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Showing latest 50 of 677 images tagged with Stone Bridge Parapet tag.

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NY3649 : Inscription stone, Union Bridge by Adrian Taylor Inscription stone, Union Bridge by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3649
This bridge over the River Caldew, named on Ordnance Survey maps as Dalston... (more)
NY1101 : Stone parapet, Santon Bridge by Adrian Taylor Stone parapet, Santon Bridge by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY1101
Detail of the stone parapet of Santon Bridge, crossing the River Irt. There is... (more)
NY1381 : North parapet of bridge taking Bridge Street (B7068) over West Coast Main Line by Roger Templeman North parapet of bridge taking Bridge Street (B7068) over West Coast Main Line by Roger Templeman
for square NY1381
The footbridge at Lockerbie Station can be seen over the parapet wall. There... (more)
NY4056 : Eden Bridge parapet by Adrian Taylor Eden Bridge parapet by Adrian Taylor
for square NY4056
Detail of the east parapet of Eden Bridge, Carlisle. There is an Ordnance... (more)
SD7686 : Lea Yeat by Adrian Taylor Lea Yeat by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD7686
The minor road from Dent to Newby Head crosses the River Dee at Lea Yeat.... (more)
NY3124 : Threlkeld Bridge by Adrian Taylor Threlkeld Bridge by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3124
The bridge carrying the A66 road over the River Greta seen from Threlkeld... (more)
NY4067 : Parapet of Whitesike Bridge on SW side of A6071 by Roger Templeman Parapet of Whitesike Bridge on SW side of A6071 by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY4067
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4067 : Benchmark on SW parapet of Whitesike Bridge on a stone in the parapet wall... (more)
NY3768 : South parapet of Longtown Bridge by Adrian Taylor South parapet of Longtown Bridge by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3768
Longtown Bridge carries the A7 Carlisle to Edinburgh road over the River Esk.... (more)
NY6758 : Harpertown Bridge parapet by Adrian Taylor Harpertown Bridge parapet by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY6758
Harpertown Bridge crossed the former railway to Lambley Colliery, which closed... (more)
SJ8299 : NE end of NW parapet of Wallness Bridge by Roger Templeman NE end of NW parapet of Wallness Bridge by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SJ8299
The bridge takes Frederick Road (B6186) over River Irwell. There is an Ordnance... (more)
SD9651 : Parapet and adjoining wall on north side of A6069 bridge over railway by Roger Templeman Parapet and adjoining wall on north side of A6069 bridge over railway by Roger Templeman
for square SD9651
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SD9651 : Benchmark on wall on east side of railway bridge parapet at Niffany Farm on the base stone in the wall... (more)
NY1230 : South parapet of Cocker Bridge taking Main Street over River Cocker by Roger Templeman South parapet of Cocker Bridge taking Main Street over River Cocker by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY1230
There is a stone NY1230 : Stone with date in south parapet of Cocker Bridge indicating that the bridge was rebuilt in 1828 at... (more)
NY4063 : Name and date stone set into NW parapet of Riggmoor Bridge by Roger Templeman Name and date stone set into NW parapet of Riggmoor Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square NY4063
There is a wider view of the parapet at NY4063 : NW parapet of Riggmoor Bridge. The stone has Milestone... (more)
NY4064 : Bridge name stone in the parapet of Alstonby Bridge by Roger Templeman Bridge name stone in the parapet of Alstonby Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square NY4064
The plaque has Milestone Society National ID: CU_KIRKM01br A view of the bridge... (more)
SE1937 : View over SE parapet of Old Apperley Bridge towards the new bridge by Roger Templeman View over SE parapet of Old Apperley Bridge towards the new bridge by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE1937
There is a boundary stone SE1937 : Inscribed boundary stone against SE parapet of Apperley (old) Bridge against the middle of the parapet
SD3097 : Bridge plaque, Yewdale Bridge by Adrian Taylor Bridge plaque, Yewdale Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square SD3097
The sandstone Lancashire County Council bridge plaque on the slate built south... (more)
NX9914 : Railway bridge parapet, Scalegill by Adrian Taylor Railway bridge parapet, Scalegill by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NX9914
The bridge near Scalegill carries the A595 road over the former Mirehouse... (more)
SE0539 : East parapet of bridge taking Hainworth Lane over dismantled railway by Roger Templeman East parapet of bridge taking Hainworth Lane over dismantled railway by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE0539
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SE0539 : Benchmark at base of east parapet on Hainworth Lane bridge on the base stone of the... (more)
