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Showing latest 50 of 694 images tagged with Straw Bales tag.

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SU3096 : Baling straw near Littleworth by Vieve Forward Baling straw near Littleworth by Vieve Forward
geograph for square SU3096
The field has been harvested, and now the vehicle on the right is baling the... (more)
TF1406 : Bringing in the harvested straw bales, Etton by Paul Bryan Bringing in the harvested straw bales, Etton by Paul Bryan
geograph for square TF1406
These bales of straw were being transported by tractor and trailer along Main... (more)
SJ6671 : Loading straw bales, Bridge End Farm, Davenham by Richard Sutcliffe Loading straw bales, Bridge End Farm, Davenham by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square SJ6671
Loading up barley straw bales on the 60 acre field at Bridge End Farm. The bales... (more)
SK8731 : Unauthorised access blocked by bales by Christine Johnstone Unauthorised access blocked by bales by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SK8731
Straw bales blocking a gap in the hedge on the west side of the road running... (more)
SE4544 : Straw bales at Adaman Graves by Christine Johnstone Straw bales at Adaman Graves by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE4544
I cannot find out what this strange place name means. It is just east of the... (more)
TF2176 : Straw bales, Great Sturton by Oliver Dixon Straw bales, Great Sturton by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square TF2176
Unlike the usual round bales, many farms in Lincolnshire make up their straw... (more)
TF2078 : Straw bales, Sotby by Oliver Dixon Straw bales, Sotby by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square TF2078
Unlike the usual round bales, many farms in Lincolnshire make up their straw... (more)
SU6179 : A straw bale in a silage field by Philip Halling A straw bale in a silage field by Philip Halling
geograph for square SU6179
A rouge straw bale in a field of silage bales, it was probably in the... (more)
NU1824 : Baling straw at Doxford Hall by Graham Robson Baling straw at Doxford Hall by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1824
A tractor and baler is collecting straw into round bales in an arable field to... (more)
NU1926 : Arable field with baled straw by Graham Robson Arable field with baled straw by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1926
Following the harvest of grain from this field the straw has been collected and... (more)
SE3970 : Rooker Hill Farmhouse, from the north-west by Christine Johnstone Rooker Hill Farmhouse, from the north-west by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3970
Seen across Town End Fields' bales of straw.
SE3970 : Baled straw, off Boroughbridge Road by Christine Johnstone Baled straw, off Boroughbridge Road by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3970
Safely gathered in at the wet end of a hot, dry August.
NJ3258 : Straw bales by valenta Straw bales by valenta
geograph for square NJ3258
Baled straw, stretching in a continuous line in the corner of this field West of... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   type:GeographX   top:GrasslandX   top:LowlandsX   StrawX   Straw Bales  
SO9364 : Cart full of straw bales by Christine Johnstone Cart full of straw bales by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SO9364
In a field west of lock 17 on the Worcester and Birmingham Canal.
SP0171 : The one that got away by Christine Johnstone The one that got away by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SP0171
Waterlogged straw bale in the Worcester and Birmingham Canal, south of Bridge 59.
C8538 : Straw bales near Portrush (1) by Albert Bridge Straw bales near Portrush (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square C8538
Straw bales in a field beside the Roselick Road, close to the corner of the... (more)
NU2030 : Barley straw bales awaiting collection near Southfield by Graham Robson Barley straw bales awaiting collection near Southfield by Graham Robson
for square NU2030
A number of bales of barley straw have been stacked up awaiting removal from... (more)
SO7828 : Round straw bales by Philip Halling Round straw bales by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO7828
Round straw bales in a harvested field near Corse House Farm.
SO8542 : Straw bale by Philip Halling Straw bale by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8542
A straw bale decorated as aa Easter chicken. On the skyline is another couple... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   FieldX   type:GeographX   Straw BaleX  
SE6426 : Straw bales at Camblesforth by Trevor Littlewood Straw bales at Camblesforth by Trevor Littlewood
geograph for square SE6426
The bales are at a farm north of Camblesforth. Silage is usually wrapped in... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   type:GeographX   top:LowlandsX   Straw Bales  
TF1123 : Last year's bales by Bob Harvey Last year's bales by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF1123
Last year's bales still stacked on the hard standing
NU2323 : Straw bales with a view by Graham Robson Straw bales with a view by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU2323
The straw in a recently harvested arable field has baled using a round baler.... (more)
TL4498 : Building a straw stack near March - Photo 4 of 5 by Richard Humphrey Building a straw stack near March - Photo 4 of 5 by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL4498
Gone are the days of laboriously collecting small bales and manually loading... (more)
TL4498 : Building a straw stack near March - Photo 3 of 5 by Richard Humphrey Building a straw stack near March - Photo 3 of 5 by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL4498
Gone are the days of laboriously collecting small bales and manually loading... (more)
TL4498 : Building a straw stack near March - Photo 2 of 5 by Richard Humphrey Building a straw stack near March - Photo 2 of 5 by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL4498
Gone are the days of laboriously collecting small bales and manually loading... (more)
TL4498 : Building a straw stack near March - Photo 1 of 5 by Richard Humphrey Building a straw stack near March - Photo 1 of 5 by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL4498
Gone are the days of laboriously collecting small bales and manually loading... (more)
SO8133 : Straw bales and Pendock Church by Philip Halling Straw bales and Pendock Church by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8133
Category: Bales
Round straw bales in a field beside Pendock church.
