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Showing latest 50 of 84 images tagged with Stone Quoins tag.

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NY1750 : Stone quoins in roadside wall by Adrian Taylor Stone quoins in roadside wall by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1750
These stone quoins in the roadside wall near Western Terrace formed part of the... (more)
NY3037 : Corner of outbuilding, Fell Side by Adrian Taylor Corner of outbuilding, Fell Side by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3037
Detail of the sandstone quoins on the corner of an outbuilding beside The... (more)
TF2523 : Fake Quoins by Bob Harvey Fake Quoins by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF2523
The original structure of the house has quoin stones, since painted, on the... (more)
NY6963 : Roadside Wall near East Lodge by Adrian Taylor Roadside Wall near East Lodge by Adrian Taylor
for square NY6963
This stone wall beside the A69 road also forms the boundary for the Newcastle to... (more)
NY2560 : Millers Row street sign by Adrian Taylor Millers Row street sign by Adrian Taylor
for square NY2560
There is an indistinct old Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on one of the large... (more)
SD2877 : Building detail, Ulverston Victoria High School by Adrian Taylor Building detail, Ulverston Victoria High School by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2877
Detail of the junction between the original Ulverston Grammar School (now... (more)
NY2623 : Corner of the Moot Hall by Adrian Taylor Corner of the Moot Hall by Adrian Taylor
for square NY2623
The large dressed foundation stone at the base of the wall corner incongruously... (more)
SD3097 : Coniston Methodist Church garden by Adrian Taylor Coniston Methodist Church garden by Adrian Taylor
for square SD3097
A well-tended garden at the front of Coniston Methodist Church. The church... (more)
NY2659 : Stones at the corner of Lowther House by Adrian Taylor Stones at the corner of Lowther House by Adrian Taylor
for square NY2659
A traditional way of ensuring road vehicles do not damage the corner of the... (more)
NY7308 : Corner of barn, Smardale Hall by Adrian Taylor Corner of barn, Smardale Hall by Adrian Taylor
for square NY7308
The barn is built from limestone with red sandstone quoins, the metal gate leads... (more)
NY3239 : Corner of Saint Kentigern’s Church tower by Adrian Taylor Corner of Saint Kentigern’s Church tower by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3239
The north west corner of St. Kentigern's Church tower has an Ordnance... (more)
NY5431 : View past house at Hydepark Farm of grass fields by Luke Shaw View past house at Hydepark Farm of grass fields by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY5431
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY5431 : Benchmark on house at Hydepark Farm on the 2nd quoin above ground... (more)
NZ1451 : Stony Heap Lane Bridge abutment by Adrian Taylor Stony Heap Lane Bridge abutment by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ1451
Detail of the base of the south east abutment of Stony Heap Lane Bridge, East... (more)
NY5130 : Corner of 9A King Street by Adrian Taylor Corner of 9A King Street by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY5130
9A King Street was formerly the Crown Hotel. There is an Ordnance Survey... (more)
NY7105 : Ordnance Survey Benchmark, Friar's Bottom Farm by Adrian Taylor Ordnance Survey Benchmark, Friar's Bottom Farm by Adrian Taylor
for square NY7105
Detail of the weathered Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the limestone quoin at... (more)
NY2547 : Nos. 16 and 14 Longthwaite Road by Roger Templeman Nos. 16 and 14 Longthwaite Road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY2547
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY2547 : Benchmark on #16 Longthwaite Road on the road face of the bottom... (more)
NY1230 : #2 Challoner Street at South Street junction by Roger Templeman #2 Challoner Street at South Street junction by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY1230
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY1230 : Benchmark on #2 Challoner Street on the 2nd quoin above the... (more)
NY4856 : Benchmark on quoin of Troutbeck Cottage on south side of road by Roger Templeman Benchmark on quoin of Troutbeck Cottage on south side of road by Roger Templeman
for square NY4856
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 36.298m above Newlyn Datum verified 1972
NY5130 : Sidney Bakewell, electrical retailer, #18 Queen Street by Roger Templeman Sidney Bakewell, electrical retailer, #18 Queen Street by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY5130
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY5130 : Benchmark on #18 Queen Street on the 3rd black quoin above... (more)
NY5931 : Benchmark on quoin of building at Staingills by Roger Templeman Benchmark on quoin of building at Staingills by Roger Templeman
for square NY5931
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 142.902m above Newlyn Datum in 1972
NY4053 : Benchmark on quoin of No. 319 Blackwell Road by Luke Shaw Benchmark on quoin of No. 319 Blackwell Road by Luke Shaw
for square NY4053
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark described on the Bench Mark Database at... (more)
SD3097 : Benchmark, Coniston Methodist Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Coniston Methodist Church by Adrian Taylor
for square SD3097
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the sandstone quoin on the east... (more)
NY2560 : Benchmark, Millers Row, Glasson by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Millers Row, Glasson by Adrian Taylor
for square NY2560
Detail of an old, weathered Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the sandstone quoin... (more)
NZ2858 : Corner of workshop, Springwell Colliery by Adrian Taylor Corner of workshop, Springwell Colliery by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ2858
The colliery workshop building now forms part of the Bowes Railway Museum... (more)
SE2423 : #230 Bradford Road, offices of Dencroft Garages by Roger Templeman #230 Bradford Road, offices of Dencroft Garages by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE2423
