecoms cabinet has been positioned close... (more)
TQ5838 : Truncated stinkpipe in Madeira Park by Tiger Truncated stinkpipe in Madeira Park by Tiger
for square TQ5838
The leafy residential areas of Tunbridge Wells are adorned with plentiful cast... (more)
TQ5838 : Stinkpipe in Rodmell Road by Tiger Stinkpipe in Rodmell Road by Tiger
for square TQ5838
ST8765 : Creating a stink on the Bath Road by Neil Owen Creating a stink on the Bath Road by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST8765
Sewer fumes are released from this tall and slightly rusty vent pipe.
Tags: type:GeographX   subject:PipeX   Stenchpipe   top:Village, Rural SettlementX   top:Water ResourcesX  
ST1600 : Sewage vent pipe, Pine Park Road by Anthony Vosper Sewage vent pipe, Pine Park Road by Anthony Vosper
geograph for square ST1600
Sometimes referred to as stink, stench or poo pipes. This one whilst tall lacks... (more)
TL4559 : Remains of Stinkpipe 46 on Victoria Avenue by Tiger Remains of Stinkpipe 46 on Victoria Avenue by Tiger
for square TL4559
The 2013 map of Cambridge stinkpipes... (more)
TL4658 : Base of Stinkpipe 09 by Tiger Base of Stinkpipe 09 by Tiger
for square TL4658
The maker of TL4658 : Stinkpipe 09 in Silverwood Close was John Spencer Ltd of Wednesbury - an unusual name by... (more)
TL4658 : Stinkpipe 09 in Silverwood Close by Tiger Stinkpipe 09 in Silverwood Close by Tiger
for square TL4658
At the end of this quiet sylvan cul-de-sac just a step away from... (more)
TL4658 : Stinkpipe (66a*) in Norfolk Terrace by Tiger Stinkpipe (66a*) in Norfolk Terrace by Tiger
for square TL4658
Outside no 63, at the northern end of the western arm of this street, this... (more)
TL4658 : Stinkpipe 66 in Broad Street by Tiger Stinkpipe 66 in Broad Street by Tiger
for square TL4658
At the dead end of Broad Street near the modern entrance to the Flower Street... (more)
TL4457 : Stinkpipe 41 in Granta Place by Tiger Stinkpipe 41 in Granta Place by Tiger
for square TL4457
Enfolded by one tree and overshadowed by another, this sanitary facility next to... (more)
TL4457 : Stinkpipe 44 in Grantchester Meadows by Tiger Stinkpipe 44 in Grantchester Meadows by Tiger
geograph for square TL4457
It's a heartening sight to see this old stench pole lovingly repainted to... (more)
TL4558 : Stinkpipe 24 in Emmanuel Road by Tiger Stinkpipe 24 in Emmanuel Road by Tiger
geograph for square TL4558
Opposite Orchard Street and against the eastern boundary fence of Christ's... (more)
TL4558 : Stinkpipe 36 in Short Street by Tiger Stinkpipe 36 in Short Street by Tiger
geograph for square TL4558
Near Willow Walk and at the north-east corner of Christ's Pieces by Wesley... (more)
TL4459 : Stinkpipe 11 in Thompson's Lane by Tiger Stinkpipe 11 in Thompson's Lane by Tiger
geograph for square TL4459
At the corner of Park Parade and on the edge of Jesus Green, at the very end of... (more)
TL4559 : Stinkpipe 64 in Kimberley Road by Tiger Stinkpipe 64 in Kimberley Road by Tiger
geograph for square TL4559
The stench vent pole in this residential street has retained most of its light... (more)
TL4559 : Stinkpipe 12 in Lower Park Street by Tiger Stinkpipe 12 in Lower Park Street by Tiger
geograph for square TL4559
This stench pole stands on the edge of Jesus Green. The original pale green... (more)
TL4659 : Stinkpipe 30 in Chapel Street by Tiger Stinkpipe 30 in Chapel Street by Tiger
geograph for square TL4659
In the centre of the old village of Chesterton, now a Cambridge suburb, the... (more)
TL4660 : Stinkpipe 28 in Union Lane by Tiger Stinkpipe 28 in Union Lane by Tiger
geograph for square TL4660
The sadly truncated remains of this stench pole stand forlorn in this suburban... (more)
TL4459 : Stinkpipe 14 in Chesterton Road (east of Alpha Road) by Tiger Stinkpipe 14 in Chesterton Road (east of Alpha Road) by Tiger
geograph for square TL4459