NU2406 : Warkworth Old Bridge by Adrian Taylor Warkworth Old Bridge by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NU2406
The east cutwater of Warkworth Old Bridge provided a passing place for traffic... (more)
SD5798 : SW parapet of Sweet Bridge taking rural road over Whinhowe Gill by Roger Templeman SW parapet of Sweet Bridge taking rural road over Whinhowe Gill by Roger Templeman
for square SD5798
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SD5798 : Benchmark on SW parapet of Sweet Bridge on a square stone in the... (more)
NY3967 : View of fields over NW parapet of Briscomire Bridge beside A6071 by Roger Templeman View of fields over NW parapet of Briscomire Bridge beside A6071 by Roger Templeman
for square NY3967
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY3967 : Benchmark on top of NE parapet of Briscomire Bridge on top of the parapet on the... (more)
NY3750 : Railway bridge parapet on NW side of B5299 (Carlisle Road) by Luke Shaw Railway bridge parapet on NW side of B5299 (Carlisle Road) by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY3750
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY3750 : Benchmark on NW parapet of Carlisle Road railway bridge on the parapet wall right of... (more)
NX9921 : Bridge name/date stone for Barngill Bridge by Roger Templeman Bridge name/date stone for Barngill Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square NX9921
Cumberland County Council stone dated 1919. Bridge Marker by the UC road, in... (more)
SD6291 : Bridge on A684 over Cappelthwaite Beck by Roger Templeman Bridge on A684 over Cappelthwaite Beck by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD6291
Category: River bridge
View of the back of the bridge's north parapet and the A684 winding... (more)
SD8457 : NE parapet of Stablecross Bridge by Roger Templeman NE parapet of Stablecross Bridge by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD8457
The bridge takes the A65 over the railway between Long Preston and Hellifield... (more)
NY5862 : SE parapet of A69 Low Row Bridge over Carling Gill by Roger Templeman SE parapet of A69 Low Row Bridge over Carling Gill by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY5862
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY5862 : Benchmark on SE parapet of Low Row Bridge on a stone in the parapet... (more)
NY4250 : Woodside Bridge taking road over Woodside Beck by Roger Templeman Woodside Bridge taking road over Woodside Beck by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY4250
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4250 : Benchmark on top of NE parapet of Woodside Bridge on top of the left hand... (more)
SD9851 : North parapet of Carleton Road railway bridge by Roger Templeman North parapet of Carleton Road railway bridge by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD9851
There is an abandoned Ordnance Survey benchmark SD9851 : Inverted benchmark on Railway Bridge TJC3/88 Carleton Road on the second stone... (more)
NY7204 : North parapet of Coldbeck Bridge taking village road over Stone Gill by Roger Templeman North parapet of Coldbeck Bridge taking village road over Stone Gill by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY7204
There is a name plaque NY7204 : Dated Westmorland County Council name plaque on Coldbeck Bridge on the middle of the parapet
NY7914 : North parapet of Ford Bridge taking road over Augill Beck by Roger Templeman North parapet of Ford Bridge taking road over Augill Beck by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY7914
There is a bridge name plaque NY7914 : Name plaque on north parapet of Ford Bridge set into the parapet
SD8989 : Eller Beck passing under A684 bridge by Roger Templeman Eller Beck passing under A684 bridge by Roger Templeman
for square SD8989
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SD8989 : Inverted benchmark on back of Eller Beck bridge on a stone in the parapet wall... (more)
NY3965 : West parapet of Sandysike Bridge over Sandy Sike by Roger Templeman West parapet of Sandysike Bridge over Sandy Sike by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY3965
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY3965 : Benchmark on top of west parapet of Sandysike Bridge on top of the parapet about 2... (more)
SE0137 : Sladen Bridge taking Sun Lane over Sladen Brook by Roger Templeman Sladen Bridge taking Sun Lane over Sladen Brook by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE0137
There is a parish boundary stone SE0137 : Parish boundary stone set into the south parapet of Sladen Bridge set into the right hand bridge... (more)
NY6758 : Benchmark, Harpertown Bridge by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Harpertown Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square NY6758
Detail of the Ordnance Survey pivot banchmark on the north west parapet of... (more)
NY2332 : East parapet of bridge over Halls Beck at road junction by Roger Templeman East parapet of bridge over Halls Beck at road junction by Roger Templeman
for square NY2332