Ordnance Survey documents indicate that in 1962 a benchmark levelled at 47.832m... (more)
NY6226 : End cottage in row at Longmoor Row beside A66 by Luke Shaw End cottage in row at Longmoor Row beside A66 by Luke Shaw
for square NY6226
There is an OS benchmark NY6226 : Benchmark on Crossfell View, Longmoor Row on the 2nd quoin above ground on the corner... (more)
SK7730 : Quoins at 3 Church Lane, Stathern by Alan Murray-Rust Quoins at 3 Church Lane, Stathern by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7730
An unusual construction using large slabs set alternately vertically and flat.... (more)
NY5430 : Benchmark on Mounteden by Luke Shaw Benchmark on Mounteden by Luke Shaw
for square NY5430
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark described on the Bench Mark Database at... (more)
NY2545 : Red Dial farmhouse by Luke Shaw Red Dial farmhouse by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY2545
NY1542 : Nos. 49-59 (odds)  Lawson Street on NW side of A596 by Roger Templeman Nos. 49-59 (odds) Lawson Street on NW side of A596 by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY1542
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY1542 : Benchmark on #49 Lawson Street on the near corner, road... (more)
SS5533 : Barum benchmark by Neil Owen Barum benchmark by Neil Owen
for square SS5533
A block of polished granite marks the turnpike in Barnstaple; below on the... (more)
NY3658 : Townend on NW side of village road at NE end of Grinsdale by Roger Templeman Townend on NW side of village road at NE end of Grinsdale by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY3658
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY3658 : Benchmark on building at Townend on a stone on the left hand... (more)
SD6382 : Benchmark, St. Bartholomew's Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St. Bartholomew's Church by Adrian Taylor
for square SD6382
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south-east angle of the... (more)
SK8320 : Repositioned and inverted benchmark on St Mary's Church by Phil Richards Repositioned and inverted benchmark on St Mary's Church by Phil Richards
for square SK8320
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark (see LinkExternal link ) which... (more)
SD8537 : Benchmark on Spring Street face of #228 Manchester Road by Roger Templeman Benchmark on Spring Street face of #228 Manchester Road by Roger Templeman
for square SD8537
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 142.985m above Newlyn Datum in 1961
NY2624 : Benchmark on Brantfell, a house on NW side of Crosthwaite Road by Roger Templeman Benchmark on Brantfell, a house on NW side of Crosthwaite Road by Roger Templeman
for square NY2624
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 79.464m above Newlyn Datum verified 1969
SE0440 : Benchmark on side of #216 Fell Lane by Roger Templeman Benchmark on side of #216 Fell Lane by Roger Templeman
for square SE0440
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 155.055m above Newlyn Datum in 1962
NY2547 : Benchmark on #16 Longthwaite Road by Roger Templeman Benchmark on #16 Longthwaite Road by Roger Templeman
for square NY2547
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 40.200m above Newlyn Datum verified 1971
SE0641 : CoCo desert shop, 14 Hanover Street at Carr Street junction by Roger Templeman CoCo desert shop, 14 Hanover Street at Carr Street junction by Roger Templeman
geograph for square SE0641
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark SE0641 : Benchmark on NW corner of #10 Hanover Street on the near corner, right hand... (more)
NY1230 : Benchmark on #2 Challoner Street by Roger Templeman Benchmark on #2 Challoner Street by Roger Templeman
for square NY1230
Ordnance Survey inverted cut mark benchmark levelled at 46.390m above Newlyn... (more)
NY1230 : Benchmark on #1 Market Place by Roger Templeman Benchmark on #1 Market Place by Roger Templeman
for square NY1230
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 48.330m above Newlyn Datum verified 1969
NY1542 : Benchmark on #49 Lawson Street by Roger Templeman Benchmark on #49 Lawson Street by Roger Templeman
for square NY1542
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 63.026m above Newlyn Datum verified 1971
NY1441 : Benchmark on building (former surgery) on SE side of West Street by Roger Templeman Benchmark on building (former surgery) on SE side of West Street by Roger Templeman
for square NY1441
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 78.861m above Newlyn Datum verified 1970
NY3457 : House at Hosket Hill Farm on NW side of road by Roger Templeman House at Hosket Hill Farm on NW side of road by Roger Templeman
geograph for square NY3457
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY3457 : Benchmark on house at Hosket Hill Farm on the front of the house at... (more)
NY5560 : Benchmark on New Inn by Roger Templeman Benchmark on New Inn by Roger Templeman
for square NY5560
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 133.880m above Newlyn Datum in 1971
NY5159 : Bridge House viewed from Low Gelt Bridge by Luke Shaw Bridge House viewed from Low Gelt Bridge by Luke Shaw
geograph for square NY5159
There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark NY5159 : Benchmark on Bridge House on the right hand corner of... (more)
NY5159 : Benchmark on Bridge House by Luke Shaw Benchmark on Bridge House by Luke Shaw
for square NY5159
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 57.576m above Newlyn Datum verified 1972
NY5157 : Cut mark on NE corner of Elmfield by Roger Templeman Cut mark on NE corner of Elmfield by Roger Templeman
for square NY5157
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 98.185m verified 1972
NY7708 : Benchmark on Kirkby Stephen Methodist Church by Roger Templeman Benchmark on Kirkby Stephen Methodist Church by Roger Templeman
for square NY7708
Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on west corner of the church, facing High Street
NZ2561 : Benchmark on Shipcote Terrace face of #129 Durham Road by Roger Templeman Benchmark on Shipcote Terrace face of #129 Durham Road by Roger Templeman
for square NZ2561
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark levelled at 81.315m above Newlyn Datum verified 1962
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