This is one of three cast-iron stench poles within a short distance along the... (more)
TL4459 : Stinkpipe 13 in Chesterton Road (opposite Carlyle Road) by Tiger Stinkpipe 13 in Chesterton Road (opposite Carlyle Road) by Tiger
geograph for square TL4459
One of three cast-iron stench poles within a short distance along the north bank... (more)
TL4559 : Stinkpipe 15 "Albert" in Chesterton Road (opposite Albert Street) by Tiger Stinkpipe 15 "Albert" in Chesterton Road (opposite Albert Street) by Tiger
geograph for square TL4559
One of three such cast-iron pipes within a short distance along the north bank... (more)
TL4459 : Stinkpipe 18 "Maggie" in Madingley Road by Tiger Stinkpipe 18 "Maggie" in Madingley Road by Tiger
geograph for square TL4459
This cast-iron stench pole stands opposite the junction with Lady Margaret Road,... (more)
TL4459 : Stinkpipe 32 "Arthur" in Victoria Road by Tiger Stinkpipe 32 "Arthur" in Victoria Road by Tiger
geograph for square TL4459
A typical cast-iron stench pole at the angle of Victoria Road and Arthur Street... (more)
TL4459 : Stinkpipe (uncatalogued) in Halifax Road by Tiger Stinkpipe (uncatalogued) in Halifax Road by Tiger
geograph for square TL4459
This cast-iron stench pole, like many in and around Cambridge, was made by the... (more)
TL4558 : Base of the Eden Street stench pole by Tiger Base of the Eden Street stench pole by Tiger
for square TL4558
Ham Baker, whose name appears on the cast iron base, were engineers who... (more)
TL4558 : Stinkpipe 26 in Eden Street by Tiger Stinkpipe 26 in Eden Street by Tiger
geograph for square TL4558
What is unusual about this stench pipe or sewer vent is not obvious unless you... (more)
TG2209 : Stench pipe at Gildencroft by Evelyn Simak Stench pipe at Gildencroft by Evelyn Simak
geograph for square TG2209
Stench or stink pipes are always made from cast iron and usually painted grey or... (more)
Tags: top:City, Town CentreX   type:GeographX   top:PathsX   Stenchpipe  
TG2308 : Waggon & Horses Lane - stench pipe by Evelyn Simak Waggon & Horses Lane - stench pipe by Evelyn Simak
geograph for square TG2308
The stench pipe is the tall pole beside the telephone pole seen beside the... (more)
SP0345 : The old and the not so new by Anthony Vosper The old and the not so new by Anthony Vosper
geograph for square SP0345
A rather large telegraph pole and a possible Victorian or Edwardian sewage... (more)
NZ5116 : Ash Tree, Stewarts Park by Mick Garratt Ash Tree, Stewarts Park by Mick Garratt
for square NZ5116
Not sure what the pipe is for. Presumably a stench pipe, a vent for an... (more)
Tags: AshX   ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   Stenchpipe   subject:TreeX   TreeX   top:Woodland, ForestX  
TL4457 : Stinkpipe 45 in Grantchester Street by Tiger Stinkpipe 45 in Grantchester Street by Tiger
geograph for square TL4457
This rather neglected stench pole stands at the far south end of the street near... (more)
Tags: type:GeographX   subject:PipeX   subject:PoleX   subject:SewerX   Sewer Vent PipeX   Stench PoleX   Stenchpipe   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX   Vent PipeX   top:Waste, Waste ManagementX  
TL4558 : Stinkpipe 34 at Jesus College by Tiger Stinkpipe 34 at Jesus College by Tiger
for square TL4558
Within the college grounds as demarcated by the railings, and well hidden among... (more)
J4982 : Sewage Vent Pipe, Bangor by Rossographer Sewage Vent Pipe, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J4982
A complete sewage vent pipe (stench pipe) located in trees at the coastal end of... (more)
J4982 : Sewage Vent Pipe, Bangor by Rossographer Sewage Vent Pipe, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J4982
A complete sewage vent pipe (stench pipe) located in trees at the coastal end of... (more)
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