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY2332 : Benchmark on top of parapet of bridge over Halls Beck on top of the parapet over the... (more)
SD9046 : Bridge parapet and electricity substation on NW side of Victoria Road at Valley Road junction by Roger Templeman Bridge parapet and electricity substation on NW side of Victoria Road at Valley Road junction by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD9046
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SD9046 : Benchmark on NW parapet of Victoria Road bridge on the stone post at the... (more)
SD7367 : Bridge taking Lawsings Brow over Jack Beck by Luke Shaw Bridge taking Lawsings Brow over Jack Beck by Luke Shaw
geograph for square SD7367
There are stones at the near ends of both bridge parapets. There is a similar... (more)
SD7367 : East parapet of Wenning Bridge which carries Wenning Bank over River Wenning by Luke Shaw East parapet of Wenning Bridge which carries Wenning Bank over River Wenning by Luke Shaw
geograph for square SD7367
There is an Environment Agency benchmark SD7367 : Environment Agency Bench Mark on stone at south end of Wenning Bridge on top of the small stone... (more)
NY1230 : North parapet of Cocker Bridge and flood-damaged building, Main Street by Roger Templeman North parapet of Cocker Bridge and flood-damaged building, Main Street by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY1230
Ordnance Survey documents describe a benchmark levelled at 154.083 feet above... (more)
NY2649 : East face of east parapet of bridge taking road to Dockray Farm over railway by Roger Templeman East face of east parapet of bridge taking road to Dockray Farm over railway by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY2649
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY2649 : Benchmark on south face of south pier of east parapet of railway bridge south of Dockray on the middle stone of the... (more)
SD7342 : Brungerley Bridge taking B6478 over River Ribble by Roger Templeman Brungerley Bridge taking B6478 over River Ribble by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD7342
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SD7342 : Benchmark at SE end of NE parapet of Brungerley Bridge on the right hand bridge... (more)
NY5563 : Bridge name stone in west parapet of Lanercost Bridge by Roger Templeman Bridge name stone in west parapet of Lanercost Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square NY5563
The stone has Milestone Society National ID: CU_BRAMP05br
NY3948 : West parapet of Sprunston Bridge over Pow Beck by Roger Templeman West parapet of Sprunston Bridge over Pow Beck by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY3948
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY3948 : Benchmark on west parapet of Sprunston Bridge on the parapet wall below the... (more)
SD9089 : South parapet of Hungerhill Bridge taking A684 over Raygill Sike by Roger Templeman South parapet of Hungerhill Bridge taking A684 over Raygill Sike by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD9089
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark levelled at 244.132m above Newlyn Datum in... (more)
NZ1448 : Stone bridge parapet by Robert Graham Stone bridge parapet by Robert Graham
geograph for square NZ1448
Bridge carrying farm access track across the Lanchester Valley Railway Walk.
Tags: subject:BridgeX   Farm Access RoadX   type:GeographX   top:LowlandsX   top:PathsX   top:RailwaysX   Stone BridgeX   Stone Bridge ParapetsX  
SD9371 : NE parapet of bridge over Cowside Beck NW of centre of Arncliffe by Roger Templeman NE parapet of bridge over Cowside Beck NW of centre of Arncliffe by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SD9371
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SD9371 : Benchmark on NE parapet of bridge over Cowside Beck on a stone in the parapet... (more)
NY4154 : NE parapet of Harraby Bridge taking A6 over River Petteril by Luke Shaw NE parapet of Harraby Bridge taking A6 over River Petteril by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY4154
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4154 : Benchmark on NE parapet of Harraby Bridge on the stone at the base of... (more)
NY4064 : Stone indicating people responsible for rebuilding of Alstonby Bridge by Roger Templeman Stone indicating people responsible for rebuilding of Alstonby Bridge by Roger Templeman
for square NY4064
The stone incorporated into the bridge parapet has Milestone Society National... (more)
NY4063 : NW parapet of Riggmoor Bridge by Roger Templeman NW parapet of Riggmoor Bridge by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY4063
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY4063 : Benchmark on Riggmoor Bridge on a stone at the base of the... (more)
NY3650 : Parapet of Dalston Road railway bridge CBC3/126 overlooking Dalston oil terminal by Roger Templeman Parapet of Dalston Road railway bridge CBC3/126 overlooking Dalston oil terminal by Roger Templeman
for square NY3650
Ordnance Survey records indicate that a benchmark levelled at 44.111m above... (more)
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