SU3096 : Baling straw near Littleworth by Vieve Forward Baling straw near Littleworth by Vieve Forward
geograph for square SU3096
SO8938 : Straw bale in a wheat field by Philip Halling Straw bale in a wheat field by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8938
A large square straw bale in a large arable field which is currently being... (more)
SO9736 : Straw bales by Philip Halling Straw bales by Philip Halling
for square SO9736
Large round straw bales in a barn at Court Farm, Beckford.
SP0628 : Straw bales by Philip Halling Straw bales by Philip Halling
geograph for square SP0628
Round straw bales in a stack on the Cotswolds above Farmcote.
SP0628 : Straw bales in the mist by Philip Halling Straw bales in the mist by Philip Halling
geograph for square SP0628
Barely visible a stack of round straw bales near Farmcote on the Cotswolds.
TF2179 : Straw bales at Glebe Farm by Oliver Dixon Straw bales at Glebe Farm by Oliver Dixon
geograph for square TF2179
Unlike the usual round bales, many farms in Lincolnshire make up their straw... (more)
J2762 : Straw bales near Lisburn by Albert Bridge Straw bales near Lisburn by Albert Bridge
for square J2762
Baled straw in a field on the south western side of the Ballynahinch Road.
SO8641 : Large square straw bales by Philip Halling Large square straw bales by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8641
Two years ago when this field at Earl's Croome was last planted with wheat... (more)
NT9657 : Straw bales, Lamberton by Stephen Craven Straw bales, Lamberton by Stephen Craven
geograph for square NT9657
Category: Bales
2004 was a wet summer, and these bales of straw may well have been spoiled.
SK4145 : Straw bales in a field by Ian Calderwood Straw bales in a field by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK4145
SK2418 : Straw bales in a field by Ian Calderwood Straw bales in a field by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK2418
SO7828 : Round straw bales by Philip Halling Round straw bales by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO7828
Round straw bales in a harvested field near Corse House Farm.
SK0957 : Straw bales with faces at Broad Ecton Farm by Ian Calderwood Straw bales with faces at Broad Ecton Farm by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK0957
SO5649 : Oak tree and straw bales by Philip Halling Oak tree and straw bales by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO5649
An oak tree and straw bales in a stubble field at Upper Maund.
SO5649 : Straw bales at Upper Maund by Philip Halling Straw bales at Upper Maund by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO5649
Large round straw bales at Upper Maund.
SO8246 : Stack of straw bales by Philip Halling Stack of straw bales by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8246
Stack of straw bales in a field near Madresfield.
NZ1910 : Straw bales by Scots Dyke track by Andy Waddington Straw bales by Scots Dyke track by Andy Waddington
geograph for square NZ1910
Category: Straw bales
The public footpath is shown as having a somewhat illogical route, crossing... (more)
Tags: top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   type:GeographX   top:GrasslandX   top:LowlandsX   top:PathsX   category:Straw BalesX  
NU1825 : Arable field with straw bales by Graham Robson Arable field with straw bales by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1825
An arable field east of Preston Tower which has had the grain from a cereal crop... (more)
SO9144 : Straw bales by Philip Halling Straw bales by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO9144
Straw bales in a stubble field near Defford, Bredon Hill can be seen in the background.
SO8746 : Old straw bales on Rabbit Bank by Philip Halling Old straw bales on Rabbit Bank by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8746
These old straw bales appear to be the same ones that I photographed back in... (more)
Tags: subject:BaleX   top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX   FieldX   type:GeographX   Straw Bales  
SE3970 : Swiss rolls, off Boroughbridge Road by Christine Johnstone Swiss rolls, off Boroughbridge Road by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE3970
Straw gathered in at the wet end of a hot, dry August.
NU2101 : Straw bales in an arable field by Graham Robson Straw bales in an arable field by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU2101
A field of stubble following harvest with bales of straw from the field... (more)
SO8746 : Straw bales near Pirton Court by Philip Halling Straw bales near Pirton Court by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8746
Straw bales opposite Pirton Court